View Full Version : Following on from the What Age Thread

01-21-2007, 08:28 AM
You've choosen your age... but when would you be that age? Now?, the 50s?.... when?

Personally I'd go for either now or the mid 1980s... ok maybe not the height of fashion but people seemed to enjoy wearing what they wore... and ohhh those tight, tight jeans :happy: :happy:



01-21-2007, 08:40 AM
Middle to late 60's Mini skirts Outrageous Kahlan

Deidra Cowen
01-21-2007, 09:03 AM
While the 80s was the perfect era for fashion, lets face it...big hair, lots of makeup and kewl fashions...all that really suits us well! I would not want to go back to the general level of intolerance back then.

So I guess right now is a great time to be a Tgirl even though female fashions right now are not the greatest.

01-21-2007, 09:08 AM
I would probably choose to start today. I like the fashions that are available and long hair is back "in". Also, although it is not totally accepted yet, the attitude towards CDing is better now than it has ever been.

01-21-2007, 09:11 AM
now is best, anything else just limits your options. you dont have to be a slave to fashion trends.

01-21-2007, 09:15 AM
I enjoyed the years before which got me to where I am today. I can read about those early years in the posts of others, which bring back old memories. That's what I love about this place.


01-21-2007, 09:42 AM
I would choose now also, I love the current fashions, and the technical leaps that are happening are phenomenal. :happy:

01-21-2007, 10:01 AM
For my girlhood, i would want to live in the 1950's--and wear those pretty dresses that little girls wore then (NOT pants!)
For my perpetual age of 18 to 20, i would chose the present time: Lots of choices and a wide range of fashion possibilities.

Amy Hepker
01-21-2007, 10:04 AM
I really like the clothing of the 60s, so that is what I would say. 35 in the 60s

01-21-2007, 10:04 AM
the late 70's big hair great fashion's too bad i missed it , better late than never

Christina Nicole
01-21-2007, 11:15 AM
The 80s. The 50s and 60s were too primitive. The economic conditions in the 80s were pretty good and a 20-something could make pretty good money then.

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole

01-21-2007, 11:41 AM
Mid 20's in the early 70's. It was fabulous :thumbsup:

01-21-2007, 11:47 AM
Yes, definately, it would be now. We are getting closer and closer to the point where we will be accepted, so why go back in time.

susie evans
01-21-2007, 02:21 PM
i would like to be twenty five in this day and age and no what i know now girl could i have fun :heehee: :heehee:

love susie

01-21-2007, 02:25 PM
Although tolerance is probably better now, I'd opt for the mini skirt and go go boot era of the 60's as a teenager. That would be a blast!