View Full Version : For those with accepting S/O's

11-19-2006, 09:10 AM
I am asking this question for Bunny. For those of you with accepting wives and S/O's, What is their personality like? Bunny is curious because she has a assertive, dominant, strong willed personality. She and I wonder if this is common in others. She feels that her personality type is what attracts her to me and my softer side and therefore makes her more accepting of Charlene. If this is a common thing in our accepting GG's it might be something for our single gals to look out for when looking for a mate.

P.S. Tamara, Bunny says you dont need to answer as she already has you on her list.:devil:

11-19-2006, 12:06 PM
Hi Charlene
My wife is accepting also she is very strong willed and even assretive but she is not dominant or submissive she is as complex as I am

11-19-2006, 12:07 PM
CharleneCD: Good question. I think my wife can better answer this and I will have her do so when she gets home. My opinion is that she tends to be strong willed in most things including our relationship. Even though I dress and tend to more feminine I am still strong willed in the household things cleaning, cooking, etc... but she takes the lead when it comes to money management, bill paying, grocerys, etc... Our two personalities compliment each other and sometimes they do get in the way (arguments) over somethings. She is a wonderful woman and if I had it to over again I would still pick her over all others.

11-19-2006, 12:17 PM
My wife, who is very accepting, has a very loving, careing personality. She's not assertive, dominant, but can be strong willed. Sometimes I wish she was more dominant then she is. :luvu:

GG Vanya
11-19-2006, 12:39 PM
Ahem, need I even reply? :devil: :D

Yes I am guilty as charged. I'm told Trudi (by friends of hers) has always been attracted to strong willed women.

My husband and I are both Leos, which normally is a recipe for disaster in a relationship. My first husband was a Leo, my Dad is a Leo, an ex brother in law I dispise is a Leo, a former lover is a Leo. I swore *never* another Leo in my life!

When he told me he is a Leo it was almost a deal breaker then and there! :eek:

However, even though my husband is very dominant as "him", he's submissive as Trudi. BTW, I am submissive to "him" but dominant with "her". :confused: To others without a doubt but it works for, and results in a nice balance in our life.

I've said often I'd love for me and Trudi to see a counselor just so we could mess with their head! :tongueout "Let me get this straight Mr. and Mrs. and Ms. *******, Mr. *******you're a husband *and* a wife to your wife? You Mrs.******* are submissive with him but dominant to "her"? And you Mr./Ms. ******* are dominant with her as Mr. yet submissive to her as Ms.?

Well Counselor, it's a lot easier if you think of it this way: If my husband is wearing panties I'm dominant, if he's not I'm submissive! :D

( :rofl: I even had to retype that paragraph twice as even *I* wasn't getting it straight!)

11-19-2006, 12:39 PM
That is a good analogy of GG's who are secure in their own right, and see their SO as an added bonus to their life. We strong GG's know of unconditional love and have been taught in more ways than one, you literally must peel off the layers, before you find the true essence of an individual. It may take time..in my case waiting for 17 years..but it is WORTH the wait, patience and understanding. When my SO shared Marianna with me, I was definitely scared and felt abandoned. Then I tried to see it from her point of view. Marianna had been abandoned and was ready to pack her bags and leave me. But, this was still the person I loved This caring/loving person possessed the soul of someone I fell (still am) in love with. Nothing has changed. Nothing between us will change. He and I are more caring persons than we were 17 yrs ago, because we now hold a special trust with each other.

Thanks for sharing your viewpoint of your significant GG. Both of you take care, and especially this holiday season, hold each other extra close, because this starts a brand new world for the both of you.:hugs:

11-19-2006, 12:41 PM
My wife is strong and domineering. My fault i let her get away with it. I don't see a direct relation with my CDing. I guess we compliment each other.
Nice to hear from you Charlene, in Michigan. Hey it is 39 degrees here. How are you getting along? Still living in the nudist camp? How is it working out for you and Bunny?

11-19-2006, 01:27 PM
My wife is a very accepting person, she is a very caring ,giving type of person. She has her moments when she can get very hot under the collar when she feels she has been wronged. I love her very much and I thank God that I have her in my life and accepts my crossdressing. Thank you BlueBird

GG Vanya
11-19-2006, 01:35 PM
My wife is strong and domineering. My fault i let her get away with it. I don't see a direct relation with my CDing. I guess we compliment each other.
Nice to hear from you Charlene, in Michigan. Hey it is 39 degrees here. How are you getting along? Still living in the nudist camp? How is it working out for you and Bunny?

Jennifer, just as a clarification, there is a big difference in being dominant and being domineering. :happy:

A dominant leads and a domineering person pushes.

11-19-2006, 02:14 PM
My wife is definitely strong willed, assertive, and I'd have to say "domineering" also, which has been a problem in the past. (She's also a Leo :thumbsup:) Discovering this whole CD thing has been tough on her, but together we are muddling through. She has been 100% supportive in this once we got past the initial trauma, but I've found out support dosen't necssarily equal total "acceptance" . That bit we are still working on together. There have been some rough patches, but in the long term it keeps getting better as long as I don't forget to do my part and support her back.

11-19-2006, 03:13 PM
My wife, who is very accepting, has a very loving, caring personality. She's not assertive, dominant, but can be strong willed. Sometimes I wish she was more dominant then she is. :love:

Word for word what I wanted to say.:D

11-19-2006, 04:14 PM
Wow! My wife's personality...well, she's a nurturer, non-confrontational, a helper, an encourager. I don't care too much for the word "submissive" with regard to my wife, however, aftershe has spoken her piece, she will defer to my decision. She would much rather work quietly in the backgroiund, rather than being the senter of attention. She is also confident, and is self assured in that she knows what she does and who she is makes a difference in the lives she touches.

Does this help, Charlene?

11-19-2006, 04:29 PM
My GF is very supportive, and encourages me to dress. She is not afraid to be herself, and excepts everyone for who they are. She loves to dress up, and is a part-time model so understands the roles clothes have on people. She is however submissive, lucky becuase I am quiet the dom. She is open minded and belives people should try everything once (with the obvious exceptions), and what ever makes somebody happy is the best thing for them. She is caring and has a beuatiful personality which everyone who meets her, adores. :love:

Sasha Anne Meadows
11-19-2006, 04:35 PM
My wife and I are very alike. We even look alike when I am dressed. We are in an equal partnerhsip and share the same values.

11-19-2006, 08:23 PM
My wife is very helpful for my dressing, not just understanding. But, she is bipolar and relys on me for many things. And if you might wonder if I'll ever get tired of supporting her, we've been together, happily, for the last 22 yrs....BJ

11-19-2006, 09:04 PM
My wife is strong willed, controling and very protective over me. I wouldn't know what to do sometimes without her.

11-19-2006, 09:40 PM
Thank you all for your answers so far. I have to work tonight so I have to keep this short. I have posted this same question on another forum that I also use and the responses are about the same. So far it seems that most of the accepting S/O's tend to be a bit strong willed and self confident. My wife thinks that this part of her personality allows her not to be threatened by my feminine side. I tend to agree, even though it is a generalization. I will be curiious to see if this trend continues.

I will try to respond more individualy tommorow after work.