View Full Version : Dressing room embrassment??

Charolette time
11-18-2006, 10:32 AM
Hi ladies got a question:D have any one of you girls been in the dressing room and had a female walk in on you, This happened to me the other day at Wal -Mart, I was in the dressing room trying on a couple of blouses, skirts and ladies jeans, while standing there in my lacy panties and bra,and forms, all of a sudden the door opened and a startled middle aged ladie with her mouth wide open holding some clothes she had intended to try on , with out batting an eyelash :devil: I asked her if the panties and bra were a good color on me, she turned around and as she was leaving apploigized ,and did say yes they look very nice,the door lock must have been broken and I did not realize it, the Wal-Mart that I went to has moved all of there depts. around, and the ladie who knows me from cding who was usually there to help is now in an other area, so the ladies and mens dressing rooms are unattended,and next to each other, boy talk about getting excited, brought the clothes out and the ladie was standing near me, said I would look good in my new dresses and skirts, and too enjoy my self, it made my day, Love Charolette

11-18-2006, 12:53 PM
Can't say i've had that happen to me. Then again, I don't try on stuff until I'm home.

11-18-2006, 12:56 PM
Nope... I'm too nervous about trying clothes on in the store... Maybe later I will :D , but you can bet that I will check the lock on the door several times before I disrobe!!!

Rachel Morley
11-18-2006, 01:17 PM
What happened to you has never happened to me (yet). The nearest I've been to it was when I was standing there in just my bra and panties in a Goodwill changing room (which can be used by either sex) and a "regular guy" attempted to open the locked door. He was pushing quite hard like he thought it was a free cubicle and the door might be stuck....I was crapping myself because I thought the door was either about to burst open any second or he would look underneath the bottom of the door and see me in my underwear.

Kristen Marie
11-18-2006, 01:19 PM
This one could have been a real embarrassment.

I was in an A J Wright and while they have separate changing rooms, they are in the same back room area. You walk past the attendant's desk and the male changing room was immediately on the right and the ladies further down the hallway. I was trying a red satin blouse (real subtle) and dungaree skirts. I was dressed in drab and so walked into the men's changing room avoiding most eye contact. The lock did not work so I propped a chair against the door, no biggie.

The problem was the size of the opening and the door. It was a clear 1 1/2 to 2 inch gap of daylight, and the line of vision was right to the attendant's desk. I knew I was spotted going in. From the mirror's reflection, I could tell they were watching. I did not put on a show, but did check the outfits out from different angles. I changed back, and as I left I simply said thank you to them and responded to come back again.

Amy Hepker
11-18-2006, 01:25 PM
Nope didn't happen to me, but I did go into a dressing room in a Salvation Army with a dress. Tried it on then came out. There was a lady there not a SA standing there looking through clothing. She looked at me then my dress that I had and I know she put 2 and 2 together. She just decided to go tell her friend I guess, but she did know. She never did say anything though. Today at the Salvation Army they were giving me a ruff time about what I was buying saying it was for me laughing and gigaling alot. I was just enjoying it. I wanted to say that some of it was for me, I'm pretty sure they already know. It dosn't bother me at all.

Angela E.
11-18-2006, 01:33 PM
Well girls, heres my:2c: I`m too afraid to use the store dressing-room but I wish I wasn`t. It would certainly prevent the frustrating experience of buying something and then finding out it doesn`t fit well.Thankfully this doesn`t happen to me very often because I know my sizes pretty well,but occasionally.......:heehee: :love: -Angela E.:doll:

11-18-2006, 02:01 PM
So I was trying on a dress or 6 in a fitting room in my favorite thrift store where I am well known. Forgot to lock door. !0 year old opened door--excuse me. She didn't see much.
However---another time I was at same store and trying on a nice dress ,(wearing my wig and heels) came out to quickly show my it to my favorite clerk who was working nearby. As I turned to go back--a woman went into my fitting room with some shirts to try on. And locked the door. Of course my pants, keys and money were in there. I was trapped out in the store for an agonizing 5 minutes--meanwhile trying to avoid other customers and avoid any eye contact.
Third incident--zipper stuck. Came out of fitting room wearing wig, heels and dress. I finally asked a nearby customer to help me. She did.

11-18-2006, 02:15 PM
Thinking about my decades of cding, I have had several outings in the dressing room. I guess that I was always bold in my dressing as I shopped without concern. Once when the sales girl helped me pick out some evening gowns to try on, I noticed that all the other sales girls were peeking in my stall. My girl had put out the call that I was there. I guess they were not use to a "girl" in a half slip, girdle and long line bra. They all were polite and even suggested other dresses. It did not bother me as I am a transvestite or crossdresser so what would they expect! They really did not notice my mascara, lipstick and polished nails until I was paying for my dresses. Now this was back in the 1970's and things were not as open or accepted as now.

11-18-2006, 02:39 PM
I asked her if the panties and bra were a good color on me, she turned around and as she was leaving apploigized ,and did say yes they look very nice [...]

Yup, that's the spirit.

As I see it, theres no point in shopping without trying clothes on - unless it's a name I know really well, and that's usually tops. I have found a lot of dressing room chatter to be very entertaining.