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Joy Carter
01-14-2007, 02:34 PM
I'm 57 now and thought it does not affect me so much, but I was so shy around women for years. I really don't know why but I ruined many a date because of it. Maybe because of my gender issues. Maybe because my mother always told me what she would do if I was bad to a girl. She never told how to be with one. Once I went to a topless bar with some coworkers and they noticed I didn't really get into it. The next day at work some of my coworkers told others that I must be gay (I'm not) because I didn't act a fool like they did. I really don't know. I'm glad my wife was the one who asked me out because I didn't see any others who wanted me. Anyone else feel like this ?

01-14-2007, 03:01 PM
Well Joy, I was always shy around women, actually I still am. I remember some years a go I was working in a Lumber Yard, very macho place, it was my birthday and after work, the boys led me into the lunch room and I was sat down and a stripper came out and danced for me.....I was never so embarrassed in my life, I went red and was speechless. It was quite a while before I could just one of the boys again. I was told that I must be gay, but I was really just so painfully shy.

Kate Simmons
01-14-2007, 03:18 PM
Well, Joy to me getting in touch with my femm self is both a blessing and a curse. It's a "blessing" in the respect that I used to be shy and bashful around everyone(especially women). It's a "curse" in the respect that as Ericka, I continually talk and am bubbly around everyone(especially women) to the point where you can't shut me up sometimes. Goes with the "turf" I guess.:happy:

Joy Carter
01-14-2007, 03:23 PM
Well, Joy to me getting in touch with my femm self is both a blessing and a curse. It's a "blessing" in the respect that I used to be shy and bashful around everyone(especially women). It's a "curse" in the respect that as Ericka, I continually talk and am bubbly around everyone(especially women) to the point where you can't shut me up sometimes. Goes with the "turf" I guess.:happy:

We would get along famously Erica ! LOL

Karren H
01-14-2007, 03:25 PM
Nope... Never shy around women.... Had a ton of girlfriends in school... and even some girl buddys (non sexual relations)... And even today I still always chat with women at work or in the stores!!! I'm always commenting on their clothes or shoes or appearence.... Basically I guess I juist have a big mouth!! Hehehe

Love Karren

Lady Jayne
01-14-2007, 03:36 PM
I am fine around women as long as it's platonic, in fact I prefere their company to mens but.... as soon as there is any chemistry I go to pieces LOL. Infact if a girl wants to be more than friends she has to practicly rape me before I notice, as for chatting a girl up I wouldn't know where to start.:sad:

Amanda Jane
01-14-2007, 03:45 PM
allways got along with women much better then men / i can id with the strip bar deal / when its happened to me i keep thinking 'can't we be doing something fun where the beer is less that $5 a glass'

Teresa Amina
01-14-2007, 05:00 PM
We would get along famously Erica ! LOL

Jabbery Joy and Effusive Ericka :hugs: Yeah, the shy thing. I revealed in the course of casual conversation with a certain gg acquaintance that as a kid I was incredibly shy, didn't date until my twenties, etc. She couldn't believe it, said I'm one of the least shy people she's met. Guess I've changed, one hopes for the better :D

01-14-2007, 05:03 PM
ahhhh......no. definately not!

Considerate: always.
Empathetic: I hope so.
Shy.....not a chance :)

susie evans
01-14-2007, 07:22 PM
nope not a chance i could talk to any one dressed or drab it don't matter never met a stranger :heehee: :heehee:

01-14-2007, 07:52 PM
I can talk to anyone dressed or drab, it's just I can't tell if a women is interested in me so I fail miserably with getting dates.

Miss Terr
01-14-2007, 07:53 PM
I wasnt exactly shy, but i didnt know how to relate to them as a guy to a girl.
I was always waiting for the woman to ask me out first and we know thats as rare as a blue moon.
I finally "learned" at age 26 by watching other guys, but it felt fake and really wasnt me.

