View Full Version : Talk about giving us bad press!

12-22-2006, 10:44 AM
I just found this headline in the Austrailian, (Newpaper) the headline in all the other papers in europe and U.S. that were carrying this story did not refer to his dressiing. It did not seem to be a factor in his psychootic behavior. Anyway, here it is;
Now I think this sort of sensationalist headline 'grabber' sort of thing promotes an atmwsphere that hurts us. I wrote a e-mail to the editorial section of the Austrailian in protest, I think you all should consider doing so as well... :Angry3:

12-22-2006, 11:54 AM
Yup, it sucks big time. I'm about to go downtown to inquire about an apartment - and I can't say I'm buzzed about that headline being in the head of the person who decides whether or not I get the place.

Deidra Cowen
12-22-2006, 12:09 PM
In the headline and in the story they lead with the crossdressing then follow with the murders. Gawd I hate this kinda press. The wierd guy that 'confessed' to the little beauty queen murders (Jo Monette Ramsey?) was a CD too and that made me feel ill. He lives in Atlanta now and I have been halfway scared he would showup at the Stage Door (our Tranny Bar here in Atl.) one night.

12-22-2006, 12:46 PM
Yup! I agree! We don't need that kind of reporting. Makes us all look bad.
I'm steamed up.:thumbsdn:

12-22-2006, 12:57 PM
Calm down folks the same kind of press would have been applied if he had been a boy scout leader ---- it's just given the press another angle for selling the papers ------ and at the end of the day it will be next weeks fish and chip wrapping

Sweet Jane
12-22-2006, 01:06 PM

can't say it surprises me, after all that was the only exposure I have had to other CDrs all of my life up to joining here....yeah I thought CDrs were all wackos, hence so must I be, but maybe some of us are just merely wierd, wierdly normal.

again crossdressing linked to sexual practices....I can understand that as many CDs do it for that reason, and that was something else that perplexed me too...it doesn't sexually excite me, it is just me.

A book I have read on exposing the identity of Jack the Ripper indicated that he melted away from at least one murder scene dressed as a woman, and obviously due to the nature of the crime, the early linking of it with the Ripper, I suppose I can see why the sensational, yet for me humiliating, headline...

Kate Simmons
12-22-2006, 01:11 PM
All the more reason to present a positive image I feel. This can happen to anyone or any group really. Hero one minute, bum the next. It's a matter of business and sensationalism, bottom line, it sells papers. If television (CNN) gets a handle on it and it looks popular, in the mud you go. The funny part about it, say 6 months down the road, A CD could save someone's life. Okay he's a hero, usually with no mention of what he was wearing though. People are gullible. Gullibility breeds contempt. Gotta make someone the "bad guy" right? Why not pick on some detail of the person's life that has absolutely no bearing on anything. This way the verdict is signed sealed and delivered before it even gets to court, not to mention providing a vehicle for someone's personal prejudice(or phobia). I personally know CD's who are Psychiartists, Doctors, Lawyers, EMT's, Engineers, Yadda Yadda. Litttle do people know who's services they are using. Would it make a difference? I doubt it, really, especially to a satisfied customer. I'd be more upset over the murders as I'm sure most people are. As far as Society's view of us, I think little has changed due to this row. We're still a bunch of oddballs. Time to change that image , wouldn't you say?:happy: Ericka Kay

12-22-2006, 01:25 PM
bad press is just bad press , how long before we read one of us gets killed because of who we are. it's bad enough one trans person gets killed every 15 days some were in this world!!. it is not fare to the rest of us...

