View Full Version : Mixed Up and Moody

02-15-2005, 10:29 PM
I,ve lost or pushed way down inside me.. my feelings as sherlyn... i can tell that my female side is not around im just a blah of a person to be around with a negative vibe.. ugh ..i know i,m causing Kew too feel sad.. and not quite sure about me... and i truly do love her...and don't want to lose her... even tho i know shes supportive of me and bears with my moods... i dont know if its the new freedom of being able to be sherlyn whenever ... i know kew would like to see the she/ me around more ..BUT>> is it coz she/me was such a secret all these years ..that i don,t know how too JUST be her in a relaxed.. no worries of being discovered or caught enviroment ..im very confused...to the point I just feel wrong when she/me dresses :confused:
A Very Mixed Up Sherlyn :(

02-15-2005, 10:40 PM
I,ve lost or pushed way down inside me.. my feelings as sherlyn... i can tell that my female side is not around im just a blah of a person to be around with a negative vibe.. ugh ..i know i,m causing Kew too feel sad.. and not quite sure about me... and i truly do love her...and don't want to lose her... even tho i know shes supportive of me and bears with my moods... i dont know if its the new freedom of being able to be sherlyn whenever ... i know kew would like to see the she/ me around more ..BUT>> is it coz she/me was such a secret all these years ..that i don,t know how too JUST be her in a relaxed.. no worries of being discovered or caught enviroment ..im very confused...to the point I just feel wrong when she/me dresses :confused:
A Very Mixed Up Sherlyn :(

You're not alone sherly,
Kew, is very lucky to have some one like you I was married for twenty three year's and when it was all said and done she left. I have been alone now for over three years and it is very hard still today to adjust to dressing when i want to. I would adore having someone to share this with but their are not that many woman that will exsept this I wish you all the luck in the world what ever you decided to do in Your decisions.


Fallen Angel
02-15-2005, 10:42 PM
you started a new life with kew and shes a wounderfull person and i belive that you are to or she would not be with you! your very pretty and you should not feel guilty to dress as sherlyn thats what kew fell for and you should feel just as good about your self give it time it will work out luv xx

02-15-2005, 11:35 PM

You are a beautiful person inside and out. Kew knows that too and that's what she fell in love with. Don't be afraid to be who you are...you have it all going for you girl. Relax and enjoy it. Don't overthink this...just enjoy being together with Kew....it's all good.

Here for you babe....PM me anytime if you need to chat or just need a shoulder to lean on.


02-16-2005, 12:22 AM
Hi Sherlyn,

Sometime life isn't easy, is it? No magic answers but lots of support for you and Kew. I hope you will allow me to make a couple of observations.

Are you happy right now. It sure doesn't sound like it your post. As important as feeling can be, sometimes they CAN get in the way. Feelings can peak and fall. But who we are will remain constant. Look deep inside yourself adn try and determine what are the traits about you that you value the most. Sometimes it takes a great deal of effort to do the right thing but it will always be worth it in the long run.

Ann Landers used to ask the question, "Are you better off with them or without them?" How about you? Are you better off with Sherlyn or without her? Only you know the answer to that. But if you are feeling like "a blah of a person to be around" and that you have a "negative vibe," I think that you already know the answer to that question.

One last thing, if you would indulge me for a moment. You should really talk this over with Kew. You love her. She loves you. And she knows you. Do you trust her to tell you the truth? Would she ask you to do something that would not be in your best interest? Would she want you to be happy. Hon, you know the answers to these questions already.

Please know this, I'm here to support you in whatever you decide is in your best interest andI know that the other girls here are, too. And I want to believe that we would be honest enough with one another that if we think that someone is off the mark, we would tell them so. SO this is what I would tell you tonight... don't let your feelings get in the way of who you are deep down inside. I hope you will PM or email me if there is anything else I can do. You will occupy much of my thoughts. Here's a Holly Hug just for you.

stevie h
02-16-2005, 01:02 AM
i'm there as well.

thinking of you babe.

hang on in there.



