View Full Version : Persistence Pays Off

02-23-2007, 10:46 AM
In the big picture of things, this probably isn't all that important but I wanted to share anyway. I had put on some weight and wasn't really paying attention to it.

I decided that I needed to start exercising every morning. For the last 6 weeks, I've been torturing myself every morning on the treadmill. What helped motivate me? My wife has a beautiful sweater dress that I've been dying to wear when going out. The concern that I've had was my belly. I would have looked pregnant. Once I get to the point where that dress looks good on me, I'm treating myself to a makeover!

This morning is the first time that I've been able to dress in a while. I'm sitting here in my wife's size 10 jeans which are two sizes below where I was two months ago. In fact, she can't even fit into them right now :). I'm almost to the point where I can get my reward.

I thought I'd share. It's amazing how good I feel after exercising.


Miss Petra
02-23-2007, 10:49 AM
Congrats Patti,

I myself started going to the Gym this week.

I am sore even with lots of stretching. Didnt realize I was that out of shape.

Keep it up.



02-23-2007, 10:53 AM
That's wonderful news! It seems that that treadmill is doing it's job.

02-23-2007, 11:07 AM
Good for you! I will try to use your story as an added bit of motivation. Dressing is easier if you are not carrying extra weight.

Tina B.
02-23-2007, 11:18 AM
Thats what I need to do. I have a great collection of clothes packed away that are now too small for me, that I would love to get back in to.
I guess it is time to get out and start walking more, since I don't have a treadmill, but living on a hill walking can do just as well I would think, but then that would mean taking off the skirt (Oh well, I guess I can just shop in the plus size dept the rest of my live. hehe)
congradulation! I know it takes determination!
Tina B.

Marie Just stop it, I can't take the pressure, I am going shopping this weekend, I will have them by the 1st!

02-23-2007, 11:27 AM
Patti, congratulations on your persistence. You know that we will want pictures of that makeover! :D

02-23-2007, 11:33 AM
Oh yes! Holly is right... We need lots & lots of pictures. I almost forgot about the most important part about dressing is showing off.

02-23-2007, 12:45 PM
I too just started back on an exercise regime per my doc's orders. Having inherited a puegot bike when my older brother passed last summer, that is what i decided to use instead of joining the gym ( huge cost savings there). Now i havent ridden a bike in a long time, so the first few excursions were only a cpl of miles to start. What a mistake that was, lol
i did pretty good the first half, but when i turned around, i found i had neglected the wind factor here in the Texas panhandle. When i finally got back home and off the bike, i found i couldnt walk worth a hoot, my legs had turned to rubber.
Now after several weeks of riding, my legs look and feel gorgeous, and my waist is trimming down nicely. I can actually get into a cpl of skirts i had not been able to wear in about 3 yrs. So, all you other girls, keep up the hard work and the rewards will be great for you too, im down to a 14, pushing for 12 as my next goal.

02-23-2007, 12:50 PM
My hat is off to any of you girls who can keep up an exercise program for more than a day or two (like me). Congratulations on the good work and keep it up!

02-23-2007, 01:21 PM
Last year, I started dieting. Started out at 176 pounds. Weighted myself this morning, I am down to 152. Also went from a Misses size 14 to a Misses size 12.

Kathleen Ann Trees
02-23-2007, 01:31 PM
Wow, great to hear your success. I'll use it as a motivator for me. I really need to lose 20 pounds, so let's see if I can do it for the Chicago Be All!

It's easy right? Output > Input.


02-23-2007, 02:32 PM
Size 10 Dear?

If it's any help at all, I'm Envious!

:rose: Roberta :rose:

Kristen Marie
02-23-2007, 08:34 PM
Well done Patti!! I know how you feel. I've dropped over 30lbs since joining this forum and exercising and dieting. Clothes shopping has been sooo much fun....and my reward system is much like yours.

I just have to be careful when people say you look great and I am ready to say...I've dropped two dress sizes!!

02-24-2007, 05:19 AM
Ahhhh,.....the benefits of "exercise and weight loss".

In May of 2005, I weighed 240# and wore size 46 trousers, XXL shirts, and size 14 panties A nice description would be "BLIMP"

