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View Full Version : came out to my sister........

03-02-2007, 03:35 PM
So Amongst the marriage troubles I've been having I decided I needed a shoulder to cry on andin a fit of tears I decided to take a chance an tell someone. That person was my sister.
I tried doing this a few months back and it was just too hard and I kept choking on the words. I eventually gave up. Silly really I'm 36 years old and can't even type the words while chatting on msn.
But the last few days were just to much to keep in. Usually I can but not this time. She has been so good to me and just a comfort that to know that someone dear to me is on my side. She couldn't believe that I have been CDing since age four. A total shock to her. We never got into any kinda details but focused on what has been going on in my marriage.
Totally supportive. She couldn't really understand the big deal.
What a weight off the shoulders to finally tell someone about this side of me. Even more relieving not to be a called a freak and shunned. I simply thought life couldn't be any worse right now and prepared myself for the absolute worse reaction. The reaction was a bit of a shock but more of a really who cares kinda thing.
She asked the important kinda questions such are you going out in public, forcing it on my wife and such. When we got down to the fact that I was fairly secretive, meek and really only doing this for me because it's something I don't want to share, it was boiled down to "what is the big problem?"
This was not at all what I was expecting but I am so glad I did it. It was a huge step for me to admit to another that I am a crossdresser.
I don't know where my marriage will end up that's really unclear at the moment but I have a sister who loves me for me. That is blessed thing.

amanda barber
03-02-2007, 03:38 PM
Glad to hear that went well.

One persons help can mean alot.

03-02-2007, 03:40 PM
awww Sparks all I can do is sit here and cry. I'm so relieved for you. :gh: Glad sometimes things do go right.


03-02-2007, 03:47 PM
I am sorry about your marriage problem, it is nice that your sister reacted so well. We never know how people will react that is why it is hard to tell anyone.


03-02-2007, 03:47 PM
My sister was the first person I told.

03-02-2007, 04:00 PM
I couldnt be happier for you. I know exactly how you feel due to my very similar experience. I dont know whether you know it or not, but your life has changed forever. Congratulations!

03-02-2007, 04:07 PM
I feel like I want to reveal my secret to someone and my sister would probably be that person. Should I just go for it? I'm very glad for those of you who have received acceptance from those you have told, but could this backfire and make life tricky?

Sparks, I do hope your marriage problems get resolved, you are lucky to have a loving sister.

03-02-2007, 05:00 PM
I am 58 and I am sure that at least 1 of my 5 younger sisters knows that I dress. I do not live near any of them but from our youth I am sure that at least my 2nd sister knows. I live down in Essex UK and they all live up in or near Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire a good 200 miles away.

Angie G
03-02-2007, 05:34 PM
Sperks I'm so glad you have your sister we all need someone keep her dear to you always :hugs:

03-02-2007, 05:38 PM
I am so happy it went well....your saying....but I have a sister who loves me for me. That is blessed thing....just choked me up.... I hope your other troubles will turn around for you.:hugs:

03-02-2007, 05:46 PM
i am so glad for you , i feel your pain as i went through what you are going through two years ago , it hurts give it time , think of this time as a nuclear bomb as gone off and you have to let the dust settle and see who is still around , then you have to pick up the pieces and go forward, i hope for the best you are a wonderful person don't give up ...
hugs marissa

Kathleen Ann Trees
03-02-2007, 05:53 PM
Also glad it went well for you. I can only image how it must have felt to let it out and have a supportive feedback. Wow.

You are my only sisters. So I tell you everything!


03-02-2007, 06:45 PM
:hugs: :love: :hugs:

What more could anyone add? :happy:

There, that did it.


Suzie S.
03-03-2007, 06:41 AM
Sparks, I'm so sorry you are having troubles in your marriage. I hope thing will turn out ok for you! Sending you lots of :hugs: ! That is awesome that you have such a good relationship with your sister, and you can speak openly with her! Best wishes! :happy:

03-03-2007, 07:03 AM
Finally! Someone you can share your true self with. I think this is something everyone wishes! At least you have this. Now build a new you. Good luck.

03-03-2007, 07:45 AM
Sparks, That's great that it went so well. The Brother - Sister relationship is often the most solid. If I were to tell anyone, it would be my sister.

03-03-2007, 08:18 AM
It is great that you have someone close to you that you can talk too. SoOmetimes just talking things out can help you thru the hugest problems. After all that is all that counselors really do. Just talk to you. Maybe your sister can help you to see where you wife is having the issues. And if your wife and sister are friends, maybe you sister can help your wife accept you for who you are also.

Whatever life may bring you in the future. I wish you all the best. :hugs:

03-03-2007, 09:13 AM
im glad you have someone to share this with so many of us dont get to .im happy for you :hugs: :bighug: hope your marriage gets better in time things will get better just hang in there:hugs: we are here for you:hugs:


03-03-2007, 09:18 AM
Gald you have someone who you can share this with and a shoulder to cry on. Sending you lots ot :hugs:

03-03-2007, 12:07 PM
Yeah I told my Sister, not so long ago. She Totally understood me and then let me know that my Bro-In Law enjoys CDing too, and also enjoys things too graphic to say around here! I love my Sister! She is cool, and is always willing to listen and cry upon. It is too bad that she lives a half a continent away!

Rachel Morley
03-03-2007, 12:45 PM
It was a huge step for me to admit to another that I am a crossdresser.
Tell me about it! I promised and swore to myself I would never, ever, tell another living sole, not even in a moment of weakness. I figured no one would ever "get me" and so it just wasn't worth it. However, when I did eventually tell someone, it was just an online friend that I had never even seen a picture of. Now she is my wife. :D

I'm sorry to hear about your marriage troubles. Hopefully you will be able to get through this.

03-03-2007, 01:05 PM
Glad you have an understanding sister, that is one of the good things about woman, they are generally more understanding and caring than men are. I said one of the things which is not to mean there is a limit to the females qualities because I don't think there is. I will pray that your wife comes to a comprimise and loves you for who you are, that has been my good fortune and I wish it on you and any of my "sisters" out there that need the support
Sandra Michelle

Lovely Rita
03-03-2007, 03:54 PM
It is great to hear about your sister.