Tristen Cox
02-16-2005, 04:29 AM
Hi babe, just don't try to force yourself. I know all too well how it feels to suddenly have freedom and then not really see the urge as much. It comes back on it's own, just give it a little time. Believe me she loves you and will stick with you, not to worry. You're not wrong when she/you comes out to play, that may just be a short phase of realizing you really can be her when you want now. Things will work out in the end. And you both will be happier when you get there ;)


02-16-2005, 07:20 AM
Everyone takes time to adjust to a new scenerio, we always think about others when we should realise that we need to adjust ourselves. Just take a deep breath and relax and enjoy life. Being Sherlyn is part of the fun of life - you just need to find the new balance. Happened to me too and I am still a happy crossdresser ;)

Wendy me
02-16-2005, 07:56 AM
hi sister i read your post last night , i wanted to replay you sound like you were not happy but i wanted to think this over before i replyed , frist of all as with anything new it becomes a coumsuing thing. its not a part of you it is you. then like a child with a new toy played with non stop now lost of interst toy in the connor not new ,a loss of intrest. as can be with your dressing . are you like just not into doing it all the time ? mabey a break is in order. most of the time i dress complety and do quite enjoy every part of itt from start to finish. then there are days when a pair of pantys and a fuzzy robe are quite enough.............mabey you need to just find your comfert spot
girlfreind i like totaly think you have the best support system in the world right there with you yes kew talk to her lord knows her words have helped us all at one time or anouther............................and as a close second to her we your sisters are allways here..................

huge hugs to yar

02-16-2005, 08:45 AM
I feel for your and your mixed emotions. It's like you discovered a lost part of your self and when you figure it out, standing up to the world and shouting look at me I'm a beautiful woman too. :p However when reality sets in, we realize we have to hide this part of ourselves from the world because of persecution of one form or another. :mad: It is a shame too, because this aspect of our lives is actually a balance to the other.

Try to remember not to let others, and the lack of acceptance of other impact you. I say try because it is very difficult. I really hope you pull through and try to remember to look in the mirror and see the reflection of your inner beauty.
Danielle :)

02-16-2005, 01:43 PM
Hi Sherlyn. I am not an expert, but I have read many threads from others here. To quite a few here, there is this thrill when they dress, to be very secretive and elude being caught while dressed. To some, this is an exciting part of dressing, the thrill of not getting caught. You now are living in a free enviorment, you can dress whenever you want. Maybe for you the thrill has died down a little. Dressing has lost some of the mystery that goes with it.
I think you and Kew might have to find new ways to make dressing exciting, I'm sure you will. This blah period is just temporary, you will have fun again, it's just a matter of adjusting to new situations.

I don't know if the above is correct for your situation, it's just my thoughts from what I read in the threads of this forum.
All the best to you and Kew.
Love Amelie

Julie York
02-16-2005, 02:42 PM
Hi Sherlyn. Hope this helps.
I agree with what wendy me said ( There's one for the record books wendy!)

It's like a new toy. I went mad for it at Christmas, dressing up, and it was all I could think about. It was an amazing high. Then one day it went away and I was really quite alarmed how my brain just switched it off. But...two days later...I was wanting to again.

If you are feeling a bit 'blah' anyway, then the last thing anyone wants to do is reveal a very private and intimate part of themselves. Maybe you've got your cart and horse the Wrong way round. Maybe all you need is a cuddle.
As soon as you start feeling a little more chirpy, Sherlyn will want to come out to play.

Good luck.

02-16-2005, 03:43 PM
In view of your description of what can be referred to as the "forbidden fruit" aspect of crossdressing, I tend to agree with Amelie.

You may need to find something different to explore while crossdressed. Kew may have to lock your things away and not let you near them.

Or you could just be going through a phase where you now have someone to share your life with and the feeling of "needing to dress" is just not evident while you're getting comfortable with each other.

When my wife and I were dating, I had no desire to dress. Even after we were married, the desire didn't come back until she shaved my legs.

However, if you are feeling moody about not dressing, then I suggest forcing yourself, or having Kew force you, to dress. And dress glamorous! Then see if your mood changes while dressed.

02-16-2005, 05:46 PM
its so great to read these posts ...perhaps she/me needs a break.. or as amelie said maybe i do need something that can spark the emotion.s of sherlyn to ignite again ... i cherish all the thoughts you girls have shared to me in this thread .... i know this grey area of a new existence will pass ...but its the journey thru it that seems to take alot of energy out of me !ugh ! .... i need to push the pedal to the floor to leave it behind me ..and what y'all have shared with me thus far is greatly heartfelt
Thanks Y'all for Caring xoxo
Love Sherlyn