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View Full Version : A Cautionary tale - it could happen to you

04-01-2007, 02:10 PM
For those of us who use certain properly appointed public use places, this tale is intended. For those who do not use the facilities, there may be some amusement.
First of of all it is necessary to introduce our lead character. Indeed the only character in the plot. S.. ( Not Sonia Snell **)
In order to wander around town, S... dodged behind the usual door in the usual room.


Rather an antique room as you can see from the sight of the high overhead cistern, probably fittd with a chain. But is was respectable and well appointed. Quiet too. Perhaps the builders were in to demolish the place which does have a fifties air about the fittings design.
So S.. took time a settled into to change or powder the nose or whatever. But then there was a considerable shaking and knocking which rather disturbed the peace .


The noise and shiking was considerable, doors were banging, someone has to be desparate thought S... (blonde)

S.. therefore got a move on, but the next happening sort of gave S... the needd to think more than somewhat. There was dust and the ceiling started in to collapse, with a noise of thunder. (noisy lot those builders or whoever). Or could someone be so desparate ? Blonde or no she decided to stay put. for the moment


****for those who are curious about the **, the following link may help.
It came to my mind when I sought around for an intro to this tale.


For those of you who want to know what is happening, well you just have to wait.... a bit.... like as tho' you either wanted in or out.

04-01-2007, 04:57 PM
But S was not going to stay put for ever and it was becoming draughty .
Why was it becoming draughty. Was the window open or had the heating been turned off suddenly ?

But (two buts) what is she getting into,... and that skirt, OMG...

Brianna Lovely
04-01-2007, 07:45 PM
Ok Samantha, I can only hold on to this cliff, for so long, before my beautiful nails break.

trannie T
04-01-2007, 11:34 PM
There once was a CD named S,
Who entered the Ladies to p***,
The quiet was shattered,
And the plumbing clattered,
As the readers asked, "What is this?"

04-02-2007, 05:26 AM
First things first she thought....., must be presentable now that I am out of that box...


did anybody see that leg..?

04-02-2007, 08:05 AM
We demand more!!!!

thanks too for the link to Sonia's tale ;)

04-02-2007, 01:48 PM
OK Ooh Tammi here is a bit more, but the story is so near the end....

(Thinks) "I must get my skirt down... Thats better, no one in here just now... am I sort of presentable... I hope so"


(Thinks.... again... would you believe ? ) "Presentable ? I hope so, now for the lippy check and my hair do.... nice being blonde... I like it better than the original mouse I had last month "


......."T H I N K S" "T H I N K S.... again"

Gulp. gulp.

04-03-2007, 01:35 PM
I think.... she feels sick ....I think....what does she feel ?


(Does she now know what is happening ? What trouble does she think shee is in ? What kanshee doo ? How can shee get out ?

Will she try the door ? Panic.


More panic apparently. Why not after all ?

Can she get it open, has the destructive forces jammed it ?

04-04-2007, 02:22 PM
Well then, she has tried the door, and got the door handle....


Someone get a ladder..... quick

04-05-2007, 07:56 AM
She really does need that ladder............

04-05-2007, 08:55 AM
H E L P . . . . . .


Cannot one of you find a laddder ? It may not be too late.

04-05-2007, 11:00 AM
There are thousands of you out there,............................................ ... One of you must have a ladder.

OohTammi, ....in repayment for Sonia, find a ladder...
(Karren you have a tool kit, {maybe plumbers and miners do not carry ladders}).
Brianna you clung on with your nails earlier in this episode, now help someone else with a bigger reason....GET A LADDER SOMEONE
Find me a ladder..

Brianna Lovely
04-05-2007, 11:19 AM
There are thousands of you out there,............................................ ... One of you must have a ladder.

OohTammi, ....in repayment for Sonia, find a ladder...
(Karren you have a tool kit, {maybe plumbers and miners do not carry ladders}).
Brianna you clung on with your nails earlier in this episode, now help someone else with a bigger reason....GET A LADDER SOMEONE
Find me a ladder..

Would a hand, offered in love and friendship, help?

By the way, I had to go out and get my nails redone, (see pics in photo forum, under Easter Nails), but I'm back now, still hanging on.
Hmm, maybe this will do HELP! HELP!, WE NEED A LADDER, UP HERE!

04-05-2007, 12:47 PM
Sorry, Brianna, a loving hand on the top of a ladder wouldhelp. if I am on the ladder and it is big, then two loving hands on thebotom would help..
My ladder is of the wrong kind....


We (us yins down in the street) need a fireman's ladder,with a fireman if you have not got an ordinary one. Phone the polis Briana, or "dial a ladder"

04-05-2007, 12:52 PM
"Loving hand" made tools are not much use either unless they are ladders