View Full Version : What's going on??? (CD as cure for depression)

04-18-2007, 12:48 PM
Hello, just wanted to share a little something today.
Me and my girlfriend were talking earlier and discovered something unusual(or was it).
A little backround... since i was in my early teens I have suffered from depression. I have been hospitalized, half-way houses, therapy, medications.

This may be a bit of an overshare, but it doesn't bother me, I am open and candid about my mental illness... thats who I am.(sound familiar?)Anyways, the reason I am explaining this is that for the last two and a half to three months my depression has gotten the better of me(again). I won't go into details to save space and time, let's just say I was headed for the hospital again, and soon!

However, since I began to dress up(which I'll admit, hasn't been that long)my entire attitude has changed, I am more outgoing, caring, resposible, and even everyday chores are becomming easier. Now perhaps this is just a coincedence(sp?), the weather, or other factors I am not sure. My girlfriend and I are convinced that part of it may have to do with the fact that I no longer need to hide my desire to dress up any more!

I am still working on coming out with this information to those I love, and with my girlfriends support I am sure I can do it. I also found a counselor who help with sexual identity, as well as depression, and I have an appt. with him later this week. So I am taking steps to deal with these issues before it is too late... I am just amazed how I thought my dressing up turned from a sexual desire, to something that may (or may not) be helping me deal with problems that have been plagueing me for the last 10 years...

Anyways I hope this post is appropriate, and perhaps give someone, somewhere a little encouragement.... Im not sure why I wrote it, I guess I just want to share.

Talon DeRojo
04-18-2007, 04:26 PM
Regan - I applaud you for having the courage to seek help. There are millions of people in this country who have emotional problems of one sort or another and the majority never seek help. Some don't even want to admit to themselves that there's a problem, never mind a therapist, pastor, counselor, etc.

EmmaJane TS
04-18-2007, 04:32 PM

You go Girl, I'm a recent convert to the full CD experience and also agree to the dramatic change in mood and feeling of completeness.

It takes courage to do what you have done and I wish you well on the amazing journey we've both set out on.

Hugs and kisses,


04-18-2007, 05:34 PM
My depression I had was caused because i would not admit this is me, Janelle. Since i have it is very rare that i get down & that is because of someone being hurt or something like that. Take care hun as you are not alone.
:hugs: ,Janelle

04-18-2007, 07:20 PM
However, since I began to dress up(which I'll admit, hasn't been that long)my entire attitude has changed, I am more outgoing, caring, resposible, and even everyday chores are becomming easier.

Ah, so you've had The Great Foo Bird come and stomp on your life too :(

My depression had medical causes; everyone on one side of my family has pretty much the same triggers. It just happened that in my case, I had a high stress job that I was working myself to the bone on, and a certain coincidence of stressors pushed me over from Potential to a Lay-A-Bed.
But in my case, crossdressing was not a factor in the causes: before, my occasional brief clothing try-on had less impression on me than buying a kinky mens magazine. It wasn't until I'd already been Sick for about 20 months that I discovered crossdressing.

What I did discover, though, was that crossdressing was one of the only two things that could really lift me out of my depression. I could be suffering from stress so much that I couldn't look at the horizon (information overload), but if I could get myself out the door at all and go shopping for clothes, or go wear a skirt or a dress walking around (even without anything else done femme), my mood would lift completely, I was able to plan and initiate, I was able to think clearly, and I was able to actually enjoy life. I could be having trouble getting myself to pick up my socks at home, but I could put on a skirt and top and wig and go buy a purse from a boutique that I'd been in the previous night in male-mode with my wife.

I've seen several studies in which they have said that crossdressing has acted as a natural (and harmless) tranquillizer for a number of men -- so much so that the measured physical stress levels would go down quite a bit, even though some of those guys had the full guilt feelings about dressing. The conclusion of the studies: don't try to "cure" the crossdressers, as they had already found a more thorough medical relief than any known drug could provide.

If crossdressing works for you to the degree that it works for me, then Yes, by all means Dress!

04-18-2007, 07:44 PM
I have had similar experiences. Have been battling severe depression since my teenage years. Crossdressing has helped enormously.

Why? Who knows. But if it works, I will do it.

Angie G
04-18-2007, 08:06 PM
I do not sufferfrom depression but I;m happier whem I dress :hugs:

GothicAngel GG
04-19-2007, 02:18 PM
I have seen a huge change in Ryan/Regan since he's come out(at least to me). I can't even begin to explain how honored and blessed he chose me to do this with. I've been trying to help him in every way I can but even I can only do so much. It hurts to see him get so fustrated when the make-up doesn't work like he wants, and I gentally remind him this will come in time. Words can not decribe the feeling I get when I help Ryan change into Regan. To see him as both a woman and a man is beyond anything I could wish for in a life partner. It makes me happy to see him happy and IMHO if this is how he choses to live the rest of his life(as a woman) then I told him I guess that means I'm a lesbeian. If it makes him happy and feels comfortable then he needs to do it. I'm more than happy to help him with it.

I Love You Ryan/Regan!


Fab Karen
04-19-2007, 03:57 PM
I have seen a huge change in Ryan/Regan since he's come out(at least to me). I can't even begin to explain how honored and blessed he chose me to do this with. I've been trying to help him in every way I can but even I can only do so much. It hurts to see him get so fustrated when the make-up doesn't work like he wants, and I gentally remind him this will come in time. Words can not decribe the feeling I get when I help Ryan change into Regan. To see him as both a woman and a man is beyond anything I could wish for in a life partner. It makes me happy to see him happy and IMHO if this is how he choses to live the rest of his life(as a woman) then I told him I guess that means I'm a lesbeian. If it makes him happy and feels comfortable then he needs to do it. I'm more than happy to help him with it.

I Love You Ryan/Regan!

He's lucky to have you. And it takes experience & sometimes a tip(s) from other crossdressers to get the most we can out of make-up. We work around things GG's don't have to.
One point: unless he's transsexual & changes the body, you won't be a lesbian to be involved in this relationship.

Karren H
04-19-2007, 04:01 PM
Bingo..... I haven't been depressed in years.... Ok when my wife found out I was a little depressed.. But that went away the next time if dressed!!

Good for you!!

Love Karren

04-20-2007, 05:39 AM
I recently ran a thread concerning if you dress more when things in your male life are not going right and the poll was 2-1 that we dress more when things are not going right.

04-20-2007, 05:45 AM
With me dressing up helps open up receptor sites with causes more endorphines to kick in with makes me happy:happy: