View Full Version : countertenor singing voice while dressed

01-10-2005, 07:21 PM
Meow. Another random question -- Not sure whether there are any musicians here, but I'm wondering if anyone has successfully used a countertenor voice to sing as a female? It seems like it could work if modulated correctly. Failing that, has anyone had any sucess singing as a female, without it sounding like a guy's falsetto?

For those wondering what the meow I'm talking about, a Countertenor is a male voice trained to sing in the alto, or sometimes even soprano ranges, without castration. They use falsetto, but they strengthen it to wear it sounds much thicker, and is very unique. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countertenor has some more technical information.

Take care!

Edit: http://www.drewminter.com/ has two beautiful examples of a countertenor voice, but still noticably male.

01-10-2005, 09:55 PM
Interestingly enough, all singing has to deal with a combination of pitch and speach (You might want to get a copy of Dr. Shewan's "Singing and the Brain". The only place you can get it is from him, but he has a web site.)

First what you need to do is practice your falsetto and your Feminine voice. Practice them seperately, and then try to bring them together (this is where the Shewan book will come in handy...)

Ok, first of all, if you are a Bass naturally, you need to find a really good Mezzo soprano that you can mimic. If you are a tenor, find an alto. I have no idea exactlyl why this is true, but Basses have a much higher falsetto than tenors do. I know you might not like Opera, but for your purposes, this is the best thing for you to look into. Just go to a music store and ask if anyone knows about classically trained vocalists.

Once you have gotten close to the Opera Singer you have chosen, you'll be able to sing just about anything convincingly. Granted, you'll never be an alto at the met, but by practicing operatically you'll be able to controll your voice well enough for any popular song on the market.

I hope something there made sense...
