View Full Version : On Educating Store Owners

03-07-2007, 08:25 AM
There are a few privatly owned stores in my area, and they all know that I crossdress. I've always made sure to thank them for their help and assistance, and have gone to extremes to be considerate of their other customers. While having various conversations with the owners over a period of time, one thing has become clear to me.
First, I'm not "the only one" who is a customer.
Second, I've been told that "We" are a better and more polite customer than some women.
Third, We are willing to spend a larger amount of money when do shop.
And the list goes on.
Now, the main reason for my post is to show how far we have come with some shop owners. I mention in another post, in the "Shopping Forum" under the title of "CD friendly sites" that I had found a local store where I am made to feel like a very welcome person who almost seems like family to the owner. She's got about four or five CD customers, other than me. I suggested to her one day that it wouldn't be a bad idea to kinda let it be known to anybody who visits her web site that she "knows"
She didn't want to be overly obvious about it and drive away potential customers, so she really didn't do a whole lot about it until about three or four days ago. One the home page of her site, (you can find the address in my posting, on the shopping forum) she added both the "Rainbow" flag and the symbol with the circle and the arrow, the + sign at the bottom and the third one in the upper left side, (I don't know what it's called, but you get the idea). They appear at the very bottom on the right hand side.
To the casual reader of her site they really don't mean much , but to those of us who "kmow" it means a load of things.
To actually have a store that, for the most part, caters to the general public, yet will advertise the fact that they are CD friendly is, I believe a very large step in understanding and accepting us.

03-07-2007, 09:42 AM

Do they have an on line store? Can you provide the web address either way? If you don't want to post it on the open forum please send me a private message.


03-07-2007, 09:47 AM
I found your post in the shopping section and checked it out a bit. The site is fairly new it seems, but I did notice the symbol in the lower right. Maybe more sites that are TG friendly can display the symbol on their sites.

Thanks... I bookmarked the site.

Lovely Rita
03-07-2007, 09:54 AM
Wonderful, it is great to read such positive developments. It is also great to see how you have developed this relationship.

Jenny Beth
03-07-2007, 10:04 AM
Good post Phyliss, there's a store owner I'm just dying to educate but it will probably never happen. My wife does alterations for an upscale women's clothing shop in a nearby town. We are very good friends with the owner but she hasn't a clue about my other side. Two things have kept me from even considering coming out to her, one she's very opinionated on same sex couples issues (so you know what that means) and two, business is business. I wouldn't want her to even think I might be trying on the clothes that my wife alters for her, for the record I don't, it's just not ethical. I have no idea how many men shop there for their "wives" but I'll bet there are a few. Right now she is complaining of slow sales, her spring and summer stock has the store bursting at the seams but people won't be buying until the nice weather arrives. Now if she were to be educated I have no doubt her customer base would be somewhat larger. Every time my wife and I leave her shop the conversation on the way home is pretty much the same, "Too bad I can't tell her, I just loved that dress". :(

03-07-2007, 08:19 PM
There are a few privatly owned stores in my area, and they all know that I crossdress. I've always made sure to thank them for their help and assistance, and have gone to extremes to be considerate of their other customers. While having various conversations with the owners over a period of time, one thing has become clear to me.
First, I'm not "the only one" who is a customer.
Second, I've been told that "We" are a better and more polite customer than some women.
Third, We are willing to spend a larger amount of money when do shop.
And the list goes on.
Now, the main reason for my post is to show how far we have come with some shop owners. I mention in another post, in the "Shopping Forum" under the title of "CD friendly sites" that I had found a local store where I am made to feel like a very welcome person who almost seems like family to the owner. She's got about four or five CD customers, other than me. I suggested to her one day that it wouldn't be a bad idea to kinda let it be known to anybody who visits her web site that she "knows"
She didn't want to be overly obvious about it and drive away potential customers, so she really didn't do a whole lot about it until about three or four days ago. One the home page of her site, (you can find the address in my posting, on the shopping forum) she added both the "Rainbow" flag and the symbol with the circle and the arrow, the + sign at the bottom and the third one in the upper left side, (I don't know what it's called, but you get the idea). They appear at the very bottom on the right hand side.
To the casual reader of her site they really don't mean much , but to those of us who "kmow" it means a load of things.
To actually have a store that, for the most part, caters to the general public, yet will advertise the fact that they are CD friendly is, I believe a very large step in understanding and accepting us.

Phyllis, Store managers have told me the same thing. Cd's who are honest and upfront with a store are far better customers that women are. We know what we want. We are polite, and we, generally, spend more money.

In the stores where I shop, I am a valued customer. The store personel tell me this, and show it with their outstanding service.


steffie a gray
03-09-2007, 05:20 PM
after reading your posting has made me want to open a cloths shop for cd's, so if there are any tv's or cd's in the berkshire or south buck area in the uk email me

love steffie

love this site & enjoy everyone postings keep it up love steffie

03-09-2007, 08:29 PM
On my first time out to buy breast forms and a wig, I found a small store outside of Portland.

I talked to the owner ahead of time and I brought some "things" with me. When I walked in she hepled to a dressing room and because we had talked, she had stuff ready. She helped fit me, she talked with me, and she made me feel okay with myself. She was also very descrete regarding other customers. She is a dear and I will repect he for ever.

03-10-2007, 02:03 PM
I spoke with Phyliss's friend who owned the lingerie store. She was very nice and sooo helpful. She was probabaly more enthused about my purchase than I was, but not by much! I wish I lived close so I could just go in and shop. I couldn't use my credit card to pay for my order, they don't accept that one but she'll lay my choices aside until my money order comes in.

There's something about being treated like just another customer that is so nice.

trannie T
03-11-2007, 02:55 AM
As I was paying for a few things at a department store the sales associate told me how much she enjoys male customers, men go to a store and buy things, women go to a store and look at things, occasionally buying something.

03-21-2007, 12:04 AM
I went to a store today, that primarily sells medical equipment, mastectomy breast forms, special corsets with heavy boning and clip fronts, lace-up sides, stockings etc.. I walked in and was greeted by the saleslady, about 50 years old.. She asked me what I was looking for and I told her Black Pantyhose. She took me over to the rack and then asked what size. I sort of blushed but before I knew it, I said they are for me. She looked me over and gave me a pair of ultra sheer pantyhose. I looked at her for a moment and said, "I guess I couldn't get some breast forms, corsets for myself." With that she escorted me to the dressing room and locked the door for privacy. "Why don't you come in for a fitting on both the bra and the corset. If you want you can wear your panty hose and show me how they fit. I will need you to remove your clothes anyway to fit the corset. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather..I will be setting up that fitting appointment by calling tomorrow....She is the only person that knows I am a crossdresser and was so helpful..When she asked my first name, I actually said Jennifer and she smiled and repeated my name. Use it when you call. What a day!!!