View Full Version : Susan Stanton

03-11-2007, 01:35 AM
This news article is something I think everyone should read, very Profound!

Talon DeRojo
03-11-2007, 02:15 AM
Amber - Thanks for sharing this article. Is there anything that can be done to support Steve/Susan?

03-11-2007, 02:18 AM
At this time, I really don't know the answer to that question.

03-11-2007, 03:53 AM
See the previous threads in this forum on Stanton:



Siobhan Marie
03-11-2007, 12:02 PM
Amber, thank you so much for posting that hun. It was so profound. I'm behind Susan all the way. You wouldn't treat a rat the way she was treated by the City of Largo. I won't refer to her as Steve as she is Susan and not Steve. It would be like me referring to myself as Bruce. I'm not Bruce, I'm Anna. That is who I am.

:hugs: Anna Marie x

03-11-2007, 06:43 PM
The latest edition of Newsweek has an excellent article on Susan's situation. It's certainly something most of us can relate to.

And silly me, I knew that although individual bias will always remain, I thought institutional bias had been negated through legislation. However, after reading Susan's story I was agast to discover that is not the case. Individuals like Susan are still very much in society's gunsights, and no one in her situation is truly safe from fear and discrimination. :Angry3:

03-11-2007, 06:45 PM
Sorry totally beyond me this one

03-12-2007, 01:00 AM
I've been reading the online newspaper articles (mostly Florida locals) concerning Susan Stanton. She needs our support folks. I encourage you to read them and post your comments. Most of them allow such comments and the tirade rages against Stanton and against us.

I am truly saddened by the deluge of negative comments these articles are getting. Susan needs your support. PLEASE! Use Google to find them. Post thoughtful comments. This is your chance to do a little something for the cause!

Chin up!

Cindi Jones

03-13-2007, 05:29 PM
Yeah, some of the comments are super scary, but what should we expect - the "unbiased" journalist filled up the story with all the usual freakshow code.

A standard 90-minute writeup like a zillion others. "Profound"?

I know, I'm being bitchy, so here's a positive. Anyone read Transparent by Chris Beam? As I see it, this book is a ray of light in the "genre."

03-24-2007, 08:27 AM
Well, it was for naught.

Stanton has been officially fired. (http://www.sptimes.com/2007/03/24/Tampabay/Despite_outcry__Stant.shtml)

:mad: :Angry3:

What is heartening is the support he has received. I don't think he will have a problem finding another job, though - unlike most of our TG/TS sisters and brothers who cannot find decent employment.

03-24-2007, 09:34 AM
Well, it was for naught.
We may have lost the battle, but we haven't lost the war. :straightface:

03-24-2007, 10:57 AM
Well, it was for naught.

Stanton has been officially fired. (http://www.sptimes.com/2007/03/24/Tampabay/Despite_outcry__Stant.shtml)

:mad: :Angry3:

What is heartening is the support he has received. I don't think he will have a problem finding another job, though - unlike most of our TG/TS sisters and brothers who cannot find decent employment.

It was not for naught. Many millions of people, worldwide, have been forced to think about the issue and the ramifications of what has transpired. Susan may have lost the battle, but the war, and the education, of the public, has only just begun.

Siobhan Marie
03-24-2007, 11:33 AM
We may have lost the battle, but we haven't lost the war.

I agree with the Capt. I just feel really awful inside too. It's as if we don't have enough to deal with and then we get kicked again. :(

:hugs: Anna Marie x

Leasa Wells
03-24-2007, 12:02 PM
To say this hit a cord in me like a song i have heard all my life. I hope Susan find happiness, love an Serenity. If i know how to offer her support i would, I would end this by saying there is a little bit of Susan in all of us. :love:

03-24-2007, 12:20 PM
I agree with the Capt. I just feel really awful inside too. It's as if we don't have enough to deal with and then we get kicked again. :(

:hugs: Anna Marie x
Important change never comes quickly or easily. Think of all the people that have been pioneers in past changes (Jackie Robinson, Sandra Day O'Connor, etc.), it wasn't easy for them either. I think we're living in an age where we are starting to see things change for us and someday we'll say we saw history happen. Chin up, Anna Marie. :hugs:

Siobhan Marie
03-24-2007, 12:45 PM
Thanks Capt, I'm ok hun. It just felt like yet another kick in the stomach and it hurt so much.

huge :hugs: and *cuddles*

Anna Marie x

03-24-2007, 12:52 PM
There was a comment yesterday by an elderly Largo man saying that "it seems as if a couple of people here (meaning the two who voted for Susan to remain as City Manager) want to turn Largo into a weirdo town."

The blatant bigotry and discrimination in this case is reprehensible beyond comprehension. I really do hope that Susan Stanton sues to get her job back. This needs to be overturned or there will continue to be more of this very blatant discrimination towards our community in the workplace in the future. :mad:

03-24-2007, 12:55 PM
If it's any consolation, I think the media exposure works in our favor. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and he brought the subject of Susan Stanton up. A year ago he would have been one of those people calling us "weirdos", but now he sees how discriminatory this all is. Baby steps . . .

03-24-2007, 08:36 PM
standing up and being counted helps. I knew before going there Stanton was out of a job. but I also feel that if we dont speak and let these people know we are here. there were only 250 ppl and only 100 or so made comments. couldnt believe more ppl didnt show up, first hearing had 500. but in the end these commissioners already had thier "minds"(useing this term losely here) made up two weeks ago and no amount of out cry would have change anything. a good number of the bible ppl left before useing thier time to speak. tho it could have been cause they were badly out numbered. the cry of support was there. they should have listen to the numbers in the polls of local Largo residents which 3/4 of them supported or felt it wouldnt matter. another case of afew bible ppl are upset so lets bend to thier will.