View Full Version : When is considered to be out of the closet?

01-23-2007, 11:14 PM
This might be an old question, since I'm new, I'd like to post it.

As far as I understand, be "in the closet" is when you don't let anybody see you while CDing, then, is it proper to consider that you came out when you share with your wife or friend or somebody of your family?

Or, in order to be out of the closet, it is completely necessary that you share your activities or whishes to everybody?

Karren H
01-23-2007, 11:16 PM
Depends on the size of your "closet" but once someone you know, know's your technically out..... I'll have to check the offical rule book but I'm pretty sure!!! lol

Love Karren

01-23-2007, 11:18 PM
Just enjoy now.....

Lovely Rita
01-23-2007, 11:21 PM
This might be an old question, since I'm new, I'd like to post it.

As far as I understand, be "in the closet" is when you don't let anybody see you while CDing, then, is it proper to consider that you came out when you share with your wife or friend or somebody of your family?

Or, in order to be out of the closet, it is completely necessary that you share your activities or whishes to everybody?

I never share everything with anyone except my SO anyway. My SO is the only one who matters to me anyway.

01-23-2007, 11:24 PM
Very few of my non - CD'ing friends and only a handful of my relatives know that I crossdress, but I consider myself " out " . I dress every day, almost always 24/7 and I am therefore in a position to be " caught " at anytime. To be " out " is not about telling everyone, and not even telling selectited friends and/or relatives, by being on this forum you are already" out ". :love: & :hugs: Trina

01-23-2007, 11:53 PM
"Being out of The Closet", is such a vague phrase, it's probably just about what you want! Inotherwords, you get to define yourself, and near as I can tell, it's just about as much or as little as your perception of your particular situation, wants it to be.

But, if your asking my "opinion?" If you have gone out in public, probably most folks would define that as "Out". If you have shared your femme persona with just one person, most would define that as "out".

After the initial "stepping out"....then you go on to decide how FAR out of that closet you wish to be.

One small caveat, most of us will never get past the point of hiding our clothes in a bag and never going further than the bathroom. Nobody is ever going to know, maybe the cat or dog, but not a human. That's probably NOT being "out of The Closet." And, that's OK too!

Peace and Love, Joanie

01-24-2007, 12:27 AM
Being out of the closet is probably a stages thing. I don't tell my family or coworkers. But I don't try to hide it either. People have stopped by unexpectedly, when I've got shorts and barefoot with nails painted. I don't go out of my way to quick change. I go out as I please, and take a, 'come what may' additude.