View Full Version : just a note of another strange situation

01-23-2007, 08:19 PM
Being here with you guys learning about you, from you and growing to the possiblities of transgender is a wonderful experience and a preparartion for all the world can throw at you.

I just attended First Event in Boston last week. The theme of the event was building bridges hoping for more participation from SOs and FTM. Several FTMs came some with their SOs. Since my SO was with me my focus was the seminars on SO issues and TG relationships. I got to talk to several FTMs and their stories about their desire to transition was similar to much I heard here. Their loging their discomfort with their bodies the desire to live and be accepted as males I could empathize with because of you guys. Talking with the SOs, some who had been in long term Lesbian relationships with children threw me. Their stories were so similar to, their concerns the same as, any so of MTF. Their concerns of a Hetro relationships was a strech but doable but to listen to some of the concerns about a relationship with a male sounded so similar to what I've heard over here was to many twists and truns. My SO got it but me... to much just confussion and sadness. To many layers just couldn't get there, maybe you could have. Gender, boy!!!! Just thought I'd share some new facects of all this. My way of trying to process it all thanks for listening.

01-24-2007, 09:39 AM
Good for you on going to your first event! And being confused isn't comfortable, but that's usually a sign that there's something to learn. I'm a big believer in writing about what confuses us. It really does help. If you feel like elaborating more, I'd enjoy reading what you have to say.

01-24-2007, 09:40 AM
Oops. Maybe I read that wrong. The first time, I thought you said it was your first time at such an event. Sorry. :)