View Full Version : How Does Your Wife/Partner Address When Your Dressed

02-26-2007, 07:31 AM
My wife very rarely calls me by my femme name when dressed. How about your wife/partner.

Does she always address you by your male name?

Does she always address you by your femme name?

Does she address you by using both?

Does she address you by another name?

02-26-2007, 07:34 AM
lol--that's easy--either "Maam" or "Mistress"---if they know what's good for them.:dom:

02-26-2007, 08:02 AM
She addresses me as "Honey", been that way for years

fits both sides real easy

02-26-2007, 08:25 AM
She refers to me as Wenda, which she uses in the third person when I am not dressed, such as "I saw some red heels in the catalogue that Wenda would like."

02-26-2007, 08:27 AM
We rarely use our names when talking to each other, but if she does she uses my male name.

02-26-2007, 08:31 AM
Like Wenda, We talk about Sara as a third person. IE: when out shopping "do you think sara would like this, or is this lipstick Sara's color?
However when adressing me directly my wife always calls me a pet name such as sweetie, or honey, no matter how I am dressed.

02-26-2007, 08:34 AM
Like others here, my dear wife refers to me in the third person, like hey that would be a good movie to see with Eva. But when dressed she calls me by my femme name.:happy:

02-26-2007, 08:35 AM
We rarely use our names when talking to each other, but if she does she uses my male name.
We are the same and if there is a reference to Kahlan it is either she or herself. Kind of cute. Kahlan

Cherry Lynn
02-26-2007, 09:15 AM
She refers to me as Wenda, which she uses in the third person when I am not dressed, such as "I saw some red heels in the catalogue that Wenda would like."

My wife does the same.

Sheri 4242
02-26-2007, 10:25 AM
Whether dresed or not, my wife and I usually call each other by pet names. Like others have said here, when using my femme name my wife will often use the third person, like in look through a catalouge she might say, "that would look good on Barbara." If we are out shopping the using the third person allows us to communicate without being obvious. One of us might say, "I think that skirt is really Barbara's style."

02-26-2007, 10:51 AM
I try very hard to call her by her fem name but after so many years of saying "Nigel" adding the "la" on the end is hard to do not because I don't want to it's just habit I guess, it might have been easier if she'd changed it compeltley.

Jenny Beth
02-26-2007, 10:53 AM
I get referred to in the third person whether I'm dressed or not. If we are going through catalogues or watching television I often hear, "Now there's something Jennifer would like". It puts me on cloud nine...:happy:

02-26-2007, 10:58 AM
Most of the time it's just San, sweetie, honey, etc. I think that she has only called me Sandy once and maybe Marie once. She did say that she likes the name Marie better.

Erica Leigh
02-26-2007, 11:00 AM
we talk alot, but for my SO to use Erica's name in bed or otherwise is difficult for her, even in the third person when we are guy/girl mode, i think it may bring some more realization forward, which makes her question her identity as the woman she is, because she also spends alot of time in tomboy mode, which of course is totally socially acceptable, sucks, but any ways, if and when she actually says it, she says it in third person, because i dont have any oppurtunity to be fully dressed, so its hard to mix it all.


02-26-2007, 12:03 PM
My partner calls me Trish when I am dressed.

02-26-2007, 12:06 PM
Rarely will she call me by Suzy.... most oiften....98% of the thime it is by my male name and how I wish it was different.....but we all take what we can get..I guess...:hugs:

02-26-2007, 02:08 PM
Like Wenda, We talk about Sara as a third person. IE: when out shopping "do you think sara would like this, or is this lipstick Sara's color?
However when adressing me directly my wife always calls me a pet name such as sweetie, or honey, no matter how I am dressed.

Pretty much the same here, altho there have been times when, while dressed in the company of supportive friends, my wife will ask how I want to be addressed - I tell her it doesn't matter.


02-26-2007, 02:26 PM
Stephenie when dressed male name when drab Stephanie in third party if in drab and in public

Tina B.
02-26-2007, 03:07 PM
Pet name most of the time, she will use Tina to address cards and things, but not to many times that I can think of that she uses Tina when addressing be directly, But she will use it in the third person. It seems to be easyer to use it when Tina's not around.
Tina B.

02-26-2007, 03:18 PM
My wife doesn't know my name. Years ago when I first sprung all this on her, she asked if I had a femme name (not using those words, of course). I told her that when she met me I would introduce myself.
We haven't met yet, so.....

02-26-2007, 03:23 PM
Oh Sherrie, I hope she meets you soon. You are so sweet! She is missing a great girlfriend.:happy:

02-26-2007, 03:26 PM
Well, we all know that! But, if it keeps the peace at home, it's the price I pay.
Besides she is so good to me in other ways that I can't complain.

Kathleen Ann Trees
02-26-2007, 03:39 PM
Like SherriePall, there's not been any reference yet. It will be interesting when it happens, though.


Maureen Henley
02-26-2007, 04:36 PM
Like Wenda, We talk about Sara as a third person. IE: when out shopping "do you think sara would like this, or is this lipstick Sara's color?
However when adressing me directly my wife always calls me a pet name such as sweetie, or honey, no matter how I am dressed.

It's just the same with my wife and me. She has never called me Maureen, she says I am the same person, regardless of how I am dressed. Even at Tri-Ess meetings, she would call me Marty, but refer to me as Maureen when talking to others. She usually calls me Hon, Sweethart, or her wonderful husband (once in a great while!):heehee:

02-26-2007, 06:07 PM
She rarly use my name drab or enfem and when she does its usually a pet name. She use to call me Sara but it caused problems in that it made me seem like two different people to her. Its easier for integrate my dressing if she it as just part of me and not something seperate and haveing a drab and fem name seperates them. Calling me Sara makes me someone other than the person she fell in love with and married and still loves to death.

