View Full Version : names

01-25-2007, 09:42 PM
why does everyone use female names? i am a man that likes ot play dress up. to be called by female name seems unnerving. is it just me?


01-25-2007, 09:47 PM
why does everyone use female names? i am a man that likes ot play dress up. to be called by female name seems unnerving. is it just me?


For better than a year and a half I have lived enfemme 24/7, Therefore I am Tina. :love: & :hugs: Tina - Irish Sex Goddess

Samantha B L
01-25-2007, 10:09 PM
Hi J C,Greetings and welcome to the forum.It's nice to have you aboard. Yours,Hugs,Samantha

Barb Valentine
01-25-2007, 10:51 PM
Well hi there JC
Welcome to our little family
It's great to have you with us here
Come on in and make yourself a home
In answer to your question I think it just a personal choice

01-25-2007, 10:51 PM
Hi JC. Welcome to the forum and the family. :wave: Not everyone uses femme names here we have a few who prefer a more shall we say neutral or masculine sounding name. And I imagine some do so for the same reason you have chosen initials instead of a feminine name. My husband is a member and his name is gunforhire. Not very femme is it? :D

Yeah he finds it unnerving to even consider having a female name, so he doesn't. Like another member said a few months back: "I'm a man damn it!" :strugglin :D But hey it's all good. No one will treat you any differently because of that kiddo. You are in good company and you are very welcome here JC . :hugs:

I'll let the others answer the whys since it would be second hand news from me ~ I'm a GG (genetic girl).


why does everyone use female names? i am a man that likes ot play dress up. to be called by female name seems unnerving. is it just me?


Sweet Jane
01-25-2007, 10:56 PM

I just use a song title for a name...you can call me Bruce...
....welcome aboard, and remember to enjoy youself


trannie T
01-25-2007, 11:25 PM
I feel empathy for your post. I too am a man wearing a dress, I don't think of myself as a woman trapped in a man's body but as a man who likes to wear dresses. As the accepted practice is for crossdressers to adopt female names I am 'Judy' when dressed. The important thing though is freedom, you are free to wear any clothing you choose and you are free to use any name you choose.

Karren H
01-25-2007, 11:29 PM
Well, Julie Childes.... hehehe. To each his (aka hers) own.. Karren was a name I refered to myself in my head every since I was young.... And I like it so that's all that counts!! If you don't like it go find a crossdressing forum where all the girls use guys names.....

Love Karren

Rachel Signy
01-25-2007, 11:46 PM
For me, I socialize as a female sometimes, and prefer a female name for those times. Funny - I just started going out dressed again, and one of the first things I did was stop by the local video store where I knew the dayshift manager. She said "Hi, (insert male name here), how are you doing?" and didn't let on that she thought anything was unusual. But for me, (malename) goes with one sort of presentation, and Rachel goes with the other. It felt odd.

But I don't identify strongly with either gender and, in that, I'm not like you.

01-25-2007, 11:56 PM
When I present as Tina, the feeling goes more than skin deep. Dressing, for me, is a transformation. My wife calls it "Tina coming for a visit". Her husband exits, and her girlfriend enters. She needs a name, a fact that my wife recognized instantly.

So, she is Tina!

01-25-2007, 11:59 PM
please excuse me if this sounded negative.... i am no one to ever be judgemental. i do not have that right. in restrospect, the word unnerving was a poor choice. i am sorry for that. it is just different for me to read about men that say that they do not wish to be women - yet wish to use female. i am not worldly in the subject of crossdressing. please forgive an OKIE if i did upset anyone.

jc are just my initials --- no imagination?????

01-26-2007, 12:07 AM
It's just you but that's AOK!


Rachel Signy
01-26-2007, 12:09 AM
Initials are fine. "Signy" shares an initial with my male name. "Rachel" is just a name I like and have used longer than any other female name.

How's this for stealth CDing? I've used "Signy" a lot as a male handle on IRC, and the only people who assumed I was female were a few Icelanders - the name isn't well known outside Scandinavia. I was naughty :devil:

PS: I have another name that's the female counterpart of my (male) given name, but I don't use it here for security reasons.

