View Full Version : Out in the cold

Foxy Lady
01-28-2007, 08:15 AM
I am very lucky having a SO who supports my dressing. She has never been with me when I go out in a skirt. The last week the weather here has turned cold wit highs in the teens. We were going to a local plaza the other day and my wife says why don't you wear your denmim skirt and panty hose. I was shocked but happily got dressed. As soon as we got outside and the cold hit my legs and went up my skirt she said now you know why real women were slacks in this weather. I now have new respect for women who dress in skirts in cold weather.

01-28-2007, 08:18 AM
Nothing like a quick reality check.

01-28-2007, 08:24 AM
Where are those bloomers when you need them?


01-28-2007, 09:23 AM
:eek: :eek: Now we all know GG can be little :devil: but that is just so wrong.
Doesn't she know the bits could freeze and fall off:confused2: Or did you do
something to get her angry:spank: well just send up the flag:surrender
before she pulls anymore mean things on you.

01-28-2007, 09:29 AM

She is so right. I remember the first time I felt a cold breeze hit my legs and go up. Men have no idea what we women go through.

As the songs goes: Its hard to be a woman".

However - Worth it it every way.

Hugs Susan

01-28-2007, 10:15 AM
Women are a lot tougher then we give credit.

Angie G
01-28-2007, 10:15 AM
Well I'm sorry but that was just was not right funny but not right :hugs:

01-28-2007, 10:42 AM
I am very lucky having a SO who supports my dressing. She has never been with me when I go out in a skirt. The last week the weather here has turned cold wit highs in the teens. We were going to a local plaza the other day and my wife says why don't you wear your denmim skirt and panty hose. I was shocked but happily got dressed. As soon as we got outside and the cold hit my legs and went up my skirt she said now you know why real women were slacks in this weather. I now have new respect for women who dress in skirts in cold weather.

Hey Foxy, Think about it this way, cold, skirt, no need to tuck !! haha Take care. Kaitlin:D

susie evans
01-28-2007, 04:17 PM
you also don't need to tuck/stuff in a skirt when it's that cold burrrrr!


01-28-2007, 04:22 PM
Its cold here in Iowa right now, but......GF and kids are out of town for the weekend, so last night I trotted out to the mail box with a trendy pair of tall wedge heeled boots, and this black wrap-around dress...Woo-Hoo! that wind is chilly, but it sure was a nice sensation! (Glad I didn't have too far to walk though!)

01-28-2007, 04:25 PM
I am very lucky having a SO who supports my dressing. She has never been with me when I go out in a skirt. The last week the
weather here has turned cold wit highs in the teens. We were going to a local plaza the other day and my wife says why don't you wear your denmim skirt and panty hose. I was shocked but happily got dressed. As soon as we got outside and the cold hit my legs and went up my skirt she said now you know why real women were slacks in this weather. I now have new respect for women who dress in skirts in cold weather.

that's funny lol , try going out in -15 weather to church , you won't need srs surgery the boys relocate to just under the rib cage, not fun

Sierra Evon
01-28-2007, 04:38 PM
Skirts in cold weather ???, now thats the stuff of super heros " , Micro fiber tights , will work well , but I dont know about below freezzing , just stay in the car ????turn up the heater!!!!!!!!:happy:

Marianna Julianna
01-28-2007, 04:43 PM
Well it doesn't get so cold around here usually, but maybe I'm unusual, I love to feel the cold air around my legs and up my skirt, although I get restricted to standing at the back door to do it. It makes me feel so feminine, for some reason. I think if I was going out it'd be the longest skirt I could find and thick tights though, oh and boots of course. Maybe one day.

01-28-2007, 05:31 PM
I've been out wearing a skirt in the cold weather of Brussels in November last year. It is not a very low temperature type of cold, but a wet and damp cold, penetrating through most materials.

That being says, on the same day I had gone out in drab and to my surprise, it didn't feel colder when in skirt than when in pants... Note that I was wearing a rather long skirt... I expected to feel cold though, and had prepared myself to be shivering while out in the streets of Brussells. Bu no, I didn't.

Was this an effect of me being so excited of going out for the first time "en femme" all alone in public? That may have made me feel so warm inside that I forgott the cold weather...

I will have to try again next time. Perhaps also February weather will feel colder...

One other thing, since I shave my legs, when I'm wearing pants it feels colder that before when I had a thick hair covering my legs... That was probably letting a thin layer of air in between my skin and the pants material providing extra insulation.

I'll let you know after my next "going out" in skirt this winter...

Cheryl GG
01-28-2007, 06:06 PM
if your going to wear a skirt in cold weather...boots are always a good idea...other wise....pants always....xoxoxC/

Rachel Signy
01-28-2007, 06:21 PM
My GG friends hardly ever wear skirts except in the summer. Clever of them, eh?

01-30-2007, 02:06 AM
The last week the weather here has turned cold wit highs in the teens. We were going to a local plaza the other day and my wife says why don't you wear your denmim skirt and panty hose. I was shocked but happily got dressed. As soon as we got outside and the cold hit my legs and went up my skirt she said now you know why real women were slacks in this weather.

I went out this evening in a lightweight below-the-knee skirt and midweight tights; when the bottom of my coat wasn't being blown away, my coat reached just below the bottom of the skirt.

I wasn't particularily cold with the arrangement; the chillest part was the wind on the part of the tights not covered by the skirt. The skirt was enough to block the wind and make the rest comfortable enough not to be a concern.

The temperature at the time was -13F, windchill -31F (-25C, windchill -35C).

In some previous years, I've been out with a longer heavier skirt when the temperature was below -30C (-22F); the only part that got cold was the little gap between the bottom of the skirt and the top of my shoe.

Skirts work like mitts: they hold a pocket of warm air around you, and the heat from one leg warms the other. Slacks, on the other hand, work like gloves, with only a small pocket of warm air trapped and the legs not warming each other. As long as the skirt material blocks the wind well enough to preserve the air bubble, the skirt will be warmer than slacks made of the same material.

By the way: last week, when temperatures here rose to the teens (Farhenheit; -16C), people were commenting on how warm it felt. What you consider really cold weather, we consider time to go outside and get some fresh air!