View Full Version : all or nouthing

Wendy me
01-15-2005, 07:37 AM
as i look at things i have become intersed in my life i can clearly see that it's all or nouthing .........fishing.......loved it as a kid now i have every thing from ulierlight to tuna fresh or sailt water everything you name it............a boat
just to get out and fish now 4 boats from a little row boat to a sport fisher
guns and reloading (make my own bulletts) a 9 by 12 room stuffed full

it seams that what ever i do i just can't just do a little eather all or nouthing
my fem side is the same way just dress up every now and again ?????????
no way into it head over heels.........mabey that explanes the excive shopping that seams to just be non stop is it just me or dose anyone else get carryed away when thay do things???????????????????????

Tristen Cox
01-15-2005, 12:44 PM
Carried away? Hmmm I suppose I do with regards to two things. Tools and stockings. With both my problem is if I see it I have to have it. I'm sure many can relate who like to buy either one. When I see a new tool it's impossible to pass up, and the same way with stockings. I've lost count of all the stockings I have and long since lost track of all the tools. As far as stockings go there's some I never hardly wear, and what a nightmare trying to find one specific pair.
I expect this will only get worse but I love them( and I still have a passion for tools too) ;)


Wendy me
01-15-2005, 01:49 PM
so tristen you saying you got a tranny wrench????????????????/

01-15-2005, 02:24 PM
With me it is Guns as I am a collector of them.
Also loading equipment if I buy a gun I buy the reload kit for it, must have about 30 different reloading dies and all. I like to shoot Target that is also I have 4 different Bows from recurve to single cam compound, If I see it like buy it. LOL
It sure is fun aint it. :)

Wendy me
01-15-2005, 02:42 PM
With me it is Guns as I am a collector of them.
Also loading equipment if I buy a gun I buy the reload kit for it, must have about 30 different reloading dies and all. I like to shoot Target that is also I have 4 different Bows from recurve to single cam compound, If I see it like buy it. LOL
It sure is fun aint it. :)

girlfreind being from you got to loading on a dillon press got two of them
see just can't have one been rolling my own for years . 3 bows and looking at crossbows............... ;) the whole thing get a new gun ,dies molds casting,brass just can't stop ................shopping dissorder :cool:

Sweet Susan
01-15-2005, 02:49 PM
As Americans, we are consumed by our passions. We have a saying, "it's the American way." And it is the American way to have more than we need, to want more than we deserve, to take more than we are alloted. More so than any other nation, Americans take everything to the extreme. We are never satisfied, and we always want more, more, more. That is why we are the world's number one consumer of natural resources. Most Americans have their own car; not just one car per family, but one car per person, at the minimum. I once had four cars, and I'm really not into cars. I play the guitar, and I have five of them. As for our feminine side, it is perhaps the most addictive hobby, vice, whatever. I am never satisfied with my number of outfits, shoes, wigs, etc.

Good thread.

01-15-2005, 05:49 PM
so tristen you saying you got a tranny wrench????????????????/

Nope trist is a Mummy wrench


Tristen Cox
01-15-2005, 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by wendy me
so tristen you saying you got a tranny wrench????????????????/

Nope trist is a Mummy wrench


Decisions, decisions.... :D

(me thinks I like number two better)

Wendy me
01-16-2005, 06:48 AM
biddy sometimes i resist getting started in new things because i know what will happen out of controll nouthing is ever just try it