12-22-2006, 01:39 PM
been reading this and all I see is peeps moaning about all the bad press cding is being given because of this guy ( with the exception of ERIKA/RICH
All the more reason to present a positive image I feel. This can happen to anyone or any group really. Hero one minute, bum the next. It's a matter of business and sensationalism, bottom line, it sells papers. If television (CNN) gets a handle on it and it looks popular, in the mud you go. The funny part about it, say 6 months down the road, A CD could save someone's life. Okay he's a hero, usually with no mention of what he was wearing though. People are gullible. Gullibility breeds contempt. Gotta make someone the "bad guy" right? Why not pick on some detail of the person's life that has absolutely no bearing on anything. This way the verdict is signed sealed and delivered before it even gets to court, not to mention providing a vehicle for someone's personal prejudice(or phobia). I personally know CD's who are Psychiartists, Doctors, Lawyers, EMT's, Engineers, Yadda Yadda. Litttle do people know who's services they are using. Would it make a difference? I doubt it, really, especially to a satisfied customer. I'd be more upset over the murders as I'm sure most people are. As far as Society's view of us, I think little has changed due to this row. We're still a bunch of oddballs. Time to change that image , wouldn't you say?:happy: Ericka Kay) but
WHAT DO CDR'S THEMSELVES ACTUALLY DO TO to promote CDING IN A POSITIVE LIGHT??? you are all quick to say poor us but what do you actually do to inform the general public that you are okay guys/girls if you are not willing to speak up for yourselves how is Joe public expected to know any different


Tree GG
12-22-2006, 01:44 PM
As Erika said, they're digging any "unusual" activities on this guy they can. You really shouldn't take it personal. Not all CDers are serial killers; not all woman are Lorena Bobbetts :heehee: ; not all white people are KKK; etc, etc etc.

12-22-2006, 02:00 PM
Calm down folks the same kind of press would have been applied if he had been a boy scout leader ---- it's just given the press another angle for selling the papers ------ and at the end of the day it will be next weeks fish and chip wrapping

Yes. I agree. This is how the press operates, always looking for an angle that will titillate the public. They even do it with the weather forecasts ("The weather looks clear and calm, but will it last," says a weather segment teaser). The Hollywood axiom that there is no bad publicity has relevance in this case, in the sense that the article may open up a discussion of cross-dressing that any one of us can respond to with some positive information. That's what I hope.

12-22-2006, 02:07 PM
The Daily Star newspaper ran a photo of a guy in a basque and stockings on their front page, with his face scrambled. Only nodoy mentions stockings and lingerie and nowhere does the picture say it's off him, so a little dubious picture usage...

It matters very little really - it reminds me of the comedian Russell Brand's piece about the sun running a story whereby Ian Huntley was practising voodoo in his prison cell

"Now what purpose does this article serve? I dunno about you, but I made my mind up about Ian Huntley..when he killed those two children. That was what swung it for me really: 'What? Ian Huntley's practising voodoo?? Oh you're JOKING?! I liked him!' "

It's a great point expertly made - 'the murderous psychopath bit I could handle, but a tranny as well? That's the last straw!'

12-22-2006, 02:07 PM
It is bad press..... but then again when did press print anything except what sells newspapers? If it bleeds it reads!:D

12-22-2006, 02:09 PM
been reading this and all I see is peeps moaning about all the bad press cding is being given because of this guy ( with the exception of ERIKA/RICH ) but

WHAT DO CDR'S THEMSELVES ACTUALLY DO TO to promote CDING IN A POSITIVE LIGHT??? you are all quick to say poor us but what do you actually do to inform the general public that you are okay guys/girls if you are not willing to speak up for yourselves how is Joe public expected to know any different


well Jess
that would mean a lot of cdr's would have to come out of the closet and or out them self's !!!. would you want to come out to Joe public ?. and ALL there family would know too !. why do you think we are all here ?. because it's a lot safer thats why..
oh and just for the record i would love to something to help our image to Joe public

Kate Simmons
12-22-2006, 02:11 PM
Just one more thing. Facts, figures, stats, pre-natal reasons, nature vs nuture, etc. will never convince people of anything. They are just cold hard clinical facts that mean nothing to most people. The way we relate to other people and each other and our actions is what convinces people, our interpersonal relationships and our caring. We are real people, we do have feelings and we do care. We have to convince ourselves of that first however because if we are not convinced, we've already lost the "battle". It starts with us, folks. Only then can we move forward.:happy: Ericka

