View Full Version : Lows and highs with one's SO

02-17-2007, 03:28 AM
Yesterday, my wife found my webpage (which was in my sig) open on my browser on my computer that usually only I use. She was furious with me for having photos of myself en-femme on the web. "What were you thinking?" "Why did you do it?", "People will recognise you", lots of talk about breech of trust, threats of getting rid of my wardrobe, if it happened again. I felt really bad that I had upset her and didn't really have any meaningful explanation to give her. My apologies sounded pathetic.

I immediately took the webpage down and dropped the atavar and sig photo in this forum.

Things were a bit better this morning, but still a rather frosty. After we got home from my 13 year old's birthday (at which we all had fun), she asked me to come up to our bedroom for a talk. "Oh-oh", I thought, "what now?" I was expecting further serious discussions.

On the way home she had dropped into the neighbours to pick up some things from a clothing sales party. She had bought me a lovely black skirt and top! My mouth dropped open and I nearly burst into tears. She asked me to try it on and it was great, and fitted me perfectly. She said it was just the thing for me to wear out to dinner when I am in Sydney next weekend.

The lesson: Don't do things behind your SO's back. Always tell her your thoughts and plans. If she thinks the idea is bad, respect her opinion. If she is ambivalent about a plan, tell her more about it and she may well change mind.

I am a fortunate person who does some dumb impulsive things sometimes, but lucky enough to have an SO is still loving, accepting and forgiving.

I love her.

Michelle (Oz)
02-17-2007, 06:16 AM
Ours is a crazy world. I sometimes think our conscience gets the better of us. My SO reacted the same when she knew I had posted a picture on a group a year ago. The fear of discovery is upermost in her mind ... we still need the income.

It would have been a huge relief and a great surprise to be given the clothes. I crave the support of my SO and I'm generally very fortunate too.

I hope you enjoy Sydney. I love going out en femme there.

Michelle (Oz)

02-17-2007, 11:42 AM
My SO is very supportive, and I have pages on Yahoo & Comcast. She has seen them both and I remind her that sooner or later one of her kids will probably find them. She says that we'll deal with it when it happens. That's OK with me. She does know that I want to come out to her kids too so I don't have to hide everything when they visit. She says in time, we have plenty of time. We do have plenty of time as we are both retired and still young... I still think 52 is young.

Marcie Sexton
02-25-2007, 11:08 AM
Yes there are...Like yourself, after I came clean and some serious chats, she has become totally supportive...I went from a womanizer, to a sick-o...

After some searching on her own and more talks, we came to an understanding...She has even become a member of our forum...Hopefully more wives/S.O.'s will take the lead and become involved inour lives...I personally speaking wouldn't take all the tea in China for mine...We're like a glove on a hand...

I'm really happy for you and your wife...

02-25-2007, 01:36 PM
Excellent advice, I have told my wife about this site after she found it open on my computer.
If I had been open about the need for a support group before hand even if online, she would have been more suportive.:sad:

Glamourgirl GG
02-25-2007, 11:07 PM
Christine, I am soooo thrilled to finally hear someone encourage others to be honest. THANK YOU!!!

When you are honest, it pays off in one way or another.

My husband had thought about posting pictures here before and I absolutely was against it. He respected my decision and deleted them. When you give respect you are shown respect in return.

Thank you for a great encouraging post!