View Full Version : Should I ?

Maddie Knight
02-15-2005, 04:41 PM
My fiance works every other saturday and I normaly pick her up from work in boy mode.
This week I am thinking of going in girl mode. This means leaving the house hopfuly without the neighbours seeing, driving into town, then walking though a busy town centre. Then all I have to do is get back home without a problem.
I have only been out once in the last 7 years and that was last week, i went to a small village and had a walk around. I am sure I passed but there wasn't many people about.
I will not be wearing this but do you think I will pass and should go for it ?

02-15-2005, 04:47 PM
My fiance works every other saturday and I normaly pick her up from work in boy mode.
This week I am thinking of going in girl mode. This means leaving the house hopfuly without the neighbours seeing, driving into town, then walking though a busy town centre. Then all I have to do is get back home without a problem.
I have only been out once in the last 7 years and that was last week, i went to a small village and had a walk around. I am sure I passed but there wasn't many people about.
I will not be wearing this but do you think I will pass and should go for it ?Yes youwill pass easily. :D :) :) :D

02-15-2005, 04:47 PM
Maddie, you look very passable to me. I would love to have you come pick me up. But seriously, give it a lot of thought, only you know if you should go for it or not. If you have only been out once in seven years, I'm sure you are itching to get out there. Weigh out the positives and the negatives. I think this is something you have to decide yourself. Of course we will support you either way it goes. Let us know what you decide.
Best Wishes,

02-15-2005, 05:08 PM
Maddie, I don't know you that well, but based on what you are saying, this is the advice/opinion I would give you...

You would easily pass. I would have a go at it if I were you. You seem to have a desire to do this... don't live the I wish I hadda done this life.
Should you choose to go ahead (and I hope you do) be confident and have an attitude that says, "I will do this and I will have fun." Picture yourself successful before you ever step one foot outside.
Even if you are read, DON'T PANIC! Trust me, people have a lot more to worry about that a guy in a dress. It won't be on the 6:00 news.
Cherish the experience of being out and about dressed in the maner you love and being the person you know yourself to be. It's really not about what others think of you, it's what you think of yourself. (For what it's worth, I think your terrific)
Whatever you decide, have a great time!

02-15-2005, 08:14 PM
Think about your fiance first. If she is cool about her workmates finding out she is engaged to a CDer (ask her), then go for it. But she may not (yet) be comfortable with others finding out. There must be plenty of other places you can both go to where there is no chance of meeting someone she knows (no body will recognise you, you look great), and she will be the one who will be recognised. So think carefully about her before you go.


02-15-2005, 09:17 PM
My fiance works every other saturday and I normaly pick her up from work in boy mode.
This week I am thinking of going in girl mode. This means leaving the house hopfuly without the neighbours seeing, driving into town, then walking though a busy town centre. Then all I have to do is get back home without a problem.
I have only been out once in the last 7 years and that was last week, i went to a small village and had a walk around. I am sure I passed but there wasn't many people about.
I will not be wearing this but do you think I will pass and should go for it ?
Very Nice Maddie you look wonderful You're neighbours will not blink an eye at you your stunning.........:p

Wendy me
02-15-2005, 10:09 PM
yes you cold pass but as said touch in with your laddy if she is cool with it and you want do it but if it causes trouble at home not worth doing................................

Nikki A.
02-16-2005, 12:26 AM
Maddie while you would probably pass I would say do not do it. If your fiance is cool with your dressing in private she may not be to cool if you go to her job dressed and get recognised. If she blows a cork over it all the good will you may have built up is now down the tubes. Not a good idea unless she is all for it and encourages you to do it.

Tiffany Tuesday
02-16-2005, 01:39 AM

I reckon you could happily pass, but i haven't seen your size nor how you carry yourself as you walk. As has been said, few look at others on a busy street. Even if you are 'read' few if any, except drunks, druggies or a gang of teenagers will make anything of it.

However, think of your fiance, does she want this, does she know about it?She risks more embarrassment than you do, with none of the thrill nor enjoyment.

Also, you have little experience of going out dressed, and absolutely no experience of how to deal with man trouble as a girl ... after-work may mean pub-closing time or football-crowds ... as a girl you are an automatic target to a crowd of chavs.

You list you are in Bradford, UK .. honey you have more safe tranny friendly ( some exceedingly so) places to go within a night-out driving distance than anywhere else in the world! Manchester ( Northern Concord who meet weekly)or go it yourselves to Manchester Gay Village, Canal Street (absolutely bursting with restaurants, bars clubs and shops for you both to go as girls), Sheffield (Les femmes,), Blackpool ( Flamingos, The Flying Handbag, Funny Girls and at least three or four more). Also places in Leeds ( Northern Girls, Butterflies) and Hull (Trans-Yorks).

And if that were not enough, there is Roses Harmony Weekend in Scarborough, the Northern Concord weekends in Manchester, Sparkle Weekend in Manchester, Tinsel and Glitter Weekend in Blackpool and the Beaumont Society weekend in Rotherham.

Honey bunny, when you realise just how unbelievably easy it is for you compared to any other girl here to find a place to be out en-femme in complete safety .. you will giggle and blush at even considering what you propose at this stage :)

Whatever you eventually choose to do, have fun, stay confident and enjoy being a girlie!

big hugz

ps why not buy a copy of Repartee International, it lists all the venues clubs and events in the UK, at least half of which are on your doorstep! Oh and ignore that Girlie Gossip column by that dreadful Tiffany Tuesday .. she'll have you thinking like a woman before you can say... knickers:) And ... you have an invite ... get your prettiest dress ironed and both of you come along to Sparkle's opening event in June, at Via Fossa, Canal Street, Manchester ... and join 250 sisters and their partners for The Miss English Rose competition, it's free, but you'll have to come say hello to me and my gf Cosmic, coz we are organising and hostessing it :)

trisha maiden
02-16-2005, 02:22 AM
Hi hun

I say go for it. You can pass. It's really how tall you are that may give you away. It may be scary. But after it's all over you'll feel like a model on a runway. Just relax you'll be fine.



02-16-2005, 02:53 AM
go for it :) :)

Tristen Cox
02-16-2005, 03:47 AM
Maddie permission granted as long as you can handle it :)


02-16-2005, 05:47 AM
Maddie - you would easily pass... but is your fiance cool with the whole idea of you dressing in public... would she be cool to be seen in public with you dressed girlie and the possibility of being seen by her workmates and/or friends........ I think only you really know whether it's the right thing to do

02-17-2005, 08:30 AM
Maddie, you look very passable to me. If both of you are comfortable with doing it then go for it. I'm certain that you won't have any trouble at all.

02-17-2005, 12:30 PM
Maddie Knight

Go for it! In my opinion you 100% passable. Lookin good girl!


02-17-2005, 07:26 PM
Without question you pass!

02-21-2005, 05:34 PM
Definitely clear it with your SO first. Also, you might want to take a couple trips out before then if you do it. You shouldn't get all the way there and then chicken out and have to go back home and back! That wouldn't do, now would it?

Julia Legs
02-21-2005, 10:00 PM
Maddie as toni stated before make sure its ok with your so is cool with you coming in dressed or it could turn bad.Be careful.