View Full Version : Had to Share - Jung's Anima Theory

03-01-2007, 12:05 PM
Hi Ladies. I found this to be a great article and wanted to share it. Forgive me if you've seen it before but for those of you who haven't take the time to look through it and let me know what you think? Makes a lot of sense to me.


03-01-2007, 12:20 PM
great article thanks for sharing. I'll read more from Jung

03-01-2007, 12:29 PM
Peggy That is a great article and I too wish to thank you for sharing it. (HUG) Felicia

Casey Morgan
03-02-2007, 04:13 PM
I've found what she says to be very thought provoking whether or not I agree with what she's said. She was too advanced for me a lot of the time when I joined here, and now that I can intelligently discuss those kinds of things she isn't here anymore. But if you liked that article and the other articles on her site, you might want to read her posts here.

Karren H
03-02-2007, 04:46 PM
Thanks!!! That's pretty deep!! I'm more intune to the theory that I just like to wear pretty things.... Its a simple theory and easier to remember........... At least for me....


Michelle 51
03-02-2007, 09:16 PM
Thank's Peggy Interesting reading and a lot of truth there i think. Justabit

03-02-2007, 09:19 PM
Thanks Peggy! I don't know if or when I'll figure it all out, but sites like that are helping me to understand more.

03-02-2007, 09:24 PM
thank you, i need to read this later way too deep for me right now, good find

Angela E.
03-03-2007, 07:47 AM
But,at least in my case,not a perfect fit,especially the parts about supressing feminine tendencies.I never really could,at least in private.:hugs: Angela.:ld: :ld: :ld: :GE: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Lovely Rita
03-03-2007, 06:07 PM
I agreed with this:
The crossdresser recognizes the positive, healing meaning of crossdressing. At this point, crossdressing becomes supported, rather than rejected, by the ego; he may then pursue crossdressing as a constructive activity, now freed from previous moral constraints. But, by the same token, recognition of the positive meaning of the urges also brings an appreciation of sensible limits.

But disagree with this:
It is consistent with the anima theory that the urge to crossdress may diminish during these later stages. The crossdresser now understands that it was not the clothing or being a woman that he sought--these merely symbolized the deeper aspects of his personality he sought to express. Once he experiences and expresses these aspects directly, female clothing itself has less meaning and importance.

Cause for me it is all about the clothing. I love it even more.

I guess there is an exception to every rule.

thanks and take care

03-03-2007, 07:12 PM
Originally, my SO agreed to let me dress in whatever whenever, thinking that after a while the "novelity" would wear off and I wouldn't need it as much.
After a week or so she realized that I was embracing it fully, she told me of this.
I then explained that what she has given me by letting me dress was a crossdressers dream come true.
Now the "pink fog" may life a bit as time goes on, bit my crossdressing is here to stay. We both accept that fact and me wanting to go further with it. ie. Going out enfemme, and dressing publicly on a daily basis.

So I have to agree with some points and disagree on others as Lovely Rita has pointed out. It just isn't that simple and there really is no set of rules to go by... We all are totally different from each other and have different levels and views as well.
In the same respect, it's not a bad anology as a general observation. But it just can't be generalized because of the differances amoungst us.

Tara Michele
03-03-2007, 11:50 PM
Though Anderson's thesis seems well presented, it does lack somewhat in solid support. Regardless, I do find that in my journey that I can really resonate with her conclusions on personality integration, and indeed have been experiencing the healing aspects of crossdressing crossing into my male persona, fostering a blending of traits often attributed to one gender or the other. The result seems to be, as Anderson states, the ability to be less controlled by the need to dress and more fulfilled by who I am as a fully actualized human being.

I had forgotten about this article. Thanks for bringing to light again.