View Full Version : I'm in a rut

Tina Dixon
02-06-2007, 08:26 PM
I don't know what it is I really can't put my finger on it, but I'm in a rut, CDing just don't get it right now, I know things are busy here at home in a good way, I have had time to dress but don't want to go threw the bother for a few hours, it's to damn cold out to be by my garage door, nothing new to wear at the moment, arggggg, what the heck is it? Heck I all most purged a week or so ago if you all remember, I think the big red head needs some action of some kind, but just when I have the free time to be Tina some thing all ways comes up, arrrrrrrr, oh well thanks for letting me rant, I here we red heads do that kind of stuff:D

02-06-2007, 08:35 PM
nothing new to wear at the moment, arggggg, what the heck is it?

now you know what gg's go through when they say they have nothing to wear. it's not really that they don't have anything to wear it's that they want something new. :lol:. hang in there i go through times where i don't want to get all dressed up either.

02-06-2007, 08:37 PM
Cheer up Tina, We all go thru those times. Usually when I get in those moods I just put Raychel away for a few days and go on with life. I think that it all in the circle of a CD"S life. Do what you need to do, but whatever you don't purge. We all know that is just a waist of money. Tina will eventually win over all those other emotions. And we will be here for you when you need someone to talk to.

:hugs: :hugs:

02-06-2007, 08:38 PM
:D Tina you'll get through this and it will be back to having fun again. I don't want to hear of you hanging up your heels again so don't tell me you're thinking of quiting. Hang in there it'll get better just give it some time.

It just wouldn't be the same around here if you weren't posting the fun stuff.


Betty H
02-06-2007, 08:45 PM
Tina , Life is full of cycles (not only the 28 day variety :heehee:).Just relax and go with the flow.

02-06-2007, 08:59 PM
Hi Dear-heart, I've been down that road. If you noticed, I ain't been around here too much as of late, and that was because I went into full Charlie mode for about a month and a half. Kept my earrings in, but everything else went all drab. Don't have a clue why. Guess it don't matter either. Just a part of who I am. Lily's coming back though. Just did my nails for the first time in ages, and it's nice to have some polish on them again. I'm also in all femme as I sit here, again the first time in a while.
Hang in there. How many times on these boards do we hear about this going in cycles? I guess what I'm saying is that I'm proof of that.
BTW, don't purge! When Tina comes back, boy will she be POed!
PM me if you want. When Charlie showed up with a vengence I was stymied at first, but it was OK.
Love and xxxx, Lily

02-06-2007, 09:05 PM
Awwww Tina... :hugs:. We all have our off times. Even the young man who woke up on morning and told his mother that he hated school and he never wanted to go back there again. "The kids are mean and the teachers are rude," he said. "But you have to go to school," his mother replied. "But why?", the young asked... to which she said, "Because you are the principal!" You'll get back in the swing of it before you know it!

02-06-2007, 09:12 PM
There are times I just get so busy with reality that I just dont have the time too ..Not that I dont want, to just too damb busy.. I realy only get to come out on the week ends myself kind of like a weekend worrier..work all week,sleep all night..I drive truck so I have some realy strange hours..

02-06-2007, 09:16 PM
Yeah, we reds like to rant alright.
Sounds like you got a case of the February blahs. Two things I can think of for cures:
- fly south for a while,
- or ride your bike naked down the middle of the street in the middle of rush hour, hooting and hollering. THAT'LL certainly make your life more interesting for awhile. :heehee:

02-06-2007, 09:45 PM
Cheer up Tina! :GD: Maybe you just need a little time away......how about Maui?

Wendy me
02-06-2007, 10:43 PM
Tina your story echos a lot of us here ...ok i had my first purge not long ago ...after i was like numb to everything ... and i was pretty down not wanting to have anything to do with cding.... not a lot of fun trust me i felt alone and empty....with a few true sisters helped me through it...

pm me or yahoo me ... Tina there's more right with you than you know.....

02-06-2007, 10:58 PM
you need to get away, come up here i will get your fem juices going again lots of shops and ton's to do :D call me

susie evans
02-06-2007, 11:10 PM
tina you'll be fine just relax and think about how nice summer is going to be and it's only a couple of months away think possitive :D :D


02-06-2007, 11:22 PM
Saying from expericnce "don't hang it up". I have done that, lasted about a year. Now right back to enjoying the best of "both worlds". Hang in there!