Amanda Jane
01-14-2007, 08:24 PM
i find that it works out much better if you are not trying to do that guy-girl thing / talk about clothes, movies and such / they don't mind having a guy around who can be one of the girls / they get tired of that pick-up stuff / much better to let them think it was their idea

01-14-2007, 08:38 PM
much better to let them think it was their idea
That's a great idea except I go the same colour as a tomato when I take it from friendly convoe into the dreaded taking or giving numbers.
:mad: << thats the colour I go

01-14-2007, 08:57 PM
On EVERY account! It was my grandmother that threatened my brother and I if we ever "hurt" a girl.
Shy doesn't quite say it all. I was still I virgin at the age of 22 when I met my wife. If she weren't so outgoing, I'd probably STILL be a virgin! lol


I'm 57 now and thought it does not affect me so much, but I was so shy around women for years. I really don't know why but I ruined many a date because of it. Maybe because of my gender issues. Maybe because my mother always told me what she would do if I was bad to a girl. She never told how to be with one. Once I went to a topless bar with some coworkers and they noticed I didn't really get into it. The next day at work some of my coworkers told others that I must be gay (I'm not) because I didn't act a fool like they did. I really don't know. I'm glad my wife was the one who asked me out because I didn't see any others who wanted me. Anyone else feel like this ?

01-14-2007, 10:16 PM
Yes, been one too. I was so shy and terrified to even touch a woman. There was one woman that I was really interested in dating, and when I saw her at a square dance and went over to talk to her, I could not sit in the chair next to her. I had to leave one chair between us. I had several female friends, but was too shy to ask them out. That was until I went to a psychologist and finally got the nerve up to ask one dear friend to go to bed with me. I was so terrified I was crying as I asked her. She turned me down but was very positive and nice about it.

Virgin until a one night stand with a woman I met after a wedding of some friends 2 weeks before my 28th birthday.

But after asking out over 60 women and going out on a date with around 30, a woman that asked me out, but decided I was not her type, introduced me to my wife. At my bachelor party before the wedding, it was a very tame party and I was terribly embarrased when one lady was dancing around me and touching me.


01-14-2007, 10:39 PM
I was obsessed with sex, drowning in sexual thoughts.
I couldn't talk to a girl unless it was about our studies, or if she initiated the discussion.

Once the conversation turned away from substance to small talk, or the "appropriate time" to be forward or flirt, my tongue went stone, and my mind went to mush.

I has gotten better with age.

01-14-2007, 11:28 PM
Joy, I feel sorry for you because one of the greatest joys of my life has been flirting with women, and I don't mean just sexual flirting. I have had a lot of fun just being happy with all types, shapes, colors and every description of women. Most of them are a lot of fun if you are nice to them and try to make them a little happy. Once in a while you run into a grump, but I have found that 99 of 100 respond in a positive way to happy and friendly people. However, most of the time the male has to start the process.


01-15-2007, 12:46 AM
Socially I am very shy.

Professionally I have no problem but then I do have a goal. I have known a lot of women but only one that I worked with became a friend and still is today (She was a model I worked with a lot.) I say friend as opposed to acquaintance. Even at that she still doesnt know about Kimberley although I suspect she would be okay with it. Regardless, it isnt a chance I am willing to take.

Flirting? I have but only when the girl initiated things. Still, I am always afraid of things getting out of hand so I err? on the side of caution.


01-15-2007, 05:22 AM
I am fine around women as long as it's platonic, in fact I prefere their company to mens but.... as soon as there is any chemistry I go to pieces LOL. Infact if a girl wants to be more than friends she has to practicly rape me before I notice, as for chatting a girl up I wouldn't know where to start.:sad:


Darn! That sounds just like me! :D

01-15-2007, 05:37 AM
I was always shy around women, actually I still am. I was really just so painfully shy.

Same here. I love women but I am just inexperienced with them and unsure of what to do in their presence. A girl in high school once gave me a rose - biggest sign in the world she liked me. Of course I understood the big signal but I just smiled, said thankyou, and never pursued the matter again. I just didn't know what to do.