02-26-2007, 06:13 PM
Well, boy or girl mode my wife usually calls me babe! :-)
If it came to a name though, it will be Matt unless we are out together with me dressed - something that hasn't happened in about 5 years.
Kim. . . err Matt . . . who ever the hell I am!

02-26-2007, 06:15 PM
She refers to me as Wenda, which she uses in the third person when I am not dressed, such as "I saw some red heels in the catalogue that Wenda would like."

My wife and I do the same thing to avoid problems when talking together in public. When I am dressed she always calls me Sally. When in drab she always calls me by my male name.


Bethany Ann
02-26-2007, 08:27 PM
Shes seen the pics but I think the first time she actually see's me she's just going to be speachless..hehe


Elizabeth Anne
03-03-2007, 08:39 PM
Like others here, my dear wife refers to me in the third person, like hey that would be a good movie to see with Eva. But when dressed she calls me by my femme name.:happy:

Same here with me.

03-03-2007, 10:01 PM
My wife calls me s**thead in either case, so it really doesn't matter! LMAO

03-03-2007, 10:26 PM
My partner is in transition, but when it was just crossdressing I would call her Claire when she was enfemme, or if we were out in drab, Claire was a code word.

Now, things are so much tougher! We work together and she's stealthed, so she's he, hubby, and James at work (this drives me insane by the way), and she, partner and Claire at home. The other day someone said "Your husband asked me to do...." at work and I think I gave a blank look for a second until I remembered I had one.

Then there are the androgynous outings, and it's tough to figure out what to say, so I just say "Yo, get over here." :tongueout

03-03-2007, 10:32 PM
My partner is in transition, but when it was just crossdressing I would call her Claire when she was enfemme, or if we were out in drab, Claire was a code word.

Now, things are so much tougher! We work together and she's stealthed, so she's he, hubby, and James at work (this drives me insane by the way), and she, partner and Claire at home. The other day someone said "Your husband asked me to do...." at work and I think I gave a blank look for a second until I remembered I had one.

Then there are the androgynous outings, and it's tough to figure out what to say, so I just say "Yo, get over here." :tongueout

Oh boy!... Can I understand that! It must be really tough for you having to deal with this now as he has all his life. I mean... He has delt with it all his life, where you're just beginning. Keeping secrets and telling "white lies" to keep it secret can be very stressful. His stress level may be a bit less, but yours????

03-03-2007, 10:51 PM
Oh boy!... Can I understand that! It must be really tough for you having to deal with this now as he has all his life. I mean... He has delt with it all his life, where you're just beginning. Keeping secrets and telling "white lies" to keep it secret can be very stressful. His stress level may be a bit less, but yours????

Nah, for me it's not really stressful, it's funny. Both of us have a pretty high humor quotient, and we know that even if we try our best, we could still be outed by a freak incident. She doesn't get made if I slip on a prefix at home, and we have a code I can IM her with (namely, "OOPS, RUN!") in case I goof at work. LOL

We have 20 months left before she can start real life test, so we're hoping we can stay under the radar that long ;)

03-03-2007, 11:01 PM
Nah, for me it's not really stressful, it's funny. Both of us have a pretty high humor quotient, and we know that even if we try our best, we could still be outed by a freak incident. She doesn't get made if I slip on a prefix at home, and we have a code I can IM her with (namely, "OOPS, RUN!") in case I goof at work. LOL

We have 20 months left before she can start real life test, so we're hoping we can stay under the radar that long ;)

That is Sooo Coool, and sooo adult! My SO would never allow me to transition. We have discussed it... If my 'ol bod could handle it, she probably would leave.

Karen Johnson
03-03-2007, 11:14 PM
Always femme.

Bridget Fitzgerald
03-03-2007, 11:26 PM
I get dirty looks and cold shoulder :straightface:

03-03-2007, 11:45 PM
Always tina, and tina uses her first name, which is the only time it is used between the two of us. This helps keep the personas separate as she and tina have no romantic relationship. The hardest thing isn't name but suddenly finding ourselves in a conversation as man and wife instead of girlfriends! The two of us are so much in each other's pocket mentally that setting up new ways of thinking as girlfriends has been the issue, but never a name problem when Tina "comes to visit!"


03-04-2007, 06:22 AM
My wife calls me by my real name only when we're with friends who (in theory) don't know. All other times, dressed or drab, it's "Sis," which has gotten an odd look from time to time in stores.:happy: She has several friends and they socialize--lunch and shopping--on Saturdays. Usually, but not always, I'm invited along. Then it's "Esther" (which they always call me), "Sis," or occasionally, when talking about me to them, "my little fairy." :straightface:

Joy Carter
03-04-2007, 08:04 AM
HEY MUTANT ! Is that blunt enough for ya ?:heehee:

03-04-2007, 11:19 AM
My girlfriend calls me sweetpea no matter what i'm wearing. Sometimes when dressed she does call me miss sexy and that makes me feel so good that she can use a fem petname sometimes.


Lovely Rita
03-05-2007, 02:48 PM
Only as Rita but some times when I have been quite demanding....lets just say Rita the Diva:D Very playfully of course.

03-05-2007, 02:56 PM
Mostly she calls me Connie, or Connie Lynn, Unlsess "Miss Connie" does something to aggravate or upset her, then its..


at which point I try to hide. LOL

she calls me other things which are more personal as well............:o

03-05-2007, 03:22 PM
I like this post. Well I get called by my female name cos she finds it hard and I understand that to call me Felix or anything other than C****. Recently though I have asked her to be a little more neutral if she can when we are shopping, ya know like hun or darls or sweetie or babe :o No pressure though when she is ready :love: xx Felix :hugs: