View Full Version : Feminine Voice

02-27-2007, 10:51 PM
My feminine voice still sounds to deep and I was wondering if any women here have any suggestions on how to make my voice sound (for want of a better term) "girly"?


02-27-2007, 11:02 PM
This might get you started. If you want to know more, do a search for "voice".


I got all of these links from here...

02-27-2007, 11:04 PM
Try a search on voice here. I believe there are many older threads relating to the subject. I think the secret is experiemntation until you discover your femme voices (you probably ahve more than one), and then practicing in your favourite voice. Try recording your voice, leaving yourself voice mails, etc. If you watch well-known CD movies such as Tootsie and Mrs Doubtfire, you will realize that the men in the lead roles all found their femme voice in another accent. My "Polly, Polly Darton" voice is quite southern. My Wenda voice is more mid-Atlantic. I hope to be able to discover a singing voice for both. All the best. w.

02-27-2007, 11:33 PM
Sheela, there are some very feminine GGs like Lauren Bacall, who had deep voices. It is not so much a matter of pitch as it is of resonance and style.

02-28-2007, 12:03 AM
I have been convinced by others that pitch isn't the critical factor. If you try and do falsetto to sound girlish, it usually sounds very contrived and artificial.

A few quick tips that often do wonders. Gurl's that I admire for their voice styles advise: 1.) Speak softer. Don't do the male thing and try to project. An oratory style is not going to help you to pass, listen to women and you will notice that the one's you consider to be "ladylike", do not sound like a slatern screaming in the street.

2.) Speak from the throat rather than from your gut. You will be amazed how this can change the timbre of your voice. Think marilyn....think breathy!

3.) If you can pull it off, try a bit of a southern accent. People sort of expect Blanche Dubois Types to be pitched a little lower and to sound like they have smoked too much. (Hey, that's closer to your male voice, isn't it?) That accent may get you in trouble for being "over the top", but people just might enjoy your voice more, when you "camp it up."

I'm sure there are lots of other great ideas out there. Remember, it's just like the piano, "If you want to get good, get a recorder and practice, practice, practice!"

Peace and Love, Joanie