View Full Version : Another makeup question

01-13-2005, 09:34 AM
I like to think my makeup skills have come a long way, but I guess it's a never-ending process. One problem I haven't solved yet is hiding the pores of my skin. In fact, it seems like makeup accentuates rather than hides my pores, because my facial skin looks smooth to me when I'm drab.

My makeup process is:

Hot shower with Noxema face scrub.
Razor shave with shaving cream.
Warm rinse, followed by cold rinse.
Towel blot dry.

My skin looks smooth after I've applied concealer and foundation, and even after I've finished with powder and rouge. But later in the evening when I take a look in the mirror, whoa! Major porosity! Not good.

Help! What am I doing wrong?

Tristen Cox
01-13-2005, 11:41 AM
This is probably a silly question, but it'll get your thread back on top anyhow. You are using moisturizer right? *waits for slap*

01-13-2005, 12:21 PM
I would never slap you, muffin ... unless of course you wanted me too. Needed me to. Begged me to. ;)

Or if you intentionally put a run in my stockings ... unless of course I wanted you to. Needed you to. Begged you to.

Um, I tried moisturizer once but wasn't sure it helped. Of course, it was a men's product. What should I be using? And will this solve my problem do you think?

Tristen Cox
01-13-2005, 12:44 PM
Alright I'm still pretty new at the make up game(Kew, Tamara,.. Help!) but all I've been hearing is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Typically I would say use a feminine moisturizer. Mine came with a make up kit for use before applying make up. It has to dry into your skin of course before putting anything else on your face. This should soften your skin enough to last under the make up and not allow it to seep in and emphesize the pores. Just my opinion like I said I'm an ameture. Hope it works :)


btw would you still slap me, pweeease?

01-13-2005, 12:50 PM
My pores used to be very bad. Now I moisturize at least twice a day. Always use moisturizer before putting on your make up as well. I dont buy any of those super expensive creams, right now I am using lubriderm. Keri is good, as is Eucerin. I also use Jergens shave minimizing lotion which has actually reduced the thickness and slowed the growth of facial hair. I use a firming lotion around my eyes. Use oil of olay soap. Dove seems to irritate. My skin is much better now than it was five years ago.
Hugs, Christine

01-13-2005, 01:32 PM
Obviously I'm going to have to start a moisturizing regimen! I've never even heard of some of those products, but a-shopping I will go.

As for you, little Tristen — *slap* — that's for not asking me to slap you sooner. (And yes, that is a no-win situation.)

Annie O
01-13-2005, 04:21 PM
Hi Sherri
I have that same pore problem as you do along with other problems like uneven skin tone etc. I have been using skin care products for about 20 years and this is what I know...
I hope you are not washing your face in that hot shower ( a comfortable warm temp only, the cooler the better especially in the summer).
There are better things to shave with than just run of the mill shaving cream this your face we are talking about not just facial hair, ever try just shaving off your face wash! Remember no hot water on the face.
The hot water\cold water syndrome causes your skin to expand and contract which isn't a good idea even rubber bands wear out.
Throw away that noxema and do not scrub your face with anything not even a washcloth, use alpha hydroy's to remove dead skin cells( naturally occuring acid's usually from fruit sometimes from milk or sugar cane).
Use a soap free cleanser.
Use a moisturizer that also has sunscreen with an spf rating of at least 15. Especially if you are using products with Alpha Hydroxy or Glycolic acids (which you should be) as these can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.
Wash your face before you drag out the cotton ball and make-up remover.
Washing your face more than twice a day is overkill and could cause damage.
The following are all products I use or have used that work it just depends on what I can afford. All reduce pore size and even up skintone.
Right now I am using the seaweed line from The Body Shop due to lack of funds it doesn't help with pores or pigmentation but it does keep me clean and moist. I would prefer to use one of the next three in this order-

Recommended by my dermatologist, works better than anything I've ever used but it's pricey.

Zia Natural Skincare
Very good I love the papaya enzyme mask.

Estée Lauder
Very good but very pricey, the Fruition Extra Multi-Action Complex is great stuff but it is just to expensive for me.

I hope this helps!

01-13-2005, 05:36 PM
Thank you so much Christine. I'm checking up on the products you mentioned. You're very sweet to help.

And you Annie — wow. That seems like a pretty definitive treatise on skin care. Some of it contradicts what I've read elsewhere, but my gut tells me you know what you're talking about. No doubt I'm going to have to take a much more serious approach to caring for my ugly old face. I kinda like the looks of the Zia products.