Best wishes,,,,and hugss....


02-06-2007, 11:49 PM
Hang in there Tina it's the Michigan winter cold gray snowy just plain bah. Go to a tanning salon for 10 minutes a day. It will warm you up inside and out. Plus you get rid of the bikini lines.:heehee:

02-07-2007, 12:04 AM
Cheer up Tina. Look through some catalogs, do some windows(XP) shopping and think about how you'd feel so much better in some of the new summer fashions. Pick up the latest Vogue, Elle, or Allure and see how the rich shop and pay thousands on a pair of heels or a purse! Then be thankful you're a down to earth girl with her very own and celebrated garage door. :happy:

When I get down I sometimes pull out the makeup and practice. I still cannot get that smoky eye look pulled off. Practice, practice, practice I say.

Give me an "S"

Give me an "M"

Give me an "I"

Give me an "L"

Give me an "E"

What's that spell? "S M I L E" and when you SMILE, the world smiles with you. :hugs:


02-07-2007, 12:23 AM
its all that snow out there and its frezzzzzzzing :sad: but never mind summer will be here again soon :D

02-07-2007, 12:24 AM
In a rut for topic subjects perhaps. ;)

02-07-2007, 01:12 AM
Tina hang in there.....this just happens sometimes....before you know it you will be the sassy redhead again....sending hugs:hugs: Di

Joy Carter
02-07-2007, 01:20 AM
Hey maybe you need to get out once in a while. We would love to have another gurl join in the fun. We are in your neighborhood Tina so Pm me anytime.:D

02-07-2007, 01:25 AM
Hi Tina
hang in there and just wait it out. The weather will change, you will go shopping, there will be fun moments again. I went though what you described just last week. I'ts all good. Now I'm dreaming of pink outfits, white stockings to match my new red shoes. There's hope!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your rant.
love :love:

Kristen Kelly
02-07-2007, 01:27 AM
Hey Tina cheer yourself up do some shopping, mall window shopping does it for me. I can be out in drab shopping for Kristen see something I just love and suddenly I'm Kristen wearing it. They keep giving me strange looks in the men's deptment changing room though.

Angie G
02-07-2007, 01:28 AM
Come on girl shake it off nowyou can do it you may just need a :hugs: girl :hugs:

Tina Dixon
02-07-2007, 07:18 AM
Hey maybe you need to get out once in a while. We would love to have another gurl join in the fun. We are in your neighborhood Tina so Pm me anytime.:DYou know that would be fun, but the busy schedule and a wife that I have never opened up to on this crossdressing thing keeps me locked up, she does know about it but still I hide:(

Karren H
02-07-2007, 07:56 AM
Snap out of it!!!! Go dress up real pretty, open that garage door and go snow blow your driveway!!! That will get you out of your funk... hehe

Love Karren

02-07-2007, 08:07 AM
We all have ruts, Tina. In time you'll enjoy dressing up again.



Priscilla Ann
02-07-2007, 08:16 AM
Tina, I say just go ahead and be in a funk. I have never understood why we somehow are expected to be happy and content all the time. If you do take Karren's suggestion about snow blowing the drive, please don't wear heels.

02-07-2007, 06:53 PM
Might i suggest one of the breakfest ciabatta sandwichs from "Jack in the Box" they have a couple of different ones.:D :D :love:

Tina Dixon
02-07-2007, 06:56 PM
Snap out of it!!!! Go dress up real pretty, open that garage door and go snow blow your driveway!!! That will get you out of your funk... hehe

Love Karren
You have some of the best ideas:heehee:

02-07-2007, 07:08 PM
In a rut--oh no! It happens to me too.
---Why not make it a point to attend the mid-Michigan chapter of Tri-Ess, on the second Saturday of each month? Coming up this Saturday the 10th. Good food, good fun, good people. About 40 percent of the gurlz bring their wives. The professor Julie (John ) Nemacek and his wife Joanne will be there. His employer, Spring Arbor University is trying to fire him for being CD. He(she ) will explain the legal highlights of her(his) case. A delagation from the national group "Triangle Foundation" will also be there. email
Sandrastewart@gendertree.net for full details and directions to the isolated private rural location. Free for first-timers and changing room provided.

