View Full Version : I Came Out to My Parents

Valerie Nicole
02-12-2007, 10:02 PM
Hey everyone. I made a thread about this before, asking people if they thought I should come out to my parents. Many of you suggested I didn't. Somehow, this only further incited me to do so. Maybe it was reverse psychology. Maybe the people who suggested I not tell my parents were giving me reasons that seemed to be the opposite of how things are for me. All I know is that I ultimately decided to listen to those who supported the idea of coming out to my parents, and also those who told me to do what I thought best.

Let me set the scene for you. It's early afternoon/evening (5pm-ish). I'm in the car with my parents, about a half hour into a two hour car ride following a doctor's appointment. At this point, I'm considering telling them later in the week. So I say to them, "there's something important I need to talk to you guys about, can we commit to a time later in the week?" They agree to this...but my mom started getting worried and asking questions. She also told me several times that they are my parents and that they will accept, support, and love me no matter what. Finally, I decided I was going to tell them. I asked my dad to pull the car over (didn't want him getting any kind of shock while driving). After struggling for about 5 minutes (though it seemed more like 5 hours), I managed to form a complete sentence..."I...am...a........................................ ..crossdresser."

At first what I got was two blank looks. My dad said, "really?" I said yes. That was about as bad or negative as their reactions got. We talked about it for a while. They had questions they wanted answered. My mom wondered if maybe it was her fault for discouraging me from wearing girls' clothes when I was little. They also wanted to know if I was gay. The questions were nothing out of the ordinary, and certainly nowhere near offensive or negative. They asked me if I had or would ever go out in public. They told me to be careful who I share it with. They said they were worried, not because I was doing anything wrong, but because this way of life is largely unaccepted by the world. They're right, I couldn't deny that much of it.

I'm glad I told them. I mean, I'm not going to go flaunting Jessica around them. They don't even know about Jessica as a person. We've just scratched the surface of talking about this, but the fact remains that they know and all we can do is work through it together. I'm glad I told them, because I no longer have to live in fear of being discovered. I encouraged them to do some online research and come to me if they have anything they want to say or ask about. They told me that I can do the same with them. This was a positive experience, and I realize just how truly lucky I am to have the parents that I have.

02-12-2007, 10:10 PM
Way to go! You've already cleared the worst hurdle; it only gets easier from now on. Your parents are awesome, I definitely think you should keep them!

02-12-2007, 10:17 PM
Congrats Jessica,
I'm glad to hear that you had a positive experience. Whatever their involvement may be in the end, it's just nice to know that they know about this side of you and are accepting.

I wish I had gone through with telling my parents. I probably still could, but I can't think of any real benefit of telling them at this point. I'm 30 and live hundres of miles away and don't have regular contact with except by phone. Who knows what will happen in the future.

I'm just happy that the situation is working out for you so far.

Tasha Meredith
02-12-2007, 10:26 PM
I'm very impressed by the way you handled it. Giving your parents time to know you had something important to say. Yea, I think you should keep them.

02-12-2007, 10:26 PM
I started out dressing by wearing my moms hose at the rip old age of 12....at 43, can't even imagine telling them, comming out the wife was hard enough (wish I had told her before she found out) but thats another story. Glad to hear you are out, I hope it continues to work out....



Mary Morgan
02-12-2007, 10:26 PM
Congratulations Jessica. It seems that you not only know yourself, but you really know your parents. What a wonderful new beginning for you all. Take it slow and easy, but relax.

kathy gg
02-12-2007, 10:29 PM
I think it was great that you took the plunge. Yoru parents already sound like good people in my book....

I want to share something with you from a different viewpoint.

First off, I am the wife of a cd, knew from the get go and it all well and fun for me. My hubby did get *caught* by his mom numerous times growing up. And literally from the age of 19 till 34 she knew about this part of him, but it was NEVER talked about. He finally got to have *the talk* with her at age 34 and thankfully by this time she had done a little research and totally accepted him. But her biggest concern was him going out, she feared just like any mother would that he might get hurt or soemthing. This was remiedied by us eventually taking her out with us to Toronto to the part of town we hang out in and litearlly meeting all our friends.

Now as a Mom myself now, I can completely understand that need for yoru child {regardless of how old they are} to be safe and not fear for some jerk hurting them out of ignorance.

I am really glad that my mom in law knows that we are safe and with good people and that we always take percations.

So I guess the point of me writing you is to say that sometimes it might seem like over-protectedness or even an attempt to *control* but most of the time it is a parent wanting nothing but for you to be safe. And really I dont' think any person can fully get that until {if} you yourself have a kid someday and go through these same feelings of wanting to protect them. And truely, they woudl nto be good parents if they did not express this concern about yoru safety...so I hope you dont' read anything into their worries other than a parents love.

So on that note.....good luckk on this journey of yours.

02-12-2007, 10:33 PM
you lucky dog! the only reaction worse that that of my parents (when they caught me at 13) was my ex's when i told her after about 3 months of marriage. congrats. :hugs:

Jenn S.
02-13-2007, 01:09 AM
Nice job on handling the matter, Jessica. I'm glad your parents are part of the few who are accepting of your CD'ing. My dad still asks me if I'm gay just about every month, so that's a pretty common concern when you're not being "the perfect son". Whatever the case, I'll bet it feels good to get it off your chest. :happy:

02-13-2007, 02:48 AM
you go girl!
your P's sound really cool!

02-13-2007, 04:20 AM
Excellent post.I am really happy for you and your parents.I told mine when I was about thirty and had been on my own for thirteen years in different provinces because I loved them and I knew they loved me but did not "know" the real me.They were like yours and were completely accepting.We were close before but became even closer after.Again congratulations.:hugs:

Joy Carter
02-13-2007, 05:01 AM
You have wonderful parents Jessica. It's that unconditional love they have that made this so easy for you. I was one of your detractors on coming out. I guess you do know your self at your young age.

Suzie S.
02-13-2007, 05:27 AM
Jessica, I'm so happy for you that things went so well with your parents! It must feel like a weight off your shoulders. It was a very brave thing to do. You obviously have a great relationship with them! They are definitely keepers! Keep those communication lines open, and be prepared if they have any more questions. Keep in touch and let us know how things are going!

Valerie Nicole
02-13-2007, 11:02 AM
Thanks everyone for all the support! I'm happy with the way things turned out, and I do count myself very lucky to have such supportive parents. I don't know what this means for us as a family, other than the fact that I'm going to be more open with them and that we're closer now than we used to be. Today, I already gently asked my mom to not worry about me, and to advise me on how to deal with this as little as possible. It may be new to her, but it is not new to me. I want them to know about this part of me and my life, but I want as little interferance as possible.

02-13-2007, 11:12 AM
Bravo! Wish I had done the same thing. Mom found my stash of things a few times. They were mostly her throw aways which was when I was quite young. We never breachd the conversation.
I always wonder "What if..." Because to have that sympathetic shoulder to rub tears and runny noses into while growing up with CDing. And especially this past year which I've had so much difficulty coping with my femme side.

Good for you. Your world is that much bigger for having the courage to reach those that you love and love you.

02-13-2007, 11:39 AM
Way to go Jessica,
I apllaud your courage but as for me I'll table my revelations about Sandra and keep my parents out of the loop. I do wish that we were all accepted for what and who we are but alas it is not to be at this time. maybe someday it will be ok, anyway congrats!

02-13-2007, 12:18 PM
Very bold move for your age and I am glad for you and your future that you did because now you can move on explore it openly and make your family
comfortable with the whole you.:hugs:

TV Wannabe
02-13-2007, 01:40 PM
you're very brave jessica, I wish I could tell my parents.