12-22-2006, 02:13 PM
MJ for 1 I am not a CDR but the SO of 1 and yes I would and plan to in the future ---------- when I know a little more of this ( have only known for 5 months now) ----------approach clubs in our area to volanteer as a guest speaker as the CO of a crossdresser ----- and I plan on douing that soon so yes

Sweet Jane
12-22-2006, 02:22 PM
I'm unsure what I could do to project crossdressing in a positive light....Even I am embarrassed, threatened and humiliated by my crossdressing yet I understand it alot more than the average person out there....

jess, I feel you over simplify the solution....if I can't accept me, why should society? And FWIW, in reply to your statement, "you are all quick to say poor us ", I wasn't bemoaning the headline, saying woe is me...I said

I suppose I can see why the sensational, yet for me humiliating, headline...

12-22-2006, 02:28 PM
Calm down folks the same kind of press would have been applied if he had been a boy scout leader [...]

Funny, whenever I think of Boy Scout leaders, I summon up this vague image of a right-wing, homophobic pedophile. Probably came from the press.

The way we relate to other people and each other and our actions is what convinces people, our interpersonal relationships and our caring.

Truer words were never spoke. I have no doubt just one positive contact with someone who happens to be a Boy Scout leader would dispell that 'vague image.'

12-22-2006, 02:44 PM
okay instead of boy scout leader insert priest

12-22-2006, 05:17 PM
Took Bethany's advice, wrote a letter to their editor . . .

12-22-2006, 05:24 PM
but there are plenty of criminals that don't cross-dress as well. Too bad the majority of people who don't know much about us will make judgements about us.

12-22-2006, 06:01 PM
but there are plenty of criminals that don't cross-dress as well. Too bad the majority of people who don't know much about us will make judgements about us.

But what are you as CDR's doing to educate the public about getting to know you?

12-22-2006, 06:21 PM
Had a similar sensatiionalized case in W Penna a couple years ago. t\They always led with 'he wears cheerleader outfits.....'

Kate Simmons
12-22-2006, 06:44 PM
Had a similar sensatiionalized case in W Penna a couple years ago. t\They always led with 'he wears cheerleader outfits.....'Think I remember that one. I also remember saying to myself:"Yeah, and...........?" I was waiting for the "punchline" and there wasn't any.:happy:

Joy Carter
12-22-2006, 07:06 PM
There is good and bad among us all. I guess I really didn't need to say that but I have kept my work and personal life in order so not to embarrass my family and myself. So here comes the bad (?) part, I'm a cross dresser. I have beat myself up over this all my life. Now that I'm older, wiser and a member here I know what I needed to do. When I'm Joy, I dress conservatively and interact with people in a positive way. I think if we do this It will set a good example of transgendered persons, and pave the way for others in our community. I know simplistic but we are the ambassadors of our life style. :D

12-22-2006, 07:32 PM
:2c: I had a luncheon date today with a male friend. I presented in femmy khacki slacks, thighhighs under, long sleeved tee, bra under, earrings, manicured nails, white athletic shoes and socks, flesh colored lipstick, perfume (Chanel No. 5) and minimal jewelry. When he joined me and addressed me by my male name, I asked if he didn't recognize that I was Joycie. He took a closer look, then said 'hi Joycie'! He knows me in both personnas. Even the Christmas tree on my left ring fingernail was not a 'red flag'. Talk about blending in.....

Butterfly Bill
12-22-2006, 07:39 PM
been reading this and all I see is peeps moaning about all the bad press cding is being given because of this guy ( with the exception of ERIKA/RICH ) but
WHAT DO CDR'S THEMSELVES ACTUALLY DO TO to promote CDING IN A POSITIVE LIGHT??? you are all quick to say poor us but what do you actually do to inform the general public that you are okay guys/girls if you are not willing to speak up for yourselves how is Joe public expected to know any different


I go out in public dressed and try to treat everybody I come into contact with with kindness, respect, and gratitude. I do this again the next day.