I hadn't yet "discovered" myself and was pretty much content to be fat and lazy. Wasn't interested in the idea of weight loss or anything to do with exercise. Something inside of me began to click as the idea of being "sick and tired" all of the time began to become undesireable.
Without any real sort of "plan" I slowly began to change my eating habits, a bit more fruit here and there, salads somewhat more frequently, little things. One day I noticed that my pants felt a bit loose. Hmmmm I thought, maybe there is "something" to this? Sought out some advice from a nutritional counselor and got some insight that I found helpful.
Dug out my size 44 trousers, that I had put away. Still not quite able to accomplish things I wanted to during the day being "out of shape". Perhaps if I take morning walks I'll feel better was a thought. Of course I was able to rationalize every reason for not doing this, but my brains kept telling that I really should, "do something".
It turns out that while I was thinking about this, an advertisement from the local gym appeared in the mail. A pretty good offer of membership. $199 for an 18 month membership with NO other fees. I knew that joining a gym with a monthly fee of $12 wouldn't last long, figuring that $12 was a small amount and I could ignore it. However $199 is a "chunk o change" that can get my attention. I plunked down my money amnd joined, the idea being that since I've already invested a bit o cash I'd be smart to get my money's worth from it.
Dug around my clothes and found some old "sweats" I had for some reason and a pair of sneakers that had migrated way under my bed. Oh wow did I ever feel so proud of myself that first day. I was able to walk on the treadmill a total of 1 1/2 miles in 30 minutes. I went back the next day, and the day after that , and.... well, you get the idea. Somewhere along the journey I noted that my size 44s were "falling" off of me. Bought a pair of size 42s and THEY FIT!!!! I was really tempted to by loads more :just because" but being cheap, I held off, thankfully, for soon enough even they were loose and was able to purchase and wear size 40.
Along the way I discoverd "Phyliss" or She came out, depending on your point of view. Well,.....long story made short....I now weigh 175# and can wear size 36 trousers.

"I just have to be careful when people say you look great and I am ready to say...I've dropped two dress sizes!!"
Kristen I can so well identify with those thoughts. What I have taken to doing is, mentioning to any women who comment that I look better that I have gone from a size 22-24 to a size 12. When I get a "look" I tell them that I researched the size charts so that women could better understand how much I've lost. Kinda gives me a bit of cover. ;)

Pattil, a size 10!!! Now that I've gotten to size 12P I want so badly to be able to "take that next step" I am very proud of your persistance in this. I wouldn't have believed that it could happen to me, but I've seen it and am loving every second of it.

What makes it all worthwhile is when I see somebody that used to know the "fat" me and now says things like "wow you look good" I take those compliments and put them in my pocket to carry with me as a reminder of what I used to be and don't want to be again.

BTW that 1 1/2 mile in 30 min, I can now do 3 mile in 28:47. Took over a year to get there but I'm working at it, one day at a time.

Suzie S.
02-24-2007, 07:11 AM
Well done Patti! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

02-24-2007, 08:13 AM
I am so happy for all of you. I am a health educator and if I don't exercise regulary then I'll "blimp up" almost over night (I love to eat) so I can relate to all of you.

Just a couple of things: 1) it takes about 6 weeks to make anything a habit. So if you can hang in there for 6 weeks you're definately on your way.
2) If you're riding a bike ( terrilyn) please wear a helmit, most of the exercise injuries that baby boomers are incuring are brain injuries from falls from a bike. Brain injuries usually don't heal that well or quickly or at all.

3) don't just do the same exercise all the time, vary it up. This will help you keep exercising fresh. Your heart, lungs, muscles and really know what the stressor is just that they are being stressed. So change it up.

4) To lose weight remember portion control. That is why all the athletes advertising for Nutri-System lose weight, there's not that much food in the meals they provide. You can do the same thing at home, good food and don't eat that much (easier said than done).

5) Keep your goals in mind, think of all those great clothes in smaller sizes!

6) Get an exercise buddy, some one to exercise with. It will make you accountable. It can be a buddy you have in your male life but it'd be more fun to have a girl or gurl buddy who knows about your femme self. It can be a gurl here and you can contact each other daily or weekly to report your successes.

In fact perhaps we should start a Gurl Exercise Club. Let me know and maybe we could start a new group here.

Have fun ladies, have fun and lose weight!!!!!

Vanessa Sheridan
02-24-2007, 08:21 AM
Hi everyone,

I totally admire any person who can begin an exercise regime and then stick to it. I've done that many times and always manage to fall off the metaphorical wagon (which is probably better than falling off the literal treadmill). Anyway, I've now come up with my own private approach to exercise.

I have disciplined myself to do one situp a day. I do half of it in the morning when i get up, and the other half in the evenng when I lie down. I'm not getting any slimmer, but I'm getting enough sleep. :D

Just in case I haven't been able to make myself clear, the preceding paragraphs are all in fun. I'm definitely in favor of exercise, and certainly want to remain healthy. I've got too much work to do for the trans community, and don't have time to be old and sick!

Have a great day, everyone, and get out there and move. You'll feel better, I promise.


02-24-2007, 08:28 AM
Thats wonderfull. Thanks for the inspiration.

02-25-2007, 10:51 AM
Taking the cue from the comment by "insearchofme" about a "Gurl Exercise Club" I'm starting a new thread in the Lounge area.

02-25-2007, 04:06 PM
Great Patti!!

I admire your persistence! I've been contemplating attacking my belly issue.
I've been developing a mid winter ab , as in one large singular. I know there are five more in there and you may be just the encouragement I need to get on it and git it done:D


02-25-2007, 11:24 PM
Good for you hun. It does pay off when we set ourselves a goal. Go girl!!