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View Full Version : Is it just me or does Nair suck?

XDW Nathan-Natasha
04-06-2007, 02:14 PM
In short:

Nair doesn't work well with me. It doesn't remove all my hair. Am I doing something wrong?

In my typical long-winded writer style:

I am not really to the point of abandoning all my body hair but I have decided to ditch some of it. I shaved what I wanted to shave off first, but it started growing back in a couple of days (and I didn't want to spend hours a week shaving). So I thought, 'I'll use Nair!'

I bought both Nair for women and for men and tried each. I tried the women's Nair first ('cause it had a fancy applicator...oooo!) and put it on my ankles and feet. I waited about five minutes and took it off. Well, some hair came but not all of it. I left it, thinking it was good enough. Then, when the next day rolled around it was all back - to the stage it was the day before!

I tried the men's Nair yesterday to get rid of the hair on me feet, hands, back, and shoulders. This time I just rubbed it on and waited about 9 minutes for the stuff to work. When I washed it off some of the hair came with it, but not all. Frusterated, I took a razor and shaved the rest off.

In closing:

Am I just unlucky or does Nair just suck? Am I doing something wrong girls? HELP! I don't want to shave daily, but Nair seems like my only hope!

XDW Nathan-Natasha
04-06-2007, 02:16 PM
By the way, are there any other good hair removal products out there?

What works best for you?

How about for removing facial hair (other than shaving)?

04-06-2007, 02:29 PM
Apparently it works well for some, not so well for others. It always worked well for me, but the expense, smell and messiness put me off, so I opted for shaving and an Epi-Lady.


04-06-2007, 02:34 PM
Nair doesn't work well with me. It doesn't remove all my hair. Am I doing something wrong?

(I imagine this thread will get moved to Health & Beauty.)

I tried about 5 different hair removers, including Nair, and they all rated between Very Poor and Total Failures for me.

One of them (I think it might have been Nair) was partially successful in removing a patch of arm hair near my wrist, but the none of the rest did more than remove a small number of hairs. Not one of them removed any facial hair. All I got out of the experience was facial burns (especially if I ignored the instructions and tried twice within the same day.)

I was really hoping that one of them would be able to get under my five o'clock shadow, or get off some of the throat/chin hairs that razors have a hard time getting, but even the "extra strength" ones did nothing useful on my face. And most of them wouldn't even do anything on my arms or legs.

I should indicate here that I do not have thick hair: my facial hair is relatively fine and slow growing; I would be Last Place in most beard-growing contests. But my skin is relatively fair, and my beard stubble grows in dark brown (and gets blonder as it grows), so Mr. O'Clock tends to be noticable on me.

04-06-2007, 04:43 PM
it's NOT just you, Nair sucks and didn't touch my hair. Burnt the snot outta my skin, but didn't touch the hair.

Courtney A Anderson
04-06-2007, 04:46 PM
it's NOT just you, Nair sucks and didn't touch my hair. Burnt the snot outta my skin, but didn't touch the hair.

been there...done that

Tamara Croft
04-06-2007, 04:49 PM
You will find Nair works the same way as shaving it off I'm afraid. It only takes off the hair you can see, just like shaving it. So the next day or 2 your hair will feel stubbly again.

Try waxing ;) it's painful at first, but you get used to it after a while and up to 4 weeks hair free, unlike 1 or 2 days from shaving or using nair.

04-06-2007, 04:59 PM
You will find Nair works the same way as shaving it off I'm afraid. It only takes off the hair you can see, just like shaving it. So the next day or 2 your hair will feel stubbly again.

Try waxing ;) it's painful at first, but you get used to it after a while and up to 4 weeks hair free, unlike 1 or 2 days from shaving or using nair.

I have got my ultra big strips and an evil grin anyone wanna play ?????

04-06-2007, 05:10 PM
I recently tried Nair (with moisturizing bikini cream) on the backs of my hands and up to just above the wrists. I left it on the recommended time period (3+ mins.) I tested a small area which showed very little removal. Ithen left it on for the max. time (10 mins). I wiped it all off and had some hair come off and others not. I do know that I did not put it on with a thick enough coat and I tended to rub it in, which they said not to do. A few days later it started to grow in with a fine stubble. I will try it again with a thicker non-rubbed application waiting for the max time period to see what happens then.

