View Full Version : Frustration

01-09-2007, 08:55 AM
Well, it seemed to be a good day. I had an appointment at a salon where I have been before. I had my new red sheath dress and my new wig. However, as I got dressed, I noticed that the dress zipper was a little sticky. I called Maggie, the owner, to give me a hand. Another woman also came. It was not only a sticky zipper; it was a little too snug. Even with the 3 of us working on it, we couldn't get the zipper to close. So, since that was the only outfit I had brought -- I just wore it last week and it fit beautifully -- I had to change back into my drab clothes and shuffle off. I can't believe that I had gained that much weight to make the dress too tight, but that must be it. So back to my unofficial diet....


01-09-2007, 09:03 AM
That's sooo sad........... A couple of years ago I had this nice fitting sun-dress that I just loved. Within 1 month I was trying it on again.... a bit tight... the zipper broke! I miss that one........:(

01-09-2007, 09:34 AM
Oh Teri, that is such a shame! I'm sorry for your tough luck there, sweetie. :hugs: I guess our moral from this story should to always bring a back-up. Well, better luck next time.:o xoxo Tammi

01-09-2007, 09:43 AM
Sorrry to hear your day was spoiled. On the bright side, there will be other days.



01-09-2007, 09:58 AM
I guess the holiday diet thing must have gotten to you. Too bad.

Karren H
01-09-2007, 10:56 AM
Yeah!! The holidays are killers!! My wife went overboard with the baking this year plus 4 holiday dinners.... Really impacting my girlish figure!! Don't tell Emily Ann but I gained 8 pounds but have shed over half and I have a hockey game tonight so should knock off a few more!!

Better get out there and exersize!! Diet alone won't do it!!


01-09-2007, 11:06 AM
Well, all is not a loss. I see all kinds of silver linings here: the no-joy zipper is like a wake up alarm for paying attention to your weight/diet/physical condition; or, the no-joy zipper just points out the need to go shopping for something new!

These's a million ways to be, you know that there are . . . (Cat Stevens)


Fallen Angel
01-09-2007, 11:12 AM
Im sorry as well that your day went pooooooof ! Guess that term" Eat, Drink, and be merry" over the holidays is a bit over rated

01-09-2007, 01:40 PM
With the choice of diet and exercise or shopping. Tough choice, one is healthy and the other is more fun. The solution, do both. Loose weight and then you have an excuse to buy new smaller clothes....BJ

01-09-2007, 02:50 PM
I can't believe that I had gained that much weight to make the dress too tight, but that must be it. So back to my unofficial diet....


Chrimbo strikes again!

My problem is I have not lost the wieght from the last 44 as well :happy:

Another year, another diet!

Lovely Rita
01-09-2007, 02:58 PM
Don't let it upset you. You will do it next time. Have a great day anyway. You will fit back in. The holidays do a number on all of us.

01-09-2007, 03:56 PM
Zippers are such a pain in the butt. Just remember that most of them have Y2K stamped on them.

01-09-2007, 04:14 PM
I put on a few pounds too. Holidays are a killer. I know what you feel Terri.