To all of you who are helping me with this problem, I will certainly take your advice to heart.

But, I still have one question, I guess because I'm such a literal person. What I'm hearing is that the solution lies solely with skin care, and that no changes in my makeup methods will help with concealing porous skin. Is that correct?

01-13-2005, 07:15 PM
The best luck I have had is using a green clay mask. It truly does reduce the size of my pores. I have rather oily skin so concider this before using. P.S. it is rather inexpensive so you may try it without paying 100.00's for "beauty products."

01-13-2005, 09:27 PM
I like inexpensive! Thanks muffin.

Tamara Croft
01-14-2005, 04:59 AM
Couple of questions.

1. Do you use makeup everyday? If yes... tell me the reason why you use a facial scrub. Using a facial scrub on your face everyday will damage the skin.

2. Have you ever had skin analysis? If not send me a full facial picture of you with NO make up. Try to get as close up as you can and take some close up shots of your T-Zone ( forehead, nose and chin ). It won't be as good as looking under a lamp with a magnifying glass at your skin, but if you take zoomed in shots it would help.

Pores - It is a myth that pores open and close. You can buy products that will make them look smaller. I was going to write about skin types/pores, but I found these on the internet instead which has the information you need (and takes up less space :p)

http://www.acnedoctor.com/acne-treatment-skin-types.html - Skin types

http://www.clinique.co.uk/tips/tips_break_out.tmpl - Advice and products for minimising pores.

Ok... my regime which I have been using for about 3 1/2 years. You won't see any real results for about 4 weeks, but you have to stick to it religiously.

I use Garnier Synergie Moisturiser, gentle multi-cleansing milk and toning water for all skin types. I use 'The Spa' exfoliant made by Boots (Chemist) They also do a full range of products which I have tried and all are excellent.

This is a day and night routine.

1. Apply the cleanser with your fingers onto your face and neck and work in circles upwards from the neck to the forehead, avoiding the eye area as over time the cleanser soaks into the skin and the only way to remove it is surgery.

2. Remove the cleanser with wet cotton wool pads.

3. On damp cotton wool add a few drops of toning water and wipe over the face working upwards from the neck to the forehead. This removes any cleanser left on the skin.

4. Repeat steps 1 to 3.

5. Add your day/night cream with your fingers working from the neck to the forehead in soft circular movements.

Once a week I exfoliate my neck and face.

You do the steps 1 - 4 and then you add the exfoliant.

Make sure your face is slightly dampened with water. Work the exfoliant into the skin from your neck upwards with small circular movements making sure you avoid the eye area. Remove with dampened cotton wool.

On damp cotton wool add a few drops of toning water and wipe over the face working upwards from the neck to the forehead. This removes any exfoliant left on the skin.

Add your day/night cream with your fingers working from the neck to the forehead in soft circular movements.

If you are wondering why I use dampened cotton wool with the toner, it is because toner has alcohol in it which can dry out your face. Using dampened cotton wool dilutes it.

Hope this is of some use for you. In time you will find a product that suits you best. But the routine is the best benefit for a beautiful complexion.

Tamara x

01-14-2005, 02:24 PM
Tamara, first thank you SO much for taking the time to help me. I'm printing out your tips so I can refer to them later.

Second, no, I do not use makeup daily. I probably average four times a month. When I say I scrub my face, I meant with soap and a washcloth in the shower.

Third, unfortunately I do not own a digital camera yet and so cannot take a closeup picture of myself. When I do, though, expect me to take you up on your generous offer to help.

Fourth, last night I went to WalMart and purchased some Neutrogena pore cleanser and L'Oreal moisturizer. Now, I'm a pretty clean person — shower every day, often twice a day. But when I started cleaning my face with the Neutrogena stuff, I was amazed. Either I had some peanut brittle crumbs on my face or I was feeling grit coming out of my pores. I swear! And I had washed my face that morning. After rinsing that off, I applied the moisturizer. About 30 minutes later I looked closely in the mirror and — call it power of suggestion if you want to — my skin already looked smoother!

I'm beginning to see the possibities here!

I'm using a lot exclamation marks, but honestly, you girls are wonderful!

01-14-2005, 02:33 PM
Tamara, first thank you SO much for taking the time to help me. I'm printing out your tips so I can refer to them later.

Second, no, I do not use makeup daily. I probably average four times a month. When I say I scrub my face, I meant with soap and a washcloth in the shower.

Third, unfortunately I do not own a digital camera yet and so cannot take a closeup picture of myself. When I do, though, expect me to take you up on your generous offer to help.

Fourth, last night I went to WalMart and purchased some Neutrogena pore cleanser and L'Oreal moisturizer. Now, I'm a pretty clean person — shower every day, often twice a day. But when I started cleaning my face with the Neutrogena stuff, I was amazed. Either I had some peanut brittle crumbs on my face or I was feeling grit coming out of my pores. I swear! And I had washed my face that morning. After rinsing that off, I applied the moisturizer. About 30 minutes later I looked closely in the mirror and — call it power of suggestion if you want to — my skin already looked smoother!

I'm beginning to see the possibities here!

I'm using a lot exclamation marks, but honestly, you girls are wonderful!
Dressing in gown and nylon stockings

01-14-2005, 02:45 PM
Femalesex — that's nice, dear, but not exactly news in this forum. Try to stay on topic, sweetheart.

01-14-2005, 03:57 PM
One of my GG friends (the one who did the makeover on me today) is an esthetician, and she got me on the MD Formulations line of products, the website is at http://www.mdformulations.com/


01-14-2005, 04:38 PM
Thanks so much Dana. I have bookmarked the site.

BTW, to everyone who has been helping me in this thread — using one of the links Tamara gave me, I have identified what should have been obvious to me: I have an oily complexion. Don't know what happened, I didn't used to, but I have noticed the last year or so that even though I shower in the morning, by afternoon I can feel the oil on my face, especially my forehead and nose.

I just didn't realize what an impact this apparently has on makeup. I can't wait to see what effect a couple of weeks of cleansing and moisturizing will have on solving this problem. I think my next will be buying a treatment for these circles under my eyes.

Tamara Croft
01-17-2005, 11:29 PM
Hiya Sherri

You are most welcome for the tips. When I have a bit more time on my hands I'll get out my course work and copy up some basic make-up, nails, skin etc tips for everyone. It will take some time to do, but I will get round to it.

Tamara x

Celeste GG
01-18-2005, 12:14 AM
I haven't washed my face with soap for years.... MD formulations is the best I've used and although not cheap lasts a long time.

If on a budget, go with nature, witchazel 25ml, teaspoon cider vinegar ans 75ml. rosewater.

Clay is also very good in minimising pores.

Tamara Croft
01-18-2005, 12:18 AM
Celeste... I have never used soap on my face... as a child I refused point blank to wash with it... it stung my eyes :( But now I know what soap can do to your skin.... I'm so glad I never used it in the first place and my skin on my face still looks and feels young :p

Tamara x

01-18-2005, 12:26 AM
Tamarra, that would be wonderful, and you are wonderful for being able to help us like that. *smooch*

01-18-2005, 01:07 AM
Celeste... I have never used soap on my face... as a child I refused point blank to wash with it... it stung my eyes :( But now I know what soap can do to your skin.... I'm so glad I never used it in the first place and my skin on my face still looks and feels young :p

Tamara xTamara,

I agree. I never use soap either...dries out my skin. I do have a question for you. Occasionally I use a masque - Queen Helene Mud Pack or Mint Julip. Maybe once every couple of weeks. It makes my face feel really nice and invigarated afterward. What is your take on this product? Is it worth the money or should I just go the salon from time to time and get a real facial? Would appreciate your comments on this. Thanks.

Christine Renee

Tamara Croft
01-18-2005, 01:32 AM
I haven't used that masque so I couldn't comment. However if your face feels nice and invigarated after you have used it, then it is doing what it was made for. The masques they use in the salon are pretty much the same that you can buy from a shop. The only difference is you get charged a lot more at a salon, but the experience and the pampering is well worth it. So in a nutshell... keep using the product as you say it is working and maybe occasionally go to a salon to have a full facial just to be pampered.

Tamara x

01-18-2005, 01:57 AM
Thanks Tamara. I had a facial a couple of weeks ago at the salon and it was just wonderful! Not that using the masque isn't good, but you can't beat a salon facial. Every so often the wife and I like to treat ourselves to a day at the salon. A great way to relieve stress and pamper the inner woman inside of me.;)

Thanks again Tamara for the reply.:)

Christine Renee

Sweet Susan
01-18-2005, 02:33 AM
Tamara, that was some great info. Thanks for sharing.