01-26-2007, 12:21 AM
No offense taken JC. I can understand where you're coming from. As you experience more as a CD you may change your mind on taking a fem name. That's what happened to me. I wasn't comfortable using a traditional fem name though so I made mine up. Best wishes and welcome to the forum.

01-26-2007, 12:40 AM
I'm enfemme 24/7 and my female name existed long before I started transitioning. My license is now in my female name, and everything I have is now Joan's. My male self died off a long time ago, and I am glad that he is gone.

01-26-2007, 12:51 AM
My name was a gift given to me by a good GG friend. It took some getting use to but now I have to say I love it. BTW I think JC is nice this place is all about being yourself I was not offended by your post. Krisla

01-26-2007, 01:00 AM
To me, Frank just aint too feminine. :happy:

01-26-2007, 01:10 AM
Well...I didn't have any say at all in my given name. (Bruce) I liked the name Christine, and like to go by Chrissie even better, in this community. Renee is the name my mother would have named me had I been born a girl like she wanted and had hoped for. My wife doesn't like to refer to me as Christine or Chrissie either. It's as if that person is a separate entity for her. For me, Chrissie and Bruce are, for all intents and purposes, two sides of the same coin that is who I am. :happy:

01-26-2007, 01:30 AM
Well, when I dress fully I like to think that I look pretty feminine and would be perceived to be such. Furthermoere, I feel very natural as Dawn and very confortable with it. To be called by my given name would feel jarring and unnatural when dressed. I also feel that if a few things had gone differently in my life, I very likely would have transitioned. Enfemme, I am Dawn and want to be addressed that way. It makes me happy.

01-26-2007, 02:36 AM
Most CDs prefer to complete the transformation, by using a female name. Some even get ID cards. Myself, I even have a set of military "dog tags" with my femme name, social security number, blood type,etc.

Cheryl is more than a name. She is a friend of mine, someone I have known just about all my life. She is a fine and decent person. I wish that I could be more like her all day long.

Teresa Amina
01-26-2007, 09:06 AM
There is a very broad spectrum of folks here, and for many it's a lot more than playing dressup. My 'Wannabee' required that I have a name to match the inner image, it's a part of my self-realization.

Casey Morgan
01-26-2007, 11:31 AM
Hey JC. Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine. (Sorry, I'm in a silly mood right now.) If using a female name isn't your thing then don't. Honestly, you could change your username to Udraxyl, Ruler Of The Outer Cosmos and it wouldn't matter. It's all about who you are, not what you call yourself.

When I joined this site I noticed that many/most of the MTFs used female names. I used a female name, Shari Ann, to help make that part of me more real, in a way. It was the first time I had done that. Being called Shari Ann just felt more natural as I explored that part of me.

I changed it very recently. Using a gender neutral name frees me from the constraints of being male or female, which works for me since I'm (gender-wise) neither male nor female. I have to use something for a username, so I figure why not be who I really am?

I used to sign up for forums using the standard "first initial, last name" bit. I eventually started using "character" names but that was, for me anyway, part of the fun of the forum(s). There are still times though when I just prefer to use "first initial, last name".

The "name" you use is a personal thing. Some people who "play dress up", to use your words, become a character if you will and like to use that character's name here. Some don't. Use what you like. As I said, we are just interested in getting to know who you are. The name you use doesn't really matter.

Marla S
01-26-2007, 11:52 AM
why does everyone use female names?
Joined here, needed a nickname, have been higly insecure, and followed the group dynamics and norms (with a little backdoor).
Today I'd probably choose a neutral name.
Having this said, I don't care much about the name as gender identifier (doesn't say much anyway), it's a person indentifier for me in the first instance. Hence no need or intention to change mine.

01-26-2007, 11:56 AM
welcome jc,
female names tend to go along with the territory as " Paul " just does not sound right , i hope you enjoy the forums
hugs Marissa

Jenn S.
01-26-2007, 11:57 AM
why does everyone use female names? i am a man that likes ot play dress up. to be called by female name seems unnerving. is it just me?


Well, it wouldn't make much sense if you made a really good looking girl and people still called you "Bob", would it?

