View Full Version : Wearing Belts?

11-10-2006, 05:19 PM
Hi Ladies,
Input Needed! When wearing a belt in drab, I always have the buckle on the left & thread the belt thru so it ends to the left. When en femme should the belt be inverted so it threads thru to the right? Does it make a difference? Is there a proper way to belting en femme? Thanks Girls!


11-12-2006, 12:57 AM
I don't know, just added this to get attention drawn to it.

Leslie Foxx
11-12-2006, 01:03 AM
>When en femme should the belt be inverted so it threads thru to the right?
In most cases, yes.

>Does it make a difference?
Only to the fashion police;^)

11-12-2006, 02:15 AM
My wife says "same as men's belts" In from the left side.
I think it'd be different mostly if you're left handed.

trannie T
11-12-2006, 02:23 AM
Another thing to check out when admiring women.

11-12-2006, 02:44 AM
When en femme should the belt be inverted so it threads thru to the right?

This is how I always do it. Also, with robes the left side tucks inside the right side, just like sweaters and blouses have the buttons on the left side, always opposite from drab.

11-12-2006, 02:55 AM
I have found that some of the feminine clothes that I've bought recently button the opposite as I thought. I asked my wife about it she told me that it doesn't matter any more.. Unisex is in, I guess. I have favored the buttoning and zipping of womens clothes (opposite side as mens) because it was another indicator of it being feminine and "different" from mens, and now to learn we're all merging anyway...:sad:

11-12-2006, 04:04 AM
There's a correct way for women? I thought so!

When in femme mode, I have the buckle on the left and the belt threads through from the right with the loose end slotting through a loop on the left side of my jeans. Does that make sense?

Another thing to check out when admiring women.Yes, i'll be sure to do just that at the Mall next weekend (looking at how they fasten their belts that is!).

11-12-2006, 04:37 AM
As I understand the history of clothing fasteners, most clothing was tied at first or simply wrapped around and held with a single clasp of some sort.

When buttons were finally invented they were expensive and only wealthy people could afford them. Most "wealthy" women also had "dressing servants" to assist them. Being right handed is quite common and it's much easier to button and unbutton a piece of clothing if the buttons are right over left (ie female style) for another person. It seems that a collaboration existed between the dressing servant and the tailors of the time to make it easier for the servants to fasten the clothing. The ladies who wore the clothing didn't care as long as everything was fastened.
Somehow the tradition of ladies clothing fastening "from the other side" has continued until now.
Personally I used to thread my belt to the left and have it come around from my right side to buckle it. As I got fatter I found it difficult to wear a belt and opted for suspenders, (braces for our UK sisters). Now that I've lost the weight I can once again wear a belt. Now I thread it through from the right and have it come around from my left. If anybody says anythimg I can explain that having worn suspenders for so long I forgot how to wear a belt.
Been doing this for about six months now and haven't had a single comment about my belt. I don't think anybody notices. If any "guy" notices he isn't going to say anything for fear of having to explain why he was looking at my belt.
Now I don't KNOW if wearing my belt is "femmy" or not I just know it's being different and to me that's all that matters.

11-12-2006, 11:34 AM
You see the reason I bumped this was that question has been sitting in the back of my head too. So it got it answered.

But I always thread my belt through the right, and no one notices, but I don't always wear a belt.

11-12-2006, 07:16 PM
Just bought a denim mini skirt(which I am wearing even as I type this) that has a belt already threaded on it. It came threaded from the left like I do in the drab mode.
Guess that's correct !!

11-12-2006, 07:42 PM
Don't really know if there is any rule, but when I'm wearing male clothes with a male belt I thread the belt to the left. When I'm wearing girl pants as a guy or girl, or a skirt I alway wear a girl's belt which I thread to the right.

11-12-2006, 09:58 PM
I just recently bought belts along with femm belt buckles. The one I have has a C on it and if I was to wear it threading from the right, the C would be up side down.

11-13-2006, 12:06 AM
As I understand the history of clothing fasteners, most clothing was tied at first or simply wrapped around and held with a single clasp of some sort.

When buttons were finally invented they were expensive and only wealthy people could afford them. Most "wealthy" women also had "dressing servants" to assist them. Being right handed is quite common and it's much easier to button and unbutton a piece of clothing if the buttons are right over left (ie female style) for another person. It seems that a collaboration existed between the dressing servant and the tailors of the time to make it easier for the servants to fasten the clothing. The ladies who wore the clothing didn't care as long as everything was fastened.
Somehow the tradition of ladies clothing fastening "from the other side" has continued until now.
Personally I used to thread my belt to the left and have it come around from my right side to buckle it. As I got fatter I found it difficult to wear a belt and opted for suspenders, (braces for our UK sisters). Now that I've lost the weight I can once again wear a belt. Now I thread it through from the right and have it come around from my left. If anybody says anythimg I can explain that having worn suspenders for so long I forgot how to wear a belt.
Been doing this for about six months now and haven't had a single comment about my belt. I don't think anybody notices. If any "guy" notices he isn't going to say anything for fear of having to explain why he was looking at my belt.
Now I don't KNOW if wearing my belt is "femmy" or not I just know it's being different and to me that's all that matters.

Well I never knew that. Thanks for the history lesson Phyliss :D

11-13-2006, 01:27 AM
Wear it only where its comfortable for you! Style is what you make it !