02-07-2007, 07:09 PM
It's interesting to hear that this kind of thing happens to a lot of us girls. It seems as though I go through cycles. There's a period of time when all I can think of is being a girl and dressing at every opportunity. Then after a certain amount of time (that always varies), my girl side is the farthest thing from my mind. I'm usually HEAVLY involved in one of my other hobbies for a lenght of time and end up feeling guilty for ignoring Jazmine. I try to bring her out..........but NO interest what-so-ever. Then one day, out of the blue, I can't get enough of being Jazmine.

02-07-2007, 08:38 PM
It's the mid winter rut Tina! Sun deprivation, cold weather, snow Brrrrr! Cheer up girl the ground hog says Spring's coming early and the new spring summer fashions are coming out. How bout some shopping:D :D


02-07-2007, 08:48 PM
Hey red headed sis ....ruts are cool ... you think Im crazy I bet saying this ...(BUT !!!!! A Rut) poetic eh ....hmmmmmmm ... neways got sidetracked there ...Oh ya... a rut always JUST means....things get better then they previously were ..coz your looking for more satisfaction ..which we always do find ..it might be as simple as a pair of shoes ....you see it and!! SNAP !!! rut is gone :hugs:

02-07-2007, 08:48 PM

I think that you hit the nail on the head when you said it was too cold to stand by the garage door. Cold weather gets me down also. Hang in there it's bound to warm up soon.

They say that in Wyoming "If you don't like the weather, wait a minuit and it'll change"

I've seen snow on the 4th of July and 60's in the winter, go figure.


Mary Jane
02-07-2007, 08:57 PM
I too have passed up some good opportunities to dress in the last month or so. I think it is the winter weather. I am sure some warmer weather in the spring will make me feel a lot more like dressing at EVERY opportunity.

Country girl
02-07-2007, 11:13 PM
Hey Tina, you know it gurlfriend! We redheads tend to fly off the handle every now and again:devil: . I'm voting for the winter blues, blahs or whatever you want to call them. It's enough to put anyone in a rut.:( Follow the wonderful advice and go shopping, even if it is only online and only looking. Seeing all the pretty new things for spring and summer is bound to lift your spirits and put a smile on your face once again! So get out there and have some fun, or you can always do what Karren suggested! :tongueout :D
:hugs: sweetie. CG gg

susie evans
02-08-2007, 11:50 PM
tina hope you are out of the rut did you take karrens advice and get dressed and get the snow of the drive way :hugs:


02-09-2007, 12:05 AM
I guess I'll just echo what a lot here have already said... There are days or weeks when I can't WAIT to get home from work every day so I can get into a dress. There are days when the urge to get all dolled up and go out shopping is so strong I can hardly keep myself from calling in sick!

Then there are days, weeks, when I don't even really think about dressing. I've been tempted to mark the highs and lows of this 'cycle' on a calendar to see if, over a year, they make any kind of pattern. The first time it happened, I thought for sure that I'd put CDing behind me but one morning I woke up and reahed for a dress...

The funy thing is that I'm so used to a certain level of CDing that I don't even think of it as crossdressing anymore, it is just what I wear. For instance, a few weeks ago on a Saturday I was thinking "You know, I really just don't feel like dressing right now". At the time, I was wearing panties and a nightgown. I ended up changing into a T-shirt and skirt just because they were the first things at hand and they were comfortable. As far as I was thinking that day, that wasn't REALLY dressing... it was just wearing comfortable clothes.

Tina B.
02-10-2007, 12:22 AM
In the winter gardners spend there time looking though seed catalogs, to make them feel better, so I think trying catalogs, and dreaming of flowing skirts and pastel colors should help. but purging never helps, because it is a temporary condition. I once purged and did not dress for a few years, I thought I had found a "cure", but luckly I was wrong, there is no cure (I hope). Or you could just buy a pair of womens slacks to wear while running that snow blower, I read some where thats how Karen was dealing with this cold spell.
anyway from Tina to Tina, hang in there
Tina B.