It was funny how the hair would still come off later that night in little clumps when I would grab a patch that was still there. I think that it may need a longer time to dissolve the hair near its roots before wiping off.

Keep your replies coming becausethere are probably many interested newbies like me here whop are also interested in this topic.

Tamara Croft
04-06-2007, 05:18 PM
I have got my ultra big strips and an evil grin anyone wanna play ?????:lol: only if you have that gag ready.... don't wanna hear you screaming :tongueout

.........from the waxing!!! get your heads outta the gutter :shocked:

trannie T
04-06-2007, 05:26 PM
I've had good luck with Nair and have had no problems.

Angie G
04-06-2007, 09:54 PM
My wife has used it in the past I'll just stick to shaving :hugs:

04-06-2007, 10:56 PM
Nair Sucks! Here is the Sandy hair control system:


Shave every day.

Chest and back:

Sugar, or wax about every 6 weeks.



04-06-2007, 11:00 PM
It works well for me. But the smell is godawful and lingers awhile.

04-06-2007, 11:36 PM
I've heard good stuff and bad stuff about Nair, but my research ended up 50/50 so I'll just stick with shaving.

04-06-2007, 11:51 PM
Nair works well enough you just need to make sure its thickly layered on. And by works well enough it works everywhere I've tried except my chest and stomache. I never did put it on my face something about chemical burns on my face if I leave it too long kinda steered me away from trying. I really just prefer waxing. You have to deal with some pain but then you are done for like a month

04-06-2007, 11:54 PM
Yes it sucks but it doesn't.... never mind not apporperate. sorry. I do not like the smell and to get it on thick enough to work only burns my skin, it will be red and tender for days ouch!!!:eek:

XDW Nathan-Natasha
04-07-2007, 07:38 PM
I have got my ultra big strips and an evil grin anyone wanna play ?????

Oh, yes please, Toyah! I've never waxed before but I've got a high pain threshold and it seems to me that waxing would be easier with two. You wax my back (and arms, and legs, and some of my chest) and I wax yours?

Nair Sucks! Here is the Sandy hair control system:


Shave every day.

Chest and back:

Sugar, or wax about every 6 weeks.



Legs: I want to shave them totally once (and get all the nicks and cuts in the process!) But after that I'll try waxing.

Arms: Wax away! I've shaved my wrists and hands but they (the hair that is) grow back immediately. I want to berid myself of all my arm hair...mwa-ha-ha! (Once my fiance is alright with letting me part with it - I feel like Robin Williams with them as hairy as they are, geesh!)

Chest: I'll keep most of my chest hair for now. I kinda like it, and so does my fiance...tee-he-he, so how can I deprive her of that? Just the upper chest and lower stomache for me, thank you - waxed, not Naired or shaved.

Back: Wax it all to hell! Mwa-he-ha-ho-hoo (What the heck was that?)

Anything else...? My head? I wanna grow my hair out so I can get pigtails! Seriously!!!!

04-07-2007, 07:49 PM
nairs is crap,works in some places does nothing in others then as a bonis it burns the heck out of your skin. :thumbsdn: shaving is the only hair removal way ive found that works.cp

XDW Nathan-Natasha
04-07-2007, 10:39 PM
Does anyone know of any good waxing products and where to get them? I wanna try waxing! (I must really be insane...)

04-07-2007, 10:53 PM
I love the feel of hairless skin. I can't remeber who it was on here who said she won't go out with hairy legs, 'cause most know her as a F/M, and her legs look F/M. But, I think my legs look ultra-femme without hair, and look truly masuline with hair.... I guess it matters how much hair we're talking about.. but I digress

I have tried shaving, waxing and "Nair for men". I bought the "Nair for Men" on sale at Target because it was on Clearance (ahem.. first clue. There is a newer product out for men, but I thought it was because .. well... men are impatient and only wanted to wait 4 min instead of 8 min).

I put the Nair for Men on, waited the 8 min. and noted that there was no true difference. So I waited another 4 min., and yes some hair came off of my legs, but not everywhere. It was blotchy.

I assume that it's because I didn't use enough in those areas.

I'm impatient, and I didn't like the odour (yes odoUr not odor.. i'm canuck damnit) so, I ran a bath and shaved the rest. It seemed the best way to make sure I didn't exceed the 15 min. Max. that they recommend against.

I have also waxed. Wish I knew the name of the product, but I can't remember. I do know that I bought it at ShopKo in Green Bay. I waxed my arms with the kit. required me to microwave the wax. (I wish I had seen this sight first, great advice on here for waxing by GGs).

The feel the first night was fabulous. Silky smooth as promised. The next week was BRUTAL. I had ingrown hair sites all over the place. Try to explain that to your co-workers. Had one "suth'ner" say to me "What the f**k is that? God D**n AIDS mother f**ker" I took it in stride, and since he knew my wife was 550 miles away at the time I replied with "Now that would require drug use, or sex, of which I have had neither in over 6 months" ;o)

My advice. Either follow the advice of GGs with waxing (which I will NEVER do again.. wax, that is) or stick to shaving with using anti-bacterial soap before and after, and Cortaid for the inevetible rash that occurs in the "privates"


04-07-2007, 11:01 PM
ive tried it a few times and at first thought it worked ok but now it just burns my skin. i am careful with how long i keep it on but leave it alone now. Shaving works much better for me but i do get those horrible bumps!

sissy slave jamie

XDW Nathan-Natasha
04-07-2007, 11:35 PM
Blargh...waxing, nairing, shaving... Why can't I just pull all the hair out I want removed with some industrial duct-tape. It would be quicker, wouldn't it? More painful, sure - but the hair would be long gone!

Seriously though, I still think I'll try waxing just to try it, ingrown hairs or no. I'd be shaving every day and that takes a lot of time, but hey - if all else fails and shaving's all I have to go on, then so be it. The pay off will be more than worth it.
Gilette 'Fusion' Razor: $15.00. Aveno Shaving Cream: $8.00. 'Shave Secret' Oil (the secret is it stinks - but it works): $6.00. Having a hairless body: Priceless. (I just won't put it on my Visa anymore, I made my last big purchase tonight - and it wasn't on femme products; it was on one of my other mega-passions...ANIME!)

04-07-2007, 11:50 PM
it was on one of my other mega-passions...ANIME!)

I have friends with TB (yes terrabytes) of anime. I have only identified with 2 series ... InuYasha (yes, mainstream, but I watch the subtitled only.. there is soooo much more passion with the Japanese voices - I am a good Otaku :$), and Noir (I've only seen 2 episodes, but WOW! What a great series. I want more more more)


Crystal Harmony
04-08-2007, 12:57 AM
Yeah it didnt work for me,so i just stick to shaving

Christine Davis
04-08-2007, 01:48 AM
nairs is crap,works in some places does nothing in others then as a bonis it burns the heck out of your skin. :thumbsdn: shaving is the only hair removal way ive found that works.cp

I hate Nair for the same reasons you mentioned. It burned the crap out of my underarms, I hate the smell, and it is so messy.

04-08-2007, 06:46 AM
I used Nair yesterday for the first time. It did a good job for me. Legs and chest.

04-08-2007, 07:18 AM
I've used Nair several times and yes it does work but it needs a bit more encouragement, I apply it, wait the recommended time then hop in the shower and use a lofha sponge and scrub all over.. Works fine for me.
The only downsides i have found with it are,

1. The smell... Geez it stinks.... and the house still smells for days from it.
2. The cost.... And it's only good for 1 1/2 applications. What, i can do both my legs one time, but only one leg the next?
3. I'm lazy.... And i can't be bothered with the waiting bit most of the time.

04-08-2007, 07:39 AM
I've found two tubes of veet generously applied to the whole body will do an excellent job for a day maybe two. The trick is you cant stretch the product too far. Waxing is better for the long run.
Summer is here in the south so shaving is out til deer season. Always nice to have something to look forward too!

04-08-2007, 07:45 AM
it's NOT just you, Nair sucks and didn't touch my hair. Burnt the snot outta my skin, but didn't touch the hair.

Last time I used Nair, it was Nair for Men. I recall the exact day, a least what day it was: it was the day of the World Cup final between France and Italy.

My back broke out with an acne my body hasn't seen since I was about fourteen. It took two months for it to clear.

Awful...it's not you.

1. The smell... Geez it stinks.... and the house still smells for days from it.

Made my Beloved sick for days. Needless to say, she never uses Nair.

Bridget Fitzgerald
04-08-2007, 08:21 AM
Always works for me. I use the old plain stuff and slather it on. I make sure to first take a hot shower and rinse with cold so I have clean, closed pores. Dry off then cool down, then do it. Clean closed pores should prevent the burning.

Lori SC
04-10-2007, 10:39 PM
Natasha and everyone.

I have had good success with nair and some problems.

First, I have gotten chemical burns from it. Different parts of my body are more sensitive, but I learned to time it carefully. For me 7 minutes works well on my chest and arms. My legs aren't as sensitive.

The nair with aloe seems to smell less, and seems a little more gentle on the skin.

I never use nair after exercising. I think the natural buildup of oils during the day protects against chemical burns. Sweating a lot removes the oils and it's easier to get burns.

I don't use it more than once per week.

I use a liberal amount. Too little, and it doesn't disolve the hairs. - Almost an entire bottle for my entire body.

It's faster than shaving the entire body, and I think the hair is less itchy when growing back. Maybe the ends of the hair folicles are rounded or thinner, rather than cut straight across as with a razor?

But it doesn't disolve any hair below the skin.

And I have to shave in a day or two, or there is some stubble that shows on the arms if one looks closely. The legs can go for quite a bit longer - I don't know why.

Both shaving and nair both suck. If I were rich, I'd get laser! I use nair when I am hairy and have to do the entire body, shaving for touchup after a day or two.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Hugs, Lori

04-10-2007, 10:46 PM
I'll help you wax honey... Muhahaha :devil:

05-09-2007, 12:46 PM

Nair does not work with me also !!

Not much works ,I am going to try waxing hair off


05-09-2007, 03:16 PM
Once you start shaving seriously: 1.) You get quicker at doing it. 2.) You do a better job doing it, (i.e. usually zero nicks and rashes.) 3.) You will never let the hair get as long and so you won't spend "hours" shaving.

My theory, the vast majority of GGs shave their legs and whatever else they feel is necessary. Most use a decent 2 blade razor, and either a soap that makes a good lather or shaving cream. Until you find something better, why not just use their old-fashioned methods. It's worked very well, for a very long time.

Usually takes me about 20 minutes to shave upper body and legs, about every 3 or 4 days. I can live with that.

Peace and Love, Joanie

05-09-2007, 03:34 PM
Nair and suchlike are kind of a high-tech solution to a simple problem, and not even a very good one. Hair is made of the same protein as the skin surface, so whatever is effective at attacking the hair protein will also attack your skin. Hence all the problems with burning and rashes that people get.
Shaving is a more simple, old-fashioned approach, but I think it suits most people better.

Bella Amazonia
05-10-2007, 01:46 AM
One of my problems in using Nair is it seems very uneven in results - you can layer it on for 10+ minutes (less time doesn't seem to get out enough hair) and after washing and scrubbing, lots of hair is gone but some still remains. And although I've used it several times without incident, the last time I tried it my legs itched insanely for weeks afterwards - I would wake up at night itching one leg under the knee with the toe from the other leg (anyone ever heard of sleep-itching?). Not looking for a repeat of that...

05-10-2007, 10:59 AM
Nair had to be made by a man. It smells bad and burns you without doing much for you. Shaving is what I do but hate the little red bumps you get afterwards. Anyone have a remedy for that????

05-10-2007, 12:06 PM
Shick Quattro for women, lavender hair conditioner as a lube, and a body scrub after. Works for me.

Carin's Wife GG
05-10-2007, 01:02 PM
(something about African/Mediterenean heritage many generations back, lol) and more than I can handle eveything is waxed professionally. Yes, it is an expense and one that is worth it IMO. No ingrown hairs, good product, great results. I have even been brave enough to do the Brazilian thing. One hint, take some tylenol/advil BEFORE you wax. Helps with any pain you may have. The more you do it the less painful it is. I have to add I have a VERY high toleralnce for pain so that may be why I actually enjoy getting waxed!


Carin's Wife GG
05-10-2007, 01:07 PM
waxing, IMO, use a good womens razor and lots of womens shave gell. If you shave every day (which is what I have to do if I don't have the money for all that waxing, lol) you get better, faster and more accurate. And please, if you are going to be wearing sleeveless summerthings, shave under your arms!
