View Full Version : I just wanted to die

03-06-2007, 09:40 AM
I really enjoy the posts here ( Going to the Bathroom ) I met 5 girls and 2 so's for an afternoon and evening outing, my first time out; resturant, theater tickets, a hotel overnight. This sets the stage for one wonderful evening with just some really fun and enjoyable company, had a makeover at 12:30; others began arriving at the salon at 2:00. a little wine some very enjoyable thoughts and discussions, final touch ups all of us were very well dressed. We had dinner at 5 theater at 9. The resturant was packed we had our own area but were not isolated by anymeans from the other patrons. the bar was behind us not a chair left empty many were standing. One by one as time went by the girls left and came back; the call of nature ( that call )I could no longer ignore or put off, and yes my first time to deal with this dilema. The girls directed me toward the direction of human relief, reminding me It's the woman's room for you, a brief discriptive reminder of how to's from an so next to me, followed by you will not have a problem you look just great. Wonderful wonderful, just a wonderful confidence builder that really didn't work. I't started off just great I was able to stand in line with at least 10 other ladies waiting in bitter discomfort for a welcomed moment of human relief, I thought "I would die standing there!" I asked the great question ( How the hell did I end up here?). At least 10 minutes passed (seemed like hours) before the great entry. I was 20 on a scale of 10 for needing that facility, and knew there was no way out of this most extraordinary situation. I entered; another few minutes of waiting, and finally made it to a wonderful closed in cubicle of peace and relief. Leaving was not a problem I believe all of us there had an urgent agenda, and if I was read it was of little importance given the situation. The same was repeated in a crowded theater, followed by a loss of my room key causing me to enter a crowded lobby and main desk to get a copy; remember, I signed in, in a different dress mode. surrounded by others checking in I took my key went to my room took off 4" soft leather red ankle strap pumps, had them on for 14, yes 14 hours, the puppies had had enough, to long a story for all the details, but will never forget that day for as long as I live. yes a cat has 9 lives, but I now know we have more, I died a dozen times that day. luv to all KELLY

03-06-2007, 09:45 AM
Your title scared me. :rolleyes:

I'm nervous about using the ladies' room for the first time, too. I posted a thread about it earlier, in fact. :)

Joy Carter
03-06-2007, 11:26 AM
No worries mate. Just go and do your business then get out.
I was in Detroit recently at a gay bar and they had only one Lou for everyone. The only negative comment I heard was from one GG who entered a stall after a CD. She stated after finding the seat up, "That Was A Real Man."(sarcastically):eek:

I never understood what the big deal was anyway. Seat up seat down ?

03-06-2007, 11:48 AM
I never understood what the big deal was anyway. Seat up seat down ?

Sometimes women just sit without looking. I've done that before too and that bare bowl can be very cold, especially in the winter.
If you put the lid down too, they'll complain about that eventually too.
It seems that men are the only ones that almost always have to lift the seat.

03-06-2007, 12:34 PM
When I attended HEF2006 last year, it was held at a very nice Hotel here in Dallas, TX. Well as the day went on, I too had to use the powder room. At first I was a little scared, but when I entered there was no one in it. So I selected a stall, went in, closed and locked the door and did my business. While I was in the stall, I heard the door open and the click-clack of heels and then another stall door open/close. I finished, then as I started to leave, I saw my reflection in the mirror. I just had to stop and fix my hair and lipstick. While I was doing that the GG that had come in after me came up to the mirror and started fixing her face. We smiled at each other and I left the ladies room. Then it hit me, "WOW", I just used the ladies room. Don't know if the other GG knew I was a CD or not, but she didn't run out of the ladies room screaming. LOL The hotel staff knew who we were, but I'm sure al lot of the guest didn't know, but did not hear one negitive word all day.

Lovely Rita
03-06-2007, 12:51 PM
Wow what an adventure!

susie evans
03-06-2007, 08:18 PM
sounds like a real adventure to me you are on a roll :hugs:


03-06-2007, 09:31 PM
I guess I've been lucky, not too much scare/nervousness when using the ladies room. A few times while checking my face, a GG standing at the next sink would make simple conversation and I'd answer/speak as softly and short as I could. Who wants to make a scene? About the toilet seat, I never move it, I sit like a lady and do my thing, provided it's a clean facility. For sake of extreme hygiene, I've also hovered over the toilet and aimed correctly, so the sight of my feet wasn't that of someone peeing like a man!