Kate Simmons
12-22-2006, 07:53 PM
I also do what I can to present a positive image when I'm Ericka. I'm realistic for one thing. I've never claimed to be a woman. When people ask me why I do it, it's a conversation opener right there. I tell them I do it because it's something I like to do, something I choose to do and something that makes me feel good about myself. All in all usually quite congenial. I'm interested in them as well and ask questions. At least no one has ever screamed at me and called me "faggot" or anything like that, as they see I'm just a regular person. In the end, we usually go our separate ways with mutual respect, even though what I do may not be their personal "cup of tea". Some know me as Richard as well and see that I am quite adjusted both ways. The point is to be yourself and don't try to be something you are not because really I wouldn't be able to maintain any kind of pretense anyway and quite honestly, I don't think people would respect me if I did. If it's possible, this is how we can do our own small "bit" against the tidal wave of misunderstanding. Little things mean a lot sometimes.

Angela E.
12-22-2006, 07:53 PM
This subject always steams me.From Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho(Inspired by Ed Gein)to Dressed To Kill,to Silence of the Lambs,etc.etc.ad nauseum,this has been a really negative influence on perceptions of us in the public conciousness,and the uncomfortable fact is that there are individuals whose symptoms of psychosis include cross dressing.The media always treats this as the primary cause of murderous impulses,which is incorrect and grossly unfair to the overwhelming majority of all transgendered(yes, I know some will disagree with that term)people.There are dangerously psychotic individuals from all walks of life,I think that proportionately there are fewer of us in this category than most others.It`s just senationalism.(Sorry I went on so long):hugs: Angela.

12-22-2006, 09:02 PM
I just found this headline in the Austrailian, (Newpaper) the headline in all the other papers in europe and U.S. that were carrying this story did not refer to his dressiing. It did not seem to be a factor in his psychootic behavior. Anyway, here it is;
Now I think this sort of sensationalist headline 'grabber' sort of thing promotes an atmwsphere that hurts us. I wrote a e-mail to the editorial section of the Austrailian in protest, I think you all should consider doing so as well... :Angry3:
In my life I have been part of two groups that have almost always been portrayed in the media and movies as psycho -
1 - Being TG. With VERY few exceptions, all TG characters are portrayed as terrible people. It's that much more annoying because most TG's I know are the ones that will stop to help you change a flat tire, or give you a ride when your car has stalled. Most (Not all) of the TG's I have met in the last 10 years are truly good and decent people.
2 - The Army. I HATE movies that portray the people in the military as being cold blooded, heartless, killers that would willing start WW3 just for the kick. The reality is that they are people just like everyone else, with mothers and fathers, husbands/wives, and children and they would go to great lengths to avoid anything that would bring harm to them.

Kimberly (Sorry for the rant)

Kitty Sue
12-25-2006, 01:46 PM
As much as it sucks for us the pain those families of that monsters victims are going throught must be immense.

CDs are just like any other group in society. Sadly we have our sickos to counteract or the wonderful people within out ranks.

Jeffery Dahmer was gay.

BTK killer was a strong and good "Church going man).

Ted Bundy was straight.

Shelly Preston
12-25-2006, 01:58 PM
The british press pick on anything that will sell newspapers

>>>>>>THEY DONT CARE<<<<<<<

12-25-2006, 08:41 PM
Talk about a mountain out of a molehill. The Australian newspaper does this quite deliberatly to sell papers.... they do it with everything they report on.

It is an elite newspaper, one that is not read by the common person so the reports and opinions are quite bigotted.

12-26-2006, 09:34 AM
I agree with everything said. We need to bring out a positive image. There' s always a few rotten apples in any group.
