View Full Version : Cant think of a catchy title...

02-06-2005, 05:31 PM
Hi everyone...

Just had a few things that i needed to say, its been a while since i posted anything of any length so i thought that i had better do it!

Well, what can i tell you.. in the last week or so sooo much has happened.. i dont know where to begin..

Ok, first things first, ive finally found a happy medium in which i can kinda live for the time being, ive gone all goth.. its a strange feeling.. ive started wearing makeup in public (all be it black, yes i do have pics.. and maybe i will post them sooner or later ;) and well.. i atucaly feel happy..

Ive even started doing it around the house, my mum wouldnt even look at me to begin with, but now.. well, earlier on she told me my eyeshadow was smudged and that i should go and fix it.. so i guess that answers that question dosent it?????

Went out on friday night and was .. err.. well, chatted up by a really lovely gay guy.. but hey, im not that way.. well, sometimes :) so thats that really, was just flattering really i guess.. :)

What else can i say? oh yeah.. WAXING HURTS dosent it?? LOL

Oh well, just wanted to let you all know how i was feeling.. and how i was doing thats all..

Kayleigh X

02-06-2005, 05:40 PM

It;s do good to hear from you. You've happened upon a wondeerful place in your life... peace of mind. Who knows if this will be your ultimate destination? The important thing is you have found the balance you were seeking and if nothing els, you now have the time to sort things out. I'm so happy for you and look forward to hearing more from you.


Tristen Cox
02-06-2005, 05:58 PM
Hi Kay, goin' goth huh? Sweeet :cool: Thanks for stopping in to say hello. And yes waxing f'ing hurts! Beauty can sometimes be painful. Hope to see you around soon ;) *hugs*


02-06-2005, 06:11 PM
Hi Kay...great to hear from you again. Sounds like you have found some serenity at last. We are so happy for you. Stay in touch now, ok?


02-06-2005, 06:14 PM
Kayleigh, it's great to have you back and that you've found a happy medium to work on for the time being. As for going Goth there are a number of likeminded girls here already. Only the other day on the radio some guy had his leg's waxed live in the studio, it sounded like torture. :)


02-07-2005, 02:39 AM
Glad to hear you are not sad Kay.It broke my heart to read about the sadness you had been going through. :(
Looking forward to your bubbly updates in the future. :D

Tamara Croft
02-07-2005, 06:50 AM
Hiya Kay

Glad your feeling much better. As for waxing.....well the saying goes 'no pain, no gain' but it gets less painful each time you have it done.

Tamara x

02-07-2005, 07:01 AM
Went out on friday night and was .. err.. well, chatted up by a really lovely gay guy.. but hey, im not that way.. well, sometimes :) so thats that really, was just flattering really i guess.. :)

Typical Essex girl, always partying :D

Glad to hear that you are back on your feet and have the confidence to go out in public with the make-up. You are much braver than I! Somehow I could not imagine my mother giving me make-up tips. Well done and keep posting here.
