View Full Version : secrets, frustration, loneliness

01-28-2007, 04:50 PM
From what I have seen over the years of being closetted, it seems that there are distortions in our lives, for which I do not easily see a correction.

The secrecy is at the level of being an illegal spy in East Berlin 35 years ago.
You would think we are dealing with atomic secrets-and in a sense we are in that the release of them could literally professionally and personally destroy
us and our families.

The ability to conviently crossdress is nil, and finding another with whom to dress without a long drive or flight well nigh impossible.

What's needed are local places where people could go and COMPLETELY LEAVE THEIR DAY-TO-DAY IDENTITIES AT THE DOOR.

No restriction on dress nor behavior beyond common courtesy.

If you know of any such places other than cyberspace- please do NOT keep it a secret.

Just venting- life with family, business and profession leaves no time for fun !



Marianna Julianna
01-28-2007, 05:00 PM
I feel for you Flo, so many of us feeling the same. Hopefully someone will be able to suggest somewhere you can get to. If I could get any money together (well enough you know) it's exactly what I'd like to do, open a place like that. Remains a dream though, and likely to carry on being so.

Brenda Love
01-28-2007, 08:32 PM
I know how you feel.....:love:

I would love it if all the girls on this forum lived close to each other,then we could have weekly support meetings,get togethers,parties,and sleepovers(bring your own nightie):hugs:


Bethany Ann
01-28-2007, 09:02 PM

I agree...I would love the chance to get together with a few girls and dress for a afternoon...do eachothers makeup...hair... and just have fun and a few bottles of wine. Its a dream I dont know will ever come true.


trannie T
01-28-2007, 11:50 PM
There are many support groups that already do this.

01-28-2007, 11:57 PM
Most of the larger urban centers have businesses that will offer makeovers and a "day out" with or without a chaparone. It is expensive but safe and you are among friends.

Even if that doesnt exist, most gay organizations are somewhat receptive to us. There are bars and pubs that are tailored to the alternative lifestyles communities. Again you are safe here. Outside could be an issue but then safety is the key, travel with a friend.

Lastly, there are organizations for us that offer support, socialization and guidance.


susie evans
01-29-2007, 12:15 AM
you are the one that controls your life no one else you have to find balance in all things including my favoriate sport/hobby :hugs:


01-29-2007, 12:23 AM
Hi Flogo
why don't you move to Olympia WA, I spotted two guys on the street today, they didn't look like Tranies, but they both had earings, danglings, in both ears. This is a pretty laid back community, I love it. Seattle is pretty cool also, not to mention Vancouver! My SO and I lived in Utah for 14 years, talk about panic! So, think about if it is possible for you to move to a more liberal minded community.
Good luck

Kristen Kelly
01-29-2007, 12:39 AM
I have found that place, find a quiet place, sit down on the floor or comfortably chair close your eyes and take slow deliberate breaths, wipe your mind of all the things going on in your life and around you, welcome to the utopian world, the only place it can exist. Remain there as long as needed, when you leave the real world will be easier to cope with.

01-29-2007, 01:17 AM
Flog, are there any D/s or Swinger clubs in your area? CDs are almost always welcome at their events.

01-29-2007, 02:36 AM
The ability to conviently crossdress is nil, and finding another with whom to dress without a long drive or flight well nigh impossible.

What's needed are local places where people could go and COMPLETELY LEAVE THEIR DAY-TO-DAY IDENTITIES AT THE DOOR.

No restriction on dress nor behavior beyond common courtesy.

If you know of any such places other than cyberspace- please do NOT keep it a secret.

Just venting- life with family, business and profession leaves no time for fun !



Tranny bars, Gay bars/clubs, Fetish clubs all allow you to go out dressed and be yourself

I manage it and I never really pass when I go out so anyone can do it

01-29-2007, 03:18 AM
Hey Flogo,

Tell us what Country, and City, or County you live in. If someone knows of a place in your area, they'd have to first know your area.

I'm so grateful I live in the San Francisco Bay Area where meetups and support is plentiful.

I hope you will discover such a haven-away-from-home for yourself.

Much Love,

:rose: Roberta :rose:

01-29-2007, 04:11 AM
For those living in big urban areas, there are almost always several groups that hold get togethers. Places that do makeovers for us can be a good source of information, too.

One kind of meeting option I would love to see would be some kind of coffeehouse or lunch club that was cd friendly / welcoming. Although I've only been out a few times, I was fortunate to meet some great people at tg friendly bars. It was very nice, but now that I'm, um, mature and have trouble staying up past the early bird dinner special, it would be great if there were places that welcomed cds or catered to cds during the day.

Of course, those brave and / or passable enough have many options. I've been at several mainstream restaurants and bookstores (no, not that kind of bookstore) and have thought I read another girl, but she was confident enough that it didn't matter.

For those of us less outgoing and attractive, it would be nice to have a daytime option.

Does anyone know of places like this in Chicago?

All the best.


01-29-2007, 05:20 AM
From what I have seen over the years of being closetted, it seems that there are distortions in our lives, for which I do not easily see a correction.

The secrecy is at the level of being an illegal spy in East Berlin 35 years ago.
You would think we are dealing with atomic secrets-and in a sense we are in that the release of them could literally professionally and personally destroy
us and our families.

The ability to conviently crossdress is nil, and finding another with whom to dress without a long drive or flight well nigh impossible.

What's needed are local places where people could go and COMPLETELY LEAVE THEIR DAY-TO-DAY IDENTITIES AT THE DOOR.

No restriction on dress nor behavior beyond common courtesy.

If you know of any such places other than cyberspace- please do NOT keep it a secret.

Just venting- life with family, business and profession leaves no time for fun !


Totally agree Flo............Julie..swohio