View Full Version : What makes you feel the best when out en femme

04-17-2007, 10:06 AM
Dressing means something a little different to each of us. What are the things that mean the most to you when out en femme??

In my case, the feeling of the clothes especially when wearing a skirt, and just the feeling of stepping out of your everyday personna, into one without the weight of your day to day cares creats the exhiliration associated with going out.. Chatting and dancing and just being your "other self" are just a few of the activities that make it all worth while..

What are the things that do it for you?


Talon DeRojo
04-17-2007, 11:24 AM
MFStoo - I only dress at home, but I imagine that what would make me feel best when out are the same as those that make me feel best at home: high heels, nylons, and long fingernails.

Charolette time
04-17-2007, 11:35 AM
Dressing means something a little different to each of us. What are the things that mean the most to you when out en femme??

In my case, the feeling of the clothes especially when wearing a skirt, and just the feeling of stepping out of your everyday personna, into one without the weight of your day to day cares creats the exhiliration associated with going out.. Chatting and dancing and just being your "other self" are just a few of the activities that make it all worth while..

What are the things that do it for you?


99.9% of the time im in my pretty panties, all styles and colors and do not give it a thought, it just feels so natural, some day it will be more of the complete girl in me, :hugs: Charolette

Karren H
04-17-2007, 11:39 AM
Its not any one thing................. its everything...


04-17-2007, 11:43 AM
Karren is right, she ALWAYs hits the nail right on the head. :love: & :hugs: Trina - Karren is a Treasure

04-17-2007, 11:45 AM
I couldn't agree more with Karren. She hit the bullseye.
I love to slip on pantyhose, a skirt, and a pair of heels and hear that click clack when I walk.
I love it when my skirt rubs against my legs and flairs out when I walk.
There's just too many things for me to describe that make me feel great.

04-17-2007, 01:38 PM
I love every sensation of feeling femmy clothing on my body from head to toe. But the ultimate for me is feeling the edge seam of my hi cut panties gently caressing by backside when I move. That keeps me in a state of mild arousal!

04-17-2007, 01:42 PM
I never have been out but it must be an incredible sensation
to feel free and feel the way I am in side

04-17-2007, 01:50 PM
I suppose it's the feeling of adopting a new identity, one which seems more outgoing than my usual reserved self. Also, I think I look better en femme because of the slew of options available to me. As a guy, it's either a suit or jeans and a shirt. Maybe shorts now and then. But women have a TON of options to enhance or otherwise change their appearance. To me, that's way fun. I also feel sexier en femme sometimes. Strange.

04-17-2007, 03:38 PM
Dressing means something a little different to each of us. What are the things that mean the most to you when out en femme??

In my case, the feeling of the clothes especially when wearing a skirt, and just the feeling of stepping out of your everyday personna, into one without the weight of your day to day cares creats the exhiliration associated with going out.. Chatting and dancing and just being your "other self" are just a few of the activities that make it all worth while..

What are the things that do it for you?


I dress and drive to a public phone by the hwy. I stand there in my short dress and heels because I LOVE getting whistled at when men drive by! Crazy, huh?

04-18-2007, 07:29 PM
Living every day being who I am. No hidding and no worries if I'm going to get caught. I caught myself a long time ago.


04-18-2007, 08:04 PM
I just love being out as a woman, the feel of hose rubbing on the legs, the feel of my bra across the back, the taste of lipstick. The feeling is wonderful. I would stay 24/7 if possible.

04-19-2007, 08:51 AM
The feeling of the clothes, and the looks and comments from men:shocked: :heehee:

04-19-2007, 08:55 AM
I have been out in casual fem and dress/skirt. I have to admit that I love being out in a dress or skirt, stockings, and heels, more than in casual fem. There is something about walking while feeling your stocking legs rub against each other and your sliky slip/skirt/dress also rubbing agains your legs. Then too the feel I get while driving and looking down at my stocking legs. The only thing I don't like is getting into my SUV wearing a tight skirt. Be surpised how difficult that can be. LOL

04-19-2007, 10:17 AM
The two things that make me feel so right! Wearing lipstick and having my lips look sexy. And being dressed in hip hugging styles of jeans or skirts with bare midriff and my thong showing in back. Makes me feel so HOT! willow

04-19-2007, 10:25 AM
The thing I love the most are:

- High heels-I just love the way high heels make us move our hips:heehee:

- Lingerie-I love to feel a bra, specially with breastforms, and tiny panties (the ones I love the most are strings)

Emily Ann Brown
04-19-2007, 11:05 AM
While EVERYTHING about being out as a woman is awesome, the one thing I wouldn't trade above all is the being me and nobody cares one lick !