01-26-2007, 12:04 PM
I'm with you in your thinking, quite honestly, but also understand that a female - ish name goes with the persona of femininity. My take is that most CDs desire to acheive a flawless female presentation and a suitable name goes with that. It completes a picture, if you will.

I'm a shoe and boot lover, that's my thing and my "name", for purposes of a forum like this, came from that. I don't see using a female name ever and introduce myself as myself using my real name. But, that's me. I'm not new to crossdressing but am realtively new to the CD community. By that, I mean my wife and I still struggle with refering to another CD as "she", though not with calling them by their femme name. Strange. I'm a "he" but I like certain modes of female dress especially heels (did I mention that?). I don't think the world's best makeup artist could make my face look feminine, but I don't fret over it. I dress for the feeling and perceived look I want. For labeling purposes, I'd say my dressing aligns more with transvetism or androginy. As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks.

01-26-2007, 12:14 PM
I've been using a made up name for years I call my internet identity dim12trav which is gender neutral. However I wanted to express more of where I am coming from so I adopted the name Celeste (heaven sent) and modified it with the 26 so that I wouldn't get confused with any other Celeste here.

So far I haven't used that name Celeste outside of my own home but it will happen soon I hope.

01-26-2007, 12:15 PM
It is kinda tough dressing up sitting at the computer and using BOB.:2c:

Michelle 51
01-26-2007, 12:21 PM
JC I don't use a femme name either but i think about it.If i was joining all over again i would use a femme name but i don't want to start over now.The girl's that post alot you get to know them and identify with their femme name because that is who they are.In male mode we're different than who we are on here.Anyway welcome and who know's. down the road you might wanna be Sue, or Brenda, or Racheal, or Tammy ...........Justabit

Victoria Anne
01-26-2007, 12:45 PM
J.C. I can only awnser for myself,yes I am a "man" who identifies as a woman,transgendered. No Ido not wish to become a woman yet I do wish to be evry thing thta they are and want to experience it and so a female name only helps me to further identify with who I am inside and gives me comfort as well. Hope that helps to awnser your question and by all means be yourself and welcome to the family:hugs:

01-26-2007, 07:45 PM
i like to use a femmine name because it helps in the transition into being feminine. for now it adds to roleplaying or femme character.

01-26-2007, 09:38 PM
Before anything, welcome to the Forum JC.

I will talk about my personal experience trying to answer your question. My male name can be used as a male or female name, the only difference is that you need to add an "E" at the end; even in the forum I've just counted 15 persons with my name. The pronunciation is exactly the same and for that reason, I've been listening that name my whole life.

When I dress up, I'm not the same person, I'm completely different and like that, I want to be recognized differently. The people in this forum (sisters, even if some don't like it) know me as Paty, just because that is the name that I like for that sensitive, shy and nice person that I am when I'm dressed. For me this is a new name, even my wife is just knowing me with this name, and believe me, it's so easy to get used to that.

I didn't take offense on what you said, I'm just trying to explain my particular point of view.

Enjoy the forum, and learn how nice are this incredible girls that you will know deeply, if you want.

01-26-2007, 11:03 PM
I do not have a female name, I'm happy with my name for now.:happy:

01-27-2007, 02:50 AM
never thought of it much until my wife brought it up...and god to say she isnt for such a thing would be an understatement...i wont attempt to tell you why others have chosen a female name, I could make assumptions but really no need as theyve all done well expressing the whys.

For me I dont because I am still Gary ( and i so hate to follow conventional ways, follow the crowd as it were, with anything) My middle name is Lynn, thats right Gary Lynn when im in trouble...lol...so technically I suppose I have a fem name...But Gary works for now...will it always be so? No idea and will never again say never when speaking of anything related to me and crossdressing.

So for now Im just a dude likes to play dress up...maybe someday Ill be a Lynn...but maybe not. I feel I am the same person just a bit more laid back and in different clothes and somehow a fem name would alter that. Having said that, Im really ok either way as no matter what you call me...i am still and always will be just plain ole me ( i stand up to pee and would have it no other way...hehe) gary