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04-13-2007, 11:16 PM
Well, not as daring as some others I managed to get out today for a few hours. I underdressed and although I want spring to come, it is still near freezing so I can also wear a hat and large jacket to cover up. So I checked, the coast was clear so I snuck out. A few minutes later I pulled over in a shopping mall parking lot, removed all cover wear and put on my high heal boots. So that was it, all set.

I was wearing tight jeans with some hip and but padding, high heal boots, low cut top and you could see a hint of some cleavage, brown swade jacket and purse. Had my hair in a scrunchie and hair pulled up behind my ears.

Drove around a bit, no odd looks all was well. So I thought, time for a real test. I went to a shopping mall (Sears) well away from home. I tried the upper deck parking to avoid crowds, but to my surprise it was still busy. People coming and going all over the place. Ah, what the hell, I said to myself go for it! So I got out, walked around the building in the parking lot and then ran in to a dead end with no choice but to enter Sears! It would look funny if I turned around and all was going well so far!

I opened the door, and went in (I don't believe it, I'm inside Sears in the woman's dept facing a rack of bathing suits!). Other shoppers are all around, 10 feet away. Phew, no funny looks except one older guy who watched me at the door was still watching me (no shocked look, but he was watching...I guess he might have read me) it made me a bit nervous (I'm never comfortable when I know people are watching me), I didn't really feel secure enough to talk or interact with anyone so I made a quick exit in antoher direction thinking I would go out the other doors to the parking lot.

At this point, I discovered the store entrance to the main mall. Uggh! So I smiled, held my head high and walked like I belong there. I passed all kinds of people, no odd looks as far as I know (but I didn't turn around to check) and I saw one teenaged boy stitting on a bench who looked right at me and I noticed he looked for a lengthly time but he didn't register any change to his expression, so I figure he didn't read me. Made it to the door, back to the car and out of there.

Then it was time to change back, I did that in a remote park area and managed to clean up about 80% (minus some makeup residue and girl jeans underneath male jeans) So, I planned to go home and clean up all of the way....as I turned the corner....doh! Wife's car in driveway! Now what?

So I kept going, I was planning to clean up before going to an appointment and time was running out, so I went to a local McDonalds. Washed up...but for f-sake...no paper towels! only hot air dryer, so I suffered through a toilet paper dry off. Changed out of the jeans and went to the appointment. When I got home, my wife was out again, so I cached all my stuff and too a few minuted to relax before she returned.

Ahh...the joy. Enjoy.

Karren H
04-14-2007, 08:24 AM
Fantastic!! Fun wasn't it?? That sounds like one of my first times out... lol And you learn as you go... I always take a wash cloth and a small towel, I leave a bottle of water in the car, premoisened wipes work too, keep a couple in your purse along with a few straws (drinking out of bottles messes up my lipstick) and a few tissues....

So when you going out next?? soon?

Love Karren

Angie G
04-14-2007, 08:47 AM
Sally if you looked as good as your avatar pic I think all they seen was girl hun

04-14-2007, 09:48 AM
Karen, Angie, Thanks. I was in a bit of a bind as far as cleaning up goes...I did have some towels and rags with me in the past, but I washed them and forgot to put them in my bag this last time. ha ha, Oppps.

Next time out?...if fate has it, maybe tonight. It is fun, the problem I have is that I don't get out too much in guy mode so I have trouble thinking up fun outings to do enfem. It sure is a confidence boost doing it in daylight. As few more times and I'll have no fear being in the spotlight in guy or girl mode (I'm not the outgoing type in guy mode).

Karren H
04-14-2007, 10:09 AM
Just about anythng you go in drab you can do enfemme.... I'm always thinking and always on the lookout for fun and different things to do besides shopping lol... bike riding, public transportation, sporting events, walks in the park, lunch, washing the car, going to the post office, casino was fun, going to a museum or art gallery, going to a conservatory or flower show........