Emily Ann

Kate Jennings
04-19-2007, 11:05 AM
Well it isnt any ONE thing but.... Among my favs are....


The smell of my perfume

Long nails

The sound a pair of heels makes as you stride purposefully in them

The femme way I hold my hands

Panties and hose!

Cascading blonde hair

A flowing skirt


04-19-2007, 03:44 PM
Assuming the pure joy of being gurly is a given, it depends on the context I guess. Being treated normally is a shop or restaurant or whatever without any fuss one way or another is always a boost. If I'm clubbing, a pat on the butt is nice.

EmmaJane TS
04-19-2007, 04:02 PM

It goes without saying all things femme are just the best, but what stands out for me as a favourite is being addressed in the feminine (miss, ma'am etc). It just validates the whole reason why I CD.

Hugs and kisses,


Paula T
04-19-2007, 08:47 PM
head for me I am usually in flats when out shopping but once in a while in heels and I love the sound and the feel of nylons on my legs:D

I suppose it's the feeling of adopting a new identity, one which seems more outgoing than my usual reserved self. Also, I think I look better en femme because of the slew of options available to me. As a guy, it's either a suit or jeans and a shirt. Maybe shorts now and then. But women have a TON of options to enhance or otherwise change their appearance. To me, that's way fun. I also feel sexier en femme sometimes. Strange.

04-20-2007, 03:56 AM
Its not any one thing................. its everything...

i couldn't have said it better myself .

Toni Shelton
04-20-2007, 07:18 AM
Its not any one thing................. its everything...


Karren, you said it best. Also one more thing, Shopping...

jennifer beckinsale
04-20-2007, 07:23 AM
high heels either shoes or boots must be at least 3'' high, pantyhose,and a short skirt or hot pants.

fancy nancy
04-20-2007, 08:28 AM
For me it is wearing my bra ,pantys and tights wgich is a must.

04-20-2007, 10:54 AM
Really for me it's not just panties or the long hair or long fingernails or the big boobs.....

It's well, my most inner feeling that make me feel so fem. But, the other stuff helps too.:happy:

04-20-2007, 12:33 PM
For me, even though I am new to this, it is a number of things. One of which, as mentioned earlier, is stepping into a new persona so to speak.

Even though it is still me on the inside I feel like a different person dressed. I once read or heard (not sure which) that people are capable of amazing or even improbable feats while in a costume. Supposedly it realses any restictions we may have put on our selves prior to wearing the costume.

I am apt to agree with this statement as I have noticed a difference in my overall mood since I have begun dressing. And even though dressing is a part of who I am now in it most basic form it is a costume. Anyways just thought I would share.

P.S. Shaving my legs would have to come in #2

04-21-2007, 05:34 PM
what stands out for me as a favourite is being addressed in the feminine (miss, ma'am etc). It just validates the whole reason why I CD.
Love to agree to that one, even had an older man hold the door for me and call me mam!

I'd have to say that shaving my legs is the most mood intensifying thing I do when getting ready. It just makes me feel very feminine and pretty as well as a little sexy.

As far as the things when I'm actually out and about....I would say that both the movement of the clothes (I tend toward swing dresses and skirts) and the movement of my breasts and hair really heighten the feelings of being a girl. Of course when I think I'm looking particularly good then feeling pretty is a really big bonus too!

04-21-2007, 05:55 PM
The feel of nylon on my legs, my skirt blowing in the breeze but most of all the feeling that I am free and dressed as I love to be :hugs:

04-22-2007, 01:11 AM

It goes without saying all things femme are just the best, but what stands out for me as a favourite is being addressed in the feminine (miss, ma'am etc). It just validates the whole reason why I CD.

Hugs and kisses,


My comments exactly like Emma's.