View Full Version : how did you find this fourm

Shining Star
02-22-2005, 05:10 AM
hi there just wondering how all of you found this forum.
I came across this just by accedent and know i just love this forum

02-22-2005, 05:16 AM
I bought this P/C 1st time I'd ever touched one. Ounce I was alone I typed in crossdressers, this site was the 1st one on the page. GOD is watching out for me.:)

Tristen Cox
02-22-2005, 05:17 AM
Someone asked this question not too long ago so without repeating it here's a link to the thread: http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4990


Shining Star
02-22-2005, 05:23 AM
sorry bout that tristen i didn't know

Tristen Cox
02-22-2005, 05:34 AM
Quite alright. We are bound to go over the same things again sooner or later, I even have brought things up just to get new perspectives from the new members that weren't there when the thread was posted. It's all good. ;)


Tamara Croft
02-22-2005, 06:45 AM
Well I couldn't vote as the option how I joined here wasn't there.... My partner ~Tammy~ is a member here and asked me to join, I think it was May 2004.... I was a bit 'shy' about it all at first. But joining here was the best thing I could of possibly done. This forum and all my wonderful friends here have helped me accept Tammy for who she is and I thank you all for that :D

Tamara x

Wendy me
02-22-2005, 07:45 AM
yes as i said before frist coumpter day 2 found this place and now here ..............

Wendy me
02-22-2005, 08:36 AM
lol lol lol lol lol

02-22-2005, 08:38 AM
Just messing around one evening after having a long and agonizing talk with God that evening I typed in Drag queens and I found a bunch of sites that were not very nice then this crossdresser forum came at me like a bolt out of the blue, I was on the verge of a mental catasrophe I was at wits end I had an empty feeling as to who I was or what I was and God was all I had left, after I found this forum it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off of me and I have been as contented as a puppy with a full tummy and just want to be me. Yes I know I mentioned that I prayed and I do believe in the power of prayer it works.
Well enough rambling I just wanted to let yall know how I found all of you great and wonderful SISTERS you have benn very suportive for me.

02-22-2005, 08:52 AM
hi there just wondering how all of you found this forum.
I came across this just by accedent and know i just love this forum

Hi, I typed 'Crossdressing' into the search engine and loads of pages came up; I tried a few others and wasn't impressed, then I found this one and have stayed ever since. I love this site too! :)

02-22-2005, 11:35 AM
I tried a number of other crossdressing groups before I found this one. I read several posts and the rest is history. I found a new home.

Love and Hugs,

Tiffany Tuesday
02-22-2005, 11:50 AM

i found this site as a link was posted on Roses Forum (an identical if more serious UK sister site in pink), there are also other sites elsewhere in this format.

Roses and many other such sites covering many interests were set up by Krystina, a UK tgirl and friend who sadly died some months ago. She was a web expert and 34.

I like here because you are a particularly fun loving bunch of tgirlies, i like Americans, and i like websites formed under this format as it reminds me so much of Krystina. Although she may not have set this particular Forum up, visiting such forums just makes me feel she is still around. And y'see i only joined Roses Forum because Krystina asked me to.

Hugz x

02-22-2005, 01:07 PM

i found this site as a link was posted on Roses Forum (an identical if more serious UK sister site in pink), there are also other sites elsewhere in this format.

Roses and many other such sites covering many interests were set up by Krystina, a UK tgirl and friend who sadly died some months ago. She was a web expert and 34.

I like here because you are a particularly fun loving bunch of tgirlies, i like Americans, and i like websites formed under this format as it reminds me so much of Krystina. Although she may not have set this particular Forum up, visiting such forums just makes me feel she is still around. And y'see i only joined Roses Forum because Krystina asked me to.

Hugz x

This is very sad, but also very sweet.

I remember lurking on another forum that was just bizarre and unsupportive -- a lot of the members were sexually aggressive, and the trolls were out of control. I wasn't referred here by another CD, so I either followed a link here or else Googled something that brought me here. I do remember not joining until I was sure this site was OK -- I lurked for a month or so. I can't stress enough how uncomfortable the other forum made me feel. It was basically composed of MIP, people looking to pick up tgirls, and a bunch of people whining about how they could never use tampons or something. It scared a bunch of SO's away, that much I remember. But this place is great.


02-22-2005, 01:26 PM
Yet again hi to all and thankyou for the enjoyment youv'e given me in reading all the postings.

I had reached a stage in my life were crossdressing was not enough. Ok i had managed all the basics like buying clothes etc but then I found I needed real advice from real people. It was no good phoning 0898 no's nor looking in magazines I needed to interact with the real people. I had searched the web franticly and was just about to give up when this site appeared. I veiwed it, it seemed proffesionally organized/run and it was welcoming and it made me feel safe. More to the point aswell its only as good as it is, due to the quality of people that are hear.


Its certainly making life easier for me. I'am no longer alone...xxx ;)

02-22-2005, 02:57 PM

i found this site as a link was posted on Roses Forum (an identical if more serious UK sister site in pink), there are also other sites elsewhere in this format.

Roses and many other such sites covering many interests were set up by Krystina, a UK tgirl and friend who sadly died some months ago. She was a web expert and 34.

I like here because you are a particularly fun loving bunch of tgirlies, i like Americans, and i like websites formed under this format as it reminds