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View Full Version : was I surprised!!

01-02-2007, 09:22 AM
I was having a meal with a GG I have been seeing for 7months,we mixed up the wine glasses but she said no worries, mines got the lipstick on the rim.
I thought this was a good time to mention that attimes the wine glasses would still be mixed up...........and told her of my tastes in fashion.
She understood and was very excepting of my suitation.
What she said next floored me, she said in a flood of tears that her daughter that used to work with me about a year ago was originally her son!!
I had no idea whatsoever,I was stunned to say the least.
Me, a closet dresser telling her about my CDing, and her explaining how her son raided her clothes, how she went out with him dressed , transiting, going to Thailand with her son for the M to F operation, and being the only Mom there in the ward, and how she hid every photo in the house of her son who no longer exists and how her husband couldnt handle it and left,.......
I see her daughter at her Moms house, its a weird suitation, thers nothing I could say that would surprise her. her daughter is not aware of my knowing the sutation.
Any one else been in the same suitation I find myself in ?

01-02-2007, 09:31 AM
No, I can't say that I have, but that's an interesting story indeed. I don't know how I'd react if I found out that a woman I knew was originally a man. It would be cool of course. You wouldn't want to remind her of her past. From the things that I've learned here, to make the transition fully, is really hard. People that don't want to have anything to do with you any more, the always changing and sometimes hard to handle emotions, not to mention all of the psyical changes involved.
You got to hand it to them though. They now feel whole and right with the world.
Life is grand! Grasp it with both hands... It's one hell of a ride!

01-02-2007, 09:41 AM
That's a unique situation, but I hope it works ouit for you - please let us know!!! :)

Casey Morgan
01-02-2007, 09:47 AM
If I understand the situation correctly, the woman you're seeing told you something in confidence about her daughter. It sounds like she doesn't want her daughter to find out that you know, and it sounds like the daughter isn't going to say anything. It may be a different take on the theme but it's still the old theme of keep her confidence and know how great it is that she feels she can trust you with what sounds like one of her deepest secrets.

When you're around her daughter, you know something you "shouldn't know" so try not to know it, if you know what I mean. She's still the same person you knew, you just know a little more than she tells. In other words, play dumb and just accept her as she is because that's all that really matters.

Let the mother and the daughter figure out what to do; you worry about being supportive of both. Yes it's not a typical situation but at it's heart it is.

Shelly Preston
01-02-2007, 09:49 AM
It sounds like you have some interesting discussions ahead

Kate Simmons
01-02-2007, 09:52 AM
It has happened to me. A woman who I have known for a couple of years and I were having dinner one night (I was Ericka). She is a good friend and we talk about stuff all the time and she's always been okay with me. During the course of the dinner conversation, she casually mentioned the fact that she had previously been a man and had transitioned 25 years ago. Well, I'll tell you what. If the table hadn't been there, my jaw would have dropped to the floor. She walks, talks and looks like a woman and for all practical purposes is. She had just neglected to supply that "little detail" before. Why shoud she really?She became who she wanted to be and is full of life. I always thought she was a great person, now I think she is the greatest and have even more respect for her. Anyway, that's how it affected me.:happy: Ericka

Emily Ann Brown
01-02-2007, 10:20 AM
Closest I can come is when my daughter (after her mom outted me to her) and I had the long chat to in my mind repair any damage, and discovered that her boyfriend several years back (yes I met him several times) was a dresser too.

Emily Ann

01-02-2007, 11:02 AM
Wow , what a cool mum , mines obsessed with scrapbooking and though i ask her to burn all my old photos she will not :( i dont think she'd come to Thailand either :(

Just because you didn't know of the daughters past when you worked with her doesnt mean she is in deep stealth. The mother would not have done all that stuff for her daughter then betrayed her confidence. So dont feel you know something that your not suppose to know.

Sound like great people , look after them !

01-02-2007, 11:12 AM
That was a very interesting story. I have heard of similar stories so I know it happens more than we realize, but nothing like that has happened to me.:hugs:

01-02-2007, 11:27 AM
I had no idea whatsoever,I was stunned to say the least.
Any one else been in the same suitation I find myself in ?

I wish. I've always had really accurate radar and, for as long as I can remember, I've spotted TS in airports, restaurants, downtown streets. Just once, I'd like to be surprised; I guess I think a little indeterminism might help to humble me, or something.

01-02-2007, 11:30 AM
I wish. I've always had really accurate radar and, for as long as I can remember, I've spotted TS in airports, restaurants, downtown streets. Just once, I'd like to be surprised; I guess I think a little indeterminism might help to humble me, or something.

Theres an old Aussie saying ,

For every snake you see theres ten you don't.

Noel Chimes
01-02-2007, 01:10 PM
Let mother and daughter hash out the details. Only think of her as the daughter you have always known. Also may be a good opportunity to let her in your closet. The door swings both ways.

01-02-2007, 04:07 PM
I get on very well with the mum,and her daughter,to come out to the daughter might tip the relationship over if I had CD fun with the daughter at the expense of the mother who I adore. Mums a size 10, blonde with a great femimine wardrobe and very pleasent nature. CDing with her is off the record at the moment,though she gave me a pair of her red nylon panties to wear and has seen me in them,and helped them off too!