View Full Version : First Doctors Appointment

02-12-2005, 12:50 PM
Hello Everyone. I have been taking hormoes on my own for about a year now.
And yes I know how dangerous this is. I do not recommend that anyone, take hormones without medical supervision. But for me at the time I thought it was the only way. Finding a doctor who would treat me was not very easy.
Well after searching, and making calls, I finally found Doctor. She is a GID counselor. Well it's only been a little over a week, and she has found a medical doctor who well take me on as a patient. The good thing is he's only about 40 minutes from me in Rochester NY. He is a trans friendly doctor, and has other trans patients. So if nothing more I will now be able to get the test I need to monitor my health. Hopefully I have not done any damage to my body this last year, taking hormones on my own.

I have my first appiontment this Thursday. I am so excited, and relieved.

But again I would like to say, please don't take hormones on Your own. What I did was not very smart, even though I did a lot of research before I started taking them, a lot of things can go wrong. Among them are damage to Your liver, blood clots, and yes they can kill You. I have had many a sleepless night in the last year worrying about what damage I may be doing to my body. If any one is thinking about hormone use, I would be glad to answer any questions or point You to sites where You can get information on there use and the dangers.

Have a Nice weekend everyone. Sarah Lynn

02-12-2005, 01:35 PM

Thank-you so much for this post. Your warning about taking hormones without medical supervision should not go unheeded. I'm happy that you will be seeing a doctor and getting the care that you need and pray that no damage has been done. Please share as much as you are comfortable with after your appointment on Thursday. I'm pulling for a clean bill of health!

Sweet Susan
02-12-2005, 02:05 PM
Yes, thank you very much for the warning. How about a little info about yourself. You are new here, and I welcome you to the forum.

02-12-2005, 02:18 PM
Welcome to the forum Sarah Lynn!
It seems to me that you have much that you could share with us about your experiences and I look forward to reading them.

02-12-2005, 04:05 PM
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the Sisterhood. This family is a large and very caring group.
Look forward to hearing how you are doing.

Love and Hugs,

Tristen Cox
02-12-2005, 08:23 PM
That's always a good warning for anyone thinking of taking hormones without medical supervision. Not a good idea to mess with your body without getting the facts. Anyhow Welcome to the forum Sarah, nice to have you here with us:)


02-14-2005, 07:46 AM
Thank You all for Your post and welcome. Everyone here seems so caring ad helpful. I'm glad I found this Forum, I'll do my best to contribute to it. A little about me, I'm 55 years young and I live in NY. I have just seperated from my wife of 32 years, and now have my very own apartment. And yes the biggest reason we seperated is my wanting to be Sarah Lynn and my wifes not wanting anything to do with it, which I can understand. But we are still friendly and see each other often. So now I look forward to my new life, with both fear and hope.

I will be glad to keep everyone informed about my doctors appointment, and hormone use.

I love reading the post in this forum, and have found some very helpful, and others funny, and yes some sad. Which I think makes for a great forum.

I love the pics also. You girls are all great looking.

Thanks Again. Sarah Lynn

02-14-2005, 08:42 AM
Hi Sarah Lynn,
I really hope your doctors appointment has good information for you. Like you said, hormones can be dangerous. As long as we're on the subject I'd like to tell all of you other girls about one girl I know. She was on hormones for quite a while without a doctor's help. She developed liver cancer at the age of 37 and it's terminal. The doctor's have removed a lot of her liver and slowed it down but she still has less than one year to live. I know a lot of girls do hormones on their own without any problems. But if any of you want to go on hormones please use a doctor. It just isn't worth it trying it on your own.

02-14-2005, 09:04 AM
Welcome to the forum Sarah Lynn.

I have been on hormones for almost a year now. You are so right to remind everyone of the risks. I have had a number of girls ask me about HRT since I have been on it, and how they can go about getting on it too. I have always maintained that they need to do this under a doctor's care and supervision.

A very good post......many thanks hon for the reminder for all of us.;)
