View Full Version : My Olive Branch

02-06-2005, 03:43 AM
First off I'd like to apologize for any friction I have caused between myself and the GG's on this site. This is concerning all of the recent debates over the GG and GM forums. I have looked at both sides of this argument and have realized that it's better in the long run to have a forum for help SO's of CD's, wheather it be females only for now or whatever happens in the future. All things need to start somewhere, and these support forums for SO's is no exception.

Lately I have been angry and bitter about a lot of things for a lot of reasons, and I have taken some of my anger out against some members here, primarily in the form of opposing these new forums. The two main emotions I have been feeling that have led me to act how I have acted these last few days are these:

>General bitterness about general society as well as myself
>Jealousy/envy of the opposite sex (complicated personal issues related to my true gender and my CD'ing and bad memories from past led to these feelings)

I fully understand that we need all the help and support we can get, and that we all need to stick together here, and driving this group apart because of my personal issues is counterproductive to our cause. Once again I apologize to all who I have offended here and will work harder in the future to control personal negative feelings.

I say all this not to continue the drama of the GM/GG forums, but to do my part to make peace here and to have things return back to normal as soon as possible. I'm not asking for any replies to this thread.

Just for the record I was unsure due to the nature of this thread wheather it should go into the lounge or this MTF section. I assumed here because lately the more serious threads concerning this issue have gone on here.

I wish everyone here a good and peaceful night and to enjoy the rest of you weekends!

-Vallari :)

02-06-2005, 04:26 AM

You are an incredible sister and I love you.

Let go of the bitterness, honey. It's counterproductive to everything we strive to become. You and I, we've choosen a difficult road (or perhaps it has chosen us). It's so much nicer when there is help along the way. Society can only have as much control over us as we allow it to have. You and I and all of our friends here will be victorious as long as we stick together. It's time to put the past behind us and look with anticipation to what the future will bring us. Be at peace with yourself.

02-06-2005, 04:46 AM

You listen to what Holly mom said (cause that's why we call her Holly mom!), it's good advice! We need to stick together for the common cause...look at the Big Picture, I mean, and not let petty differences pull us apart. We need each other and the support of all those who have made the effort to understand us, like our GG sisters on this forum have. This is the only way we will ever have a significant impact on society and changing it's intolerance and negative perceptions of our community.

We are family and we need to stay together...as a family.;) :)


Tristen Cox
02-06-2005, 05:21 AM
I think we all see eye to eye on certain things and sometimes things just get a bit childish when we let our feelings get confused or misinterpreted, but don't beat yourself up about it Val, these things happen. It's part of life whether we like it or not. Water under the bridge. We live and learn from mistakes and triumphs.


02-06-2005, 05:50 AM

ps Wow! Tristen's quoting me in her signature! *blushes* :p

letsdance GG
02-06-2005, 08:47 AM
** Big Hugs**

Love your honesty and look forward to getting to know everyone here better as time passes. I know it takes a big person to step up when they feel they were wrong.

02-06-2005, 09:03 AM
Valrie, I see so many GG's that I envie so bad that it hurts. But I keep telling myself, one day................
Over the years I have learned so much and found much comfort in the GG friends I have that accept me pretty much as one of them.

letsdance GG
02-06-2005, 09:10 AM
AS I sat here, I had a epihany.

How much growth could I have had if everyone always told me what I wanted to hear?

Life is tough enough. I am grateful for everyone's input as I realize I don't know half of what I thought I did.

You are a great lady Val. Please let it go and move on. I hope we get a chance to learn together. That is what I am trying to do with my honey and I need everyone, whether I like what they say or not! :D

02-06-2005, 12:50 PM
Hi Val,

The past is behind us, we cannot live there. We can only live in the present and dream about life in the future. It takes a very special person to admit mistakes, and you are a special person. In all families not everyone shares the same views, but for us especialy we have to stick together ." We are family, I've got all my Sisters with me" ( Sister Sledge). Were all with you.

Love and Hugs, :D

02-07-2005, 03:05 AM
I'm proud to call you my 'sister'.

Tamara Croft
02-07-2005, 11:45 AM
We all say things we don't mean when we are upset, angry, have things bottled up. I pulled all my posts from the GG/GM thread as it was just getting silly and people got hurt because of it. I felt hurt and not wanted here and I was going to leave. But I thought about it over the weekend and decided to stay, not for me, but for the friends I have made here and for those that need my support. We aren't always going to like what each other say, but when it gets personal... people do get hurt.

We are after all human beings with feelings, even though we don't know each other personally, things we do and say make a difference.

Don't let your feelings bottle up... we are all here for each other. If I'm feeling down, I try to talk about things with my friends, whether they are online or rl friends.

Tamara x

02-07-2005, 12:09 PM
Hi Vallari & Tamara,

Vallari, I hope that I'm not going to be looked at as hijacking your thread here, but I would just like to say publicly to Tamara that I am very proud of her and pleased that she decided to come back to our portion of the forum and post. Given what you were put through, I don't think any of us would have blamed you if you had chosen to leave and never come back. The fact that you have come back for the ultimate good and benefit of the forum, speaks volumes of the integrity and character that you possess. You have done such admirable work here in helping to bring more of our GG sisters into the ranks here and given them a place where they can feel comfortable and at ease when seeking out advice and answers to their questions. This is truly looking at the big picture ladies, and the true meaning of sticking together as a family despite disagreements and hurt feelings.

Tamara hon, I am very proud of you girl and grateful that you have chosen to stay with us in this wonderful forum. Your friends, and I sure hope that you count me among them, are very happy and relieved, I'm sure, that you are back here with all of us. We missed you and we need you here...never, ever, forget that!

Thanks again Tamara...and a big thanks and a hug to you Vallari for letting me borrow your thread here to say what I needed to say from my heart.

Love you all,

Tamara Croft
02-07-2005, 12:47 PM
Christine.... I didn't want to carry on the hijacking of this thread... so I sent you a PM instead :D

Tamara x

02-07-2005, 12:49 PM
thanks to all the gals who have posted on this thread,most of all it speaks of the integraty of this forum, and the sista's that come here. this is what it is all about just think of a stranger reading this thrread wondering what us cd's are all about. well i'd have to say is about a bunch of loving caring people. Looking for support with each other and how about that we are a bunch of nornal every day people. hugs and kisses to you all.