View Full Version : If wishes were horses ...

11-27-2006, 09:52 PM
... then beggars would ride.

That's how the saying goes. Most days I go about my business as usual, happy just to feel fem inside. But some days I wish I could wear a little nail polish, a soft skirt, low heals. I wish I could be who I really am; neither a "man" nor a "woman", just me. I'm not looking for HRT or FFS. I just want to be a heterosexual male and feminine.

But society doesn't allow me to do this. If I were to dress the least bit fem, in my profession, it would be noticed. I would be thought of as "different". But it would still be the same me, inside. Just the outside me would match the inside me. And I do not want to be seen as different, because I don't feel I am.

So with respect to the world, other than my SO, I'll be in the closet. And for now, I'll just need to be patient, and look forward to those times when I can allow the oustide me to be really me.

11-27-2006, 10:01 PM
There's always weekends, doll.

carla smith
11-27-2006, 10:14 PM
Hi Byllie,

The ever present fear of being the least bit feminine.

Reminds me of the beer commercial, where the guys are working on a lawn mower or something, one of the dudes bends down and lo and behold..he's wearing panties. A big can of beer falls from the sky and he's gone.."men have to act like men"!

The answer.....I don't know!

I enjoy being feminine at times and places that I can be feminine without the beer can crushing me! LOL

Watch out here comes a Bud Lite! Whew! missed me again!

Byllie remember to "Have fun out there"!:hugs:

11-27-2006, 10:27 PM
Know what you mean I suppose.

I have wished I could wear a skirt many times.

I thought about wearing a kilt too.

Just for the thrill of the idea.

Irish wore kilts and my mothers family was Scottish, so I dooo have the blood lines to justify it if I wanted to.

But you know, there is nothing like a soft skirt when you feel like it.

That is the best thing about undergarments, you can do that anytime...right?

Anyone notice that I didn't say PANTIES!!?!!!!!????


Kate Simmons
11-28-2006, 06:16 AM
Feelings are powerful. You have to sort them out though to get a grip on them. They can very well dominate you if you don't manage them, dressing up notwithstanding.:happy: Ericka/Rich