View Full Version : Speaking of fingers...

01-13-2005, 07:01 PM
All this finger talk made me think of something. Once while I was at a little get together with some friends a couple GG's were talking. One of the msaid she had to go someplace and take some sort of test, but she mentiond that person at the front desk was a crossdresser. She said she looked really good buy you could tell. The other GG responded with "How could you tell? By the 'MAN_HANDS'".

I never really thought about it before then, but GG's certainly have smaller daintier fingers and hands compared to men. Is there anything that can really be done about this?

01-13-2005, 07:12 PM
Man Hands, was a great Seinfield show , I started with my grandmother , hot wax soak , its more for the joints, but because I did it with her for fun , now I am older I really dont have man hands , unless I work in my garden an get dirt under my nails, also use hand lotion often, Oure hands are exposed to more than any one Knows! Per my fav. Lab Tech. :eek:

01-13-2005, 07:17 PM
Yes if you are doing the boy jobs all your life you subject your hands to so many chemicals and solvent that it is a wonder you have fingers left.
I know as I was in quite a bit of different types of cleaners and solvents in my time as a Machinist and tyhat was only part of it, as a man you don't use gloves for gardening or doing yard work or working on the car, but now I don't go work in the yard without gloves or do any rough work of any kind without gloves. Thats my opinion on this. A girl has to protect her beauty, and how, but :) else with gloves. :rolleyes:

01-13-2005, 09:31 PM
..Tell me about it!!! In certain temperature and weather conditions, the scars on my hands show up as white slits, blobs and blotches. My hands look like a pinky-white pair of patchwork-leather gloves. As some of you may know from other threads, I have been trying to grow my nails....sh*t!! What frustration!! I read the advice, "don't use your nails as tools." duh. Well, I have been trying to get a suite ready for three young ladies. Cleaning a filthy stove, oven and bath. Drywalling, sanding, painting...it all dries your hands... a great cleaning tool, AC DELCO window cleaner and your right thumbnail. It may not be genetic so much as environmental, as males we are encouraged to grab, grasp and twist with reckless abandon. Break a nail, big deal. Cut your finger, suck it up. Loose a thumb...cooool! buy gloves, wear them, protect your hands. wenda.