View Full Version : Is genetics involved here?

01-25-2007, 08:54 AM
Mom-olive skinned short stocky Italian
Dad- Tall skinny Blonde haired Irishman
Me-5'9" 240 lbs. dark skinned, balding , Italian looking

I definately resemble my mom more than my Dad, as a matter of fact, I don't think I have any of my Dad's traits.

Could I be on to something here? or is it that I'm trying to find a clue to why I am "Gender Challenged"

Who do you resemble, and do you think it may have something to do with your "Gender Dysfunction"?

Brianna Lovely
01-25-2007, 09:30 AM
Your physical/genetic makeup is inherited from your Grand Parents, so, look there for answers.

01-25-2007, 09:47 AM
Boy, am I in trouble.

Casey Morgan
01-25-2007, 10:04 AM
Well Diane, let me put it this way. I look almost exactly like my father. We've worked for the same company for 8 years now, but he's been here for 24 or 25 years. In the time I've been here there have been a few people who have said to me, "Oh, you must be Mike _____. I looked at you and thought wow, he looks like a younger version of _____."

I'm TG in that I'm neither male nor female. My father isn't transgendered in any sense of the word. If nothing else I'm an exception to your theory.

I think we all, at one time or another, have tried to figure out why we are the way we are. And that's OK as a quest for knowledge thing. But as a practical matter, knowing why won't change the fact that you simply are this way and it doesn't appear that short of anything drastic (think in terms of frontal lobotomy) that's going to change. Sometimes it's OK that things just are the way they are.

Now, if you want to find out the answer to add to our collective pool of knowledge, go for it and let me know what you discover. :happy:

Marcie Sexton
01-25-2007, 12:10 PM
...not to minmize your plight or question, but I'm part Hatfield and Part McCoy...

Randolph & Devil Anse would flip in their graves if they even remotely thought...:heehee:

Karren H
01-25-2007, 01:12 PM
Who knows..... And in the overall scheme of things would knowing that its genetic or chemical or environmental rally change anything in your life? Maybe you'd have someone or something to blame it one.... "See.... Its not my fault!!!!". Hehehe

But I've said all along that unless your going to use that knowledge to change something.... Then its not worth the expenditure of time and resources required.... No shareholder value.... Not cost effective..

So who cares why... I know I don't.... Once got past the "why", things got really really better and crossdressing became fun..... An adventure..... So asking the question is fine but way too many start obsessing over it...... Instead.. Go buy a new dress!! Makes me feel better every time!! :)

Love Karren

Marla S
01-25-2007, 01:32 PM
Just thought that my transness i due to the fact that my mother is female and my father is male. But that's certainly too simple.

No, I don't believe the TG is gentically determind.

I prefer the hormone wash hypothesis. Seems to explain the most right know, even when it's not true :rolleyes:

Brianna is right. At least the baldness you got most likely from your grand parents.

susie evans
01-25-2007, 01:37 PM
i think you are right the return on my investment is pricless amd nothing makes me feel better than some new clothes are shoes and the adventure of traveling out in femme clothes :heehee: :heehee:


01-25-2007, 01:50 PM
When my wife was pregnant she was told not to drink, take pain killers unless the doctor said it was OK. She was told not to smoke, (which we do not anyway). There is no tolerance for smoking or alcohol or aspirin while pregnant. She was prescribed a prenatal supplement and she took extra folic acid.

When my mother was pregnant I am sure she did not stop smoking, drinking or taking aspirin. To top that off doctors prescribed drugs to pregnant women like DES and others that caused serious birth defects, they did not know of the dangers of aspirin or other pain killers to the unborn. She took no supplements and did not give any to us while we were growing up. I did not get enough calcium and I am sure most other vitiames.

Then there were environmentals. Most paints had lead in them and the dangers of mercury were not known. (I had a toy with mercury in it and used to play with it in my hand!) The sprays had chemicals in them that are bad. The doctors told women that breast feeding was not as good as formula, eliminating the benefit of the mothers antibodies! They did not have car seats, one fender bender and you were dead! I wonder how we as babies and kids survived!

I am ADD with learning disabilities and allergies, and I am sure my siblings are ADD, definitely we are all messed up.

So what is the cause? Well the previous are a few of the possible reasons. Not just from you mother either. Men make millions of sperm a day and can be mutated by what he is exposed to as well.

Is this genetic? To a degree because the changes in your father’s sperm and to your mothers eggs before conception can be passed on to you kids. My oldest is ADD with learning disabilities. My father probably was ADD, he died when I was about 4.

But because you look like you mother has nothing to do with gender confusion. FYI I have been told since a kid I look like my father and not that I am older it is obvious.

So you guess is a good as mine as to what is the cause. Maybe one of these days they will maybe able to map DNA and tell where all the flaws came from and what they are and how to fix or prevent them.

Until then it is just a mystery and not worth thinking about. You just have to live with it.

01-25-2007, 03:02 PM
I really wasn't looking for a flaw I'm kinda enjoying it. Just curious to see how everyone else see's it.