Personally I find the smallest things are the most fun....Above all, have fun with it!!!


04-14-2007, 10:29 AM
Not as brave as some of us huh? I think you are doing just fine. It was only the last two or three months where I got the courage to go shoppig in the mall.
That sounds like so much fun! I bet your heart was racing most of the time. What a rush to be out in the world as a woman. :-)
I hope your adventure continues.

Kerrie Sifton
04-14-2007, 12:30 PM
Great start, thanks for the inspirational prompt. Will keep those ideas in mind. I am amazed that Karren can remove the traces of make up as quickly as she does, prior to her meetings. My experience with even mascara tends to require a swim to eliminate some of the material.:D ( hope it wasn't me staring... hee hee)

Eva Diva
04-14-2007, 01:00 PM
I could envision your adventure as you described it. I've never gone out dressed, but I do keep a box of wet wipes in the car to wash my hands after I've been to the store. It's the best way to keep cold viruses and other nasties out of the house - wipe after each contact with the cashiers and shopping carts. I constantly see people sneeze into their hands - thanks a bunch! Anyway, it's a good excuse to always have makeup removers handy in the car. a carrying case with cold cream or other makeup remover would be good for the eye makeup if you're using it.
Keep us posted - a lot of us are living vicariously through you. :happy:

04-14-2007, 11:45 PM
Biking is one thing I think I would enjoy (Karen did you try it? My big fear would be getting a flat and having to walk home). I think I look reasonable with a hemet, but I'm not sure what to do for the rest of the outfit without spending a fortune on bike shorts and jersey...anyone know if second hand stores sell them?

To remove eye liner, I use Q-tips, one end with soap and water to clean just below the bottom lashes and the other dry end to wipe the residue that forms from the skin just above the bottom lashes. Also, you can get in the corners of your eyes. Its amazing how dark that q-tip gets.

04-14-2007, 11:51 PM
Golly, that was exciting. I've never done anything like that before. But during Southern Comfort in Altanta last year, with friends around, it seemed to be no big deal. I would never do anything like that all alone...

04-15-2007, 11:50 PM
Andrea, you got the looks (at least from what I see in your avitar). If you have the chance, it is fun. The alone part is something to contend with for sure. Talking to yourself helps (not out loud though, that scares people!)

Karren H
04-16-2007, 06:51 AM
Great start, thanks for the inspirational prompt. Will keep those ideas in mind. I am amazed that Karren can remove the traces of make up as quickly as she does, prior to her meetings. My experience with even mascara tends to require a swim to eliminate some of the material.:D ( hope it wasn't me staring... hee hee)

Well I choose my makeup for it's looks and it's washability... I have changed foundations lately, which is more difficult to remove....and it will weep from my poors for hours. Depending on the length of time since my last outting, my lashes may be stained darker but todate no one has notice or cared, not even my wife.... or everyone is just used to it?

To remove eye liner, I use Q-tips, one end with soap and water to clean just below the bottom lashes and the other dry end to wipe the residue that forms from the skin just above the bottom lashes. Also, you can get in the corners of your eyes. Its amazing how dark that q-tip gets.

Your to dellicate, Sally... hehe .... I remove my makeup this way... dump a good helping of water from the bottle in my car onto a wash cloth, slap it on my face (brrrrrrrr in the winter), rub like hell, dry, and cleanup around the eyes with some pre-moisened makeup removal pads.... done!! If I have to I will wash up a little better when I get to work, and then apply moistureizer...

Love Karren

Rhonda Jean
04-16-2007, 09:14 AM
I always have a change of (male) clothes in my car, including shoes. As far as makeup removal goes, I used to use baby oil and tissue or toilet paper. Took forever, and it always looked like I took more off than I put on! Since I started doing my makeup in the car more often I discovered the makeup remover toweletts. I've tried several brands. Neutrogena works best for me, by far. It's really unbeleivable what a few of these wipes will take off, including eye makeup. You might want to carry a magnifying mirror, too.

I carry a gym bag or a soft overnight bag of a thing with me all the time. It carries everything I need for impromptu dressing and undressing. It looks like something I carry work stuff in. I leave it in there all the time, right under everybody's nose, and nobody pays any attention to it.

04-16-2007, 10:37 AM
That was a great story........ About far as I have gotten was driving at night time....... So I think the next time for you should be easier.......

kassandra richard
04-16-2007, 11:35 AM
Sally, quick question that you don't have to answer directly. Your profile says Canada. Any chance, from your description of things, that you're from CowTown? If so, it sounds to me like you hit SouthCentre. I've toddled through Chinook and the Walmart in the Southeast while my wife was out of country for two weeks. I had to stay home (holidays) because the kiddies were in school. Made for some long days dressed up. Seems like I spent most of the time in front of the mirror though :)

04-16-2007, 12:01 PM
Sally, with your attractive looks there really is no need to worry about anyone suspecting anything. You would pass 100% every time, trust me.


04-16-2007, 12:30 PM
I found that baby wipes do really great on removing makeup. I have noticed that I can tell the difference where I had wiped and where I had not. So that helps me get all of it off. Baby wipes take off foundation, eye shadow, mascaria, cleans my eyebrows nicely, and even removes all the lipstick and lip liner. I always care a small pack of them when I'm out en fem.

04-16-2007, 01:13 PM
That is what it is about, at first... the rush and the bravado feel. Then comes the "fun" part of it, the "what will I do now" and the"where can I go" things.
The next stage is "how can I make a pic", which tends to be challenging at first, but still fun.
Of course there is the sharing of pics.
Whatever else, you can be almost certain sure of one thing, Murphy's Law operates whether you are out in public or just out with yourself outside. Stangely it never seems to operate a thoroughly if one is inside : House or Garage.
Ps Karren, do you never take of the lipstick ? that gives me considerable trouble sometimes.

04-17-2007, 12:01 AM
Thanks for all of the replies.

I forgot to mention the slapping on cold soapy water part!... The q-tips is the last step just to remove that eyeliner. The makeup removers seem like a good thing to try for a fast cleanup. I tried baby wipes once and got some in my eyes which immediately started to burn and I had to explain red eyes later so I'll stay away from those in the future.

Sorry, not in located in Calgary... Ottawa. All malls are the same these days, I think they use the same mold. I've been to Calgary several times and it is a fun place.

These adventures are fun for me (nervous too, about having an unpleasant encounter, but I could probably deal with that, more nervous about impacting other parts of my life), In the past I was too scared to go out except for some random attempts/experimenting and felt ashamed and depressed afterwards, but after learning at lot more about this part of me (this forum has been a great experience by the way!) and accepting it. I'm trying to have fun with it and I don't feel down afterwards anymore. My next adventure is to go cycling once the weather warms up...I have to get some long tights for that.

04-17-2007, 07:47 AM
nervous too, about having an unpleasant encounter, but I could probably deal with that, more nervous about impacting other parts of my life

We have unpleasant encounters in guy mode, too. After a few of those unpleasantries, I simply decided that as long as I kept my composure and a level head, I have just as much right to be anywhere as anyone else. While that may make *some* uncomfortable, the reality is we all have to figure out a way to deal in one form or another. We are who we are, and that says it all.


04-17-2007, 08:14 AM
When I went over to another cd friends home I wore fem under drab with jewelry, watch and fingernails and toe nails painted. I carry in the car a can of actone and paper towels which worked good for removing nail polish. Outer fem wear I carried in a duffle bag. Actone would not raise questions as polish remover would.
One thing I noticed today putting on nail polish was a line of polish that had grown out while I had company for a week and was not dressing. Good thing I noticed it before someone else did. LOL

04-17-2007, 08:32 AM
Sally, it sounds like you had a fun adventure. Thanks for sharing.