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12-14-2006, 09:23 PM
Hi all I am new just today, but yesterday I read a thread on making breasts from plastic worms. I can't find that thread now , but this is a great way to make lifelike breastforms. Depending on how skilled you are. I have made some and they are great.I have also made other toys that are just limited to your imagination & time.
If you would like to learn more just post a response and I will be happy to share!

12-14-2006, 11:12 PM
You will then have an unlimited supply when fishing en femme!!! Do your boobs jiggle around when you walk?
All kidding aside, it sounds gross, but there are those who wear bird seed forms, so if you happen to have a lot of worms (???) and it works for you, go for it....

Other toys with worms?


12-14-2006, 11:52 PM

I don't remember seeing the thread, but please use the hooks in the bra, and be careful of hooks in the worms!:D


12-15-2006, 12:14 AM
I believe this is the thread you're referring to:


Kate Simmons
12-15-2006, 04:22 AM
I know the worms aren't real but the thought of it just creeps me out. I understand if you have limited resources or can't afford breast forms but the pictue in my head of WORMS on my chest, real or not makes ME squirm. I'm a real "girl" that way. Proud to be a wuss in some ways, I guess.:happy: Ericka Kay

Joy Carter
12-15-2006, 04:49 AM
And the quest goes on for the perfect set of boobs.:rolleyes:

Kate Simmons
12-15-2006, 05:04 AM
And the quest goes on for the perfect set of boobs.:rolleyes:Yeah, now we know the REAL reason for guys being obsessed with boobs.Learn somthing new everyday, no?:happy: Ericka Kay

12-15-2006, 07:38 AM
Actually I've been toying with the idea of making my own breast forms, partly because I'm a cheap motherscratcher, but also because I like making stuff. I was thinking of a liquid latex outer shell and then filling it with either rubber cement or silicone. The problem is: where do I get the mold?

Mary L
12-15-2006, 08:53 AM
I carved a positive mold out of plaster of Paris, painted it with polyurethane and then used that to cast a negative mold, also out of plaster of Paris. If I did it again, I'd either make the negative mold thicker than I did or reinforce it with something (like a loose nylon mesh) embedded in the plaster. My mold cracked because it was too fragile, although it worked fine after being glued back together with epoxy.

A word of advice, however. If you want nice breast forms, buy them. You may have a good time making your own (I did), but the process is unlikely to save you any money. You'll probably have to do it 2 or more times, particularly if you don't like the hardness or color. You'll move on to different materials and procedures, each costing $20-25. Pretty soon, the total is over the price of a decent pair of forms. So, I finally bought my own forms and wished I'd spent the money much earlier because the product was so much better than anything I made for myself and I would have saved some money had I made the more expensive purchase at the outset.


12-15-2006, 11:41 PM
Hi, I have made breasts from plastic worms. It is cheap and really very simple.
What you will need...

1:About 4 or 5 lbs of white plastic worms(no glitter or such in them,,,these can be purchased pretty cheap @ your local basspro shop or @fishing supply house.)
2:A few brown worms & a few red worms.
3:A hotplate,,,as you want to melt the worms outside( to avoid fumes).
4:A stainless pot of about 2 qt. size. To melt the worms.
5:Some plaster of paris.
6:A 3lb. country crock butter tub(or similar plastic container).
7:Some round breast sized balloons.
8:Epoxy glue(optional)
10:A foot long peice of 2x4(to glue the ball to,,,if you decide to make the breasts hollow).(Optional)
11:A small stainless pot as small as you can find,,or have...( to make the areola nipple area).


1:Mix up enough plaster to fill the butter tub about half full,,,(trial and error?)mix the plaster loose enough to plunge the balloon into.
2:blow your balloon up to the size of breast you want,(if you can get a nipple on the balloon,,,fantastic!)this will be your form and actual size and shape of your breasts.
3:Push balloon into plaster w/nipple down(secure as needed to keep balloon stationary until plaster hardens enough to remove.When hardened you should have a mold of your finished breast( Take care to keep the nipple area and sides of balloon from sides and bottom of butter tub.
4:In small stainless pot mix 10 or 12 white worms and heat till melted (stirring and watching to make sure it does not burn) add some pieces of brown and red worms to reach desired color of nipple,,,pour into nipple area of mold to the desired size of areola,,,and let cool( reserve remainder for second breast).It can be reheated...
5:After cooled you can heat up main breast worms,,,heat up enough white worms to make one breast( if you are going to make them hollow ,you will not need as much,but make sure you have enough melted to at least pour one breast). Add some pieces of brown worms and red worms to reach desired color ....or your skin color( be careful and add a little at a time.
6:Pour melted mixture into mold( if making hollow ,allow for ball to be added to make them hollow,,,you will not need as much).If you are making them solid ,,,then pour up to brim of mold.
7:For hollow breasts ,,,glue softball,baseball, tennisball,,,etc. to foot long 2x4( you should have already done this ,,if you wanted to make hollow breasts)...position ball down into hot melted mold ,,and secure to make melted area even w/brim of mold.....Let cool well and there you have your breast...
8:Reapeat for second breast,,,(making sure you get as close to first breast color)!!!

These are surprisingly lifelike when worn under sheer bra,,,plus you get the feel and weight of real breasts.

I have enjoyed mine greatly, and this same principle can be applied to make other lifelike organs....LOL,if you get where I am going.

12-15-2006, 11:53 PM
I wouldn't bother since I got nice ones from ebay for $59.

Can you post a pic of your homemade forms here?

12-16-2006, 12:09 AM
i want to know where i can get info at?

12-16-2006, 12:11 AM
I wouldn't bother since your $ 59 breasts are soooo nice ,,I would be ashamed.

12-16-2006, 12:16 AM
"Only the mediocre are always at their best!"

12-16-2006, 12:16 AM
I said that because I don't have the time to bother making a set, and $59 is already cheap for a nice B cup set.

12-16-2006, 12:17 AM
Info on what sis???

12-16-2006, 12:21 AM
I understand jesse. I took no offense to what you said. Just trying to share some info ,,luv ya ,sis!