View Full Version : Crossroads

02-27-2007, 01:47 PM
Hi all,
Lately I feel I am comming to a cross roads of some sort. I was deeply in the closet for nearly forty years (married for the last 31). Since I started visiting this site a little over a year ago, I have cracked the closet door open and stuck out a pantyhose covered toe. I have been taking "baby steps", but to where and why?
My wife now is comfortable with my wearing conservative(dark colored,non-lace) panties,everyday. She tolerates but is uncomfortable with my occasional "experimentation" with wearing pantyhose, when she is not around. She washes them without commment. She is not yet aware of the rest of my CDing. The question is where is this leading?
I could continue to with the present situation forever if necessary. I do not want to threaten our marriage or make her any more uncomfortable. If I came out fully, it would be a relief in that I would no longer have to hide, but could cause new problems. I have no (current) desire to go out dressed. Do I need to go further, I don't know? It felt safe in the dark closet. The thought of being dressed enfemme in front of her scares me and makes me uncomfortable.
I am sorry this is getting long, and I don't really have a question, I just needed to express my feelings. I can see a crossroads, do I press my luck and come out more or take the easy road and stay in the closet where it feels safe, but could lead to worse consequences if she found out everything all at once? I just can't help asking myself "What is the destination?"

Jaydee :worried:

02-27-2007, 02:04 PM
Hi Jaydee, seems to me that your wife might be ready for you to be more open with her.Baby steps are always good, but seeing where you both stand on this issue is most important. You can only take steps forward, once done they cannot be un-done. I certainly am no expert here and I wish you all the best.

02-27-2007, 02:28 PM
Feel free to rant and rave. After all this is a suport forum and we all have been there too. Mabey it is time for you and your wife to have the talk, as they say. I too am in the closet to my wife, but out as far as going out in public en fem and etc.

02-27-2007, 03:09 PM
I'm sort of in your situation. My wife knows that I dress. She knows that I wear panties and I wear camis and tops around the house. I put on a skirt and that didn't sit well with her. I have been out in public many times.

Just do what you are comfortable with as far as your dressing goes. If you don't want to go out in public that's cool. I admire the fact that you are not forcing the issue on your spouse. I did the same thing and it has worked out for us. She borrows my skirts and tops.



02-27-2007, 04:03 PM
WOW you took the words right out of my head, although I think I'm going to veture out a little more with out her first and see how much I like it out there and if the consequence would be worth it.