View Full Version : Help Please

11-20-2006, 10:48 PM
i realy need some help on how to tell my family about me being a crossdresser i don't know how to go about it see my parents are real old school and i need all the advise i can get:D :love:

11-20-2006, 11:08 PM
I am not sure to what extent your parents way of thinking, or how open they are towards people that are not considered "normal" (religious, race, orientation etc). There are some folk that consider themselves "old school" but are very accepting of CD's, gays, etc., etc.
I am not exactly sure how old you are either as that would probably play into your parents thoughts. Only you would know how their reactions would be if you were to divulge your secret to them. I am not an expert in this, and what I will be saying to you is only a few ideas. Only you can determine when the correct time will be to tell your parents. Just blurting out that you are a crossdresser out of the clear blue will shock them, then when the shock wears off anger will soon follow, and maybe worse.
If you really have to tell then break this news to one parent at a time or maybe a sibling, who ever you feel might be more understanding. Maybe wait until after the holidays are over with before confessing as holidays can be quite stressful enough for some folk.
There are a lot of people that carry secrets around with them for most of their lives out of fear of the ramifications that will follow. Once you divulge your secret there will be NO turning back. Think long and hard before you do come out. Think of the reactions from everyone, family, friends, girl friends, etc. I wish you the best in your decision.

11-20-2006, 11:32 PM
I agree with Julie..
Your age would have a lot to do with it, as well as several other things.
I would suggest that if and when you tell your parents, it be only one of them, and the one who is the most understanding about things. It might be an idea to start a conversation with them about something you heard or saw relating to crossdressers. That might give you an idea of how to proceed.
Or, you can just tell them. I don't know your family or how they may react. That is something only you can decide. Consider time and place, as both could prove important.

11-20-2006, 11:36 PM

I don't know enough about your situation to offer specific advice. based on what I have read, informing your parents will cause confusion, anger, and pain. Informaing the rest of your family may cause separation and division.

I would recommend you do a search for this topic and you'll find hundreds of great posts loaded with thoughtful knowledge from gurls who had been through a situation similar to yours.


11-21-2006, 12:03 AM
Hmmm, first off, welcome to the family. Now about your situation, your profile says you are 28, and you live in Georgia, as in red neck land. You didn't say if you are still living at home. But living in the red neck bible belt, I'd be very carful of who I let know that I was a CD'er. Just my :2c: , and that's all it's worth....BJ

11-21-2006, 12:32 AM
well i am 28 and live with my SO and she knows and tolerates me and is supportive of me to be me and she helps me she shaped my eyebrows and helps me with my make up:D

11-21-2006, 01:05 AM
Felica Ann,

Your certainly old enough to deal with this situation. But if I suspect right, you have a Mom who is very conservative and a traditional dad who has set the rules. Before you broach the subject, remember this, " You can't unring that bell." Just make sure you are ready to deal with the challenges they are apt to present.


11-21-2006, 09:01 AM
i realy need some help on how to tell my family about me being a crossdresser i don't know how to go about it see my parents are real old school and i need all the advise i can get:D :love:

Why do you need to tell them at all? Are you planning on going full time, dressing 24/7?

Do you live with your parents and have the need to dress more often and therefore want to bring it out in the open? If so, note that telling them still may not get you what you want, and in fact could get you kicked out of the house.

11-21-2006, 10:18 PM
yes i am wishing to dress 24/7 and i do not live with my parents but i am tired of trying to hide it from them