View Full Version : I've been 'Read' Again!!!!!!!

01-31-2005, 01:50 AM
Do I carry a sign above my head that yells, "I am a crossdresser!" with an arrow pointed down on me?

Today I went to Kmart (In guy mode), to buy some paint for the nursery, and while I was there I browsed through the womens clothes (of course). I found a knee hight black skirt ($8), a cream silk blouse ($10), a black suit jacket ($10), and a blue jean skirt ($1.50). The cost of buying all of these without getting read: Priceless.

Problem came with returning two of the items. When I got home, I shown my wife what I bought (We always discuss items I buy.) She told me to go upstairs to try them on. Well as luck would have it, the blouse and the jacket was too small. Later this evening, my wife wanted Burger King for dinner, and suggested I exchange those items before hitting up the drive thru. My daughter wanted to come (she is two, never sees me dressed.), no problem. Back on topic: My daughter and I went to the service desk and told the lady I need to exchange these and I went to get the next size up. I got the items and went back to the service desk. She asked what was wrong with them. "They didn't fit her." (Didn't say which her). Then she said, "It's a shame that you couldn't try it on beforehand. I understand why not though." I started giving her a puzzled look. Then she said, "Don't worry, my son does the same thing and has to return items all the time. I just wish people would get over the fact that it is just clothes." I never implied that the clothes were for me at all. I even had my daughter there. I was not dressed like a woman. I have no idea how she knew I crossdressed. The items were a size 14-16, nothing out of the ordinary (like a size 24-25).

Does anybody have see how I was caught? It was nice to meet a supportive person. I may actually enter there dressed soon instead of just pumping gas and running through ATMs.


01-31-2005, 02:01 AM
:p There is this thing called "womens intuition"!!!

It's useless to try to hide anything from a GG... they always know! :rolleyes:

01-31-2005, 04:51 AM
That is bizzarre! as you had your daughter with you then you would think that was the last thing a sales clerk would think of. However the clerk said that her son was also a CDer, so I guess she probably thinks that any man who buys/returns woman clothes is one. After all, few husbands would return a skirt for their wives. I think it really was a guess unless there is a clue somewhere - have you plucked or shaped your eyebrows or shaped your nails?

On the bright side, you know where to find a sympathetic clerk.

Wendy me
01-31-2005, 10:24 AM
i don't think you were read the girl was just haveing some fun with you .....................
next time play a long with her .....who knows it might be some harmless fun.........

01-31-2005, 10:25 AM
:p There is this thing called "womens intuition"!!!

There is a lot of truth to women's intuition.

Amber, mannerisms that are day to day routine for us are tell tale signs. During interrogations I would watch certain tell tale signs that would indicate whether the subject was leveling with me or not. Once I got good at it, it was almost fool proof.

There are people out there who are good at reading peoples mannerisms, The clerk, who had experience through her son, was able to detect certain signs that others who don't deal with CDing do not.

Just go about and enjoy your life. The main thing is your wife is supportive.

Tracie Lynn
01-31-2005, 10:40 AM
I agree with Wendy some times when I was shopping with the ex who knew and suported my CDing different sails girls would make playfull fun coments when I would be paying for frilly undies for myself but I think it was done with harmless fun intended but still it does make you wonder.

Wendy me
01-31-2005, 10:47 AM
we ten to be "on" when we are out .......and see ,feel ........and think that the whole world is watching us ........when most of the time ........no one is.....................

01-31-2005, 11:01 AM
we ten to be "on" when we are out .......and see ,feel ........and think that the whole world is watching us ........when most of the time ........no one is.....................
Maybe I am getting a little presumptous about buying and being out in public, either in Femme or drab, but my attitude has changedsince I have been going to therapy and really I don't care who reads me or when. I buy what I like when I see it, but you are right JC Penneys is not very cooperative when a man buys womens clothing I know I tried and almost was turned away, but SHE waited on me. Maybe I am to the point where I no longer care.LOL :rolleyes:

Wendy me
01-31-2005, 11:30 AM
sis i never had a bad trip to penneys .........just love them ..........with the cash i leave behind thay love me..........er ...us................

01-31-2005, 11:56 AM
It's probably true that many of us are assumed to be crossdressers when we buy or return women's clothing. Where that thought of discovery once terrified me, I have since come to the conclusion that I don't care what strangers think. I don't bother making up excuses when I'm in a store, I just keep mum and complete my purchase.
Amber, if I was you, I would look for this saleslady each time I was shopping in that store. She sounds terrific.

01-31-2005, 02:34 PM
It's probably true that many of us are assumed to be crossdressers when we buy or return women's clothing. Where that thought of discovery once terrified me, I have since come to the conclusion that I don't care what strangers think. I don't bother making up excuses when I'm in a store, I just keep mum and complete my purchase.
Amber, if I was you, I would look for this saleslady each time I was shopping in that store. She sounds terrific.
I was read again last friday when buying new panties, however, the checkout clerk made sure I made my purhase very fast. For me that was a plus, I hate standing in lines. I would be very sure in the future to look up that salelady as Sharon says. And keep shopping girl,it gets easier.

Love and Hugs,

Tristen Cox
01-31-2005, 02:47 PM
This is why I return nothing. Of course if I am buying something that is different, women always know ;) :o


Wendy me
01-31-2005, 03:11 PM
This is why I return nothing. Of course if I am buying something that is different, women always know ;) :o


return it ????????? i could never do that once thrir mine i never give them back ;)

Tristen Cox
01-31-2005, 03:22 PM

01-31-2005, 08:23 PM
Hi Amber,

Honey, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. If the sales lady just assumed you were CDing, it's only a guess and she doesn't know. If her son is a CD maybe she just assumes every man that handles ladies clothing is a CD and she still doesn't know. If she picked up something in you deportment while you were there she may suspect but she really doesn't know. But since she brought the topic up, make her your "go to" sales lady. It obviously doesn't bother her... don't tlet it bother you!

01-31-2005, 08:26 PM
This is why I return nothing. Of course if I am buying something that is different, women always know ;) :o
I only returned a pair of shoes that didn't fit - Payless refunded my money without any issues - said that my girllfriend did not fit in them - too small - they took them back without any question - had the original box as well and the reciept - took less than an hour to return. :)

01-31-2005, 08:29 PM
On my first trip out, I was read like a book. A guy standing in line at blockbuster did a double take so fast I thought his neck was going to break. At first I was rather taken aback, but then I thought, "wow... I bet that hurt."

stupid small minded populace...


Sweet Susan
01-31-2005, 08:51 PM
Could have been your eyebrows...... :rolleyes:

01-31-2005, 10:27 PM
CD paranoia Amber...but shop enough in the women's department for things and you'll get past that. Women "know"...trust me. You aren't gonna put one past them. They don't care though and if you make a game of it they'll be happy to help you out. The biggest thing is to be completely unfazed by it..."non-embarrassable" if you will. It is not an easy attitude to attain right away...but once you do...you'll be able to go anywhere and buy anything feminine and not give it a second thought. I guess like many others have advised you...after so many years of repression and trying to "hide" my true self from the "normal" world, I just don't give a rolly-rip anymore. Christine gotta be who Christine really is. Life is too short anyway and I don't want to look back in regret anymore.;)

Hugs & Kisses,

01-31-2005, 10:38 PM
It IS strange when a GG manages to read you! I had this happen at ROSS a while back. I was buying a denim mini and apparently the sales lady knew me from middle-school and asked if I was going out dancing that night! :D It feels so surreal! Here's another vote towards women's-intuition!

Ava Mouse
01-31-2005, 10:54 PM

You're soo cute in your Avatar, you sure they thought you were a guy? (that's a compliment!)

I bought a dress in Bebe a few years back and the teens working there said "Oh that dress would look great on you!" I just paused and said "oh,... yeah, ... right! But my wife may be jealous..." he he...

Having a wedding ring helps, and a picture of the wife in the wallet so they can see her size.. She's an 8, so asking for a 10 is not a red flag...

Recently, though I care less. If the store begins to get uncomfortable, I just leave...

01-31-2005, 10:57 PM
That is weird all right. Were you acting self-conscious perhaps? I rarely shop for Windy in drab these days, I feel self-conscious looking at women's clothing when I'm dressed as a guy. But when I'm dressed as a girl, I almost never have trouble browsing, going into fitting rooms, paying for things, even returning them. It's all a state of mind - if you have the chops to look and act like a woman, people will assume that's what you are. Windy

01-31-2005, 11:13 PM
I also think there is a lot of paranoia on our part. Even when I am legitimately buying something nice for my GG, there is a part of me that thinks that the salespeople, fellow customers, cashiers, etc. are thinking that I am buying for myself. The worst was when I was buying a black outfit complete with garter and stockings for my GG, and when I went to the register, I neglected to notice it was missing the price tag. Well, first there was the "price check" announcement over the PA, a line of customers waiting (I was buying nothing else), and I ended up having to go back to the lingerie section anyway to get another one with the price tag. And to top it all off, my GG didn't like it anyway (too many hooks and snaps), so I ended up wearing it anyway. That she did love, so I guess it worked out.

All I can say is that I go through with it anyway, having my wife with me certainly helps, and it's worth it in the long run.

01-31-2005, 11:27 PM
Actually I find it a thrill to buy while in drab. The ladies if they ask if it is for me I'll give them a bit of laugh and say sure! Then they say they hope the wife likes it and she must be lucky to have a husband the shops for her. Never had anyone ask (seriously) if it were for me. I guess I've never went to the fitting room either.

Danielle :)

02-01-2005, 01:25 AM
On my first trip out, I was read like a book. A guy standing in line at blockbuster did a double take so fast I thought his neck was going to break. At first I was rather taken aback, but then I thought, "wow... I bet that hurt."

stupid small minded populace...


I just can't stop laughing, I would have loved to see that. He probally had to go to a chiropractor (did I spell that right?)

/////////////Ava Mouse


You're soo cute in your Avatar, you sure they thought you were a guy? (that's a compliment!)//////////////////

You are way too kind, I wish I looked passable, or else I would go out into a store dressed.

02-01-2005, 09:05 PM
Today I went to the wireless store to upgrade my wireless phones. in the process of signing numerous different statements the sales clerk said nice nails sweetheart( I was in drab),and they were painted pink of course, yall knowing Georgette's other side, I said thank you and do you want to see my PINK Panties and black thigh Highs, and if you don't wipe that smirk off your face you can forget about your transaction and [U]I want to see the manager Bam nothing but business as usual and an apology from him.
When I left I blew him a kiss. I had my time with him. :) :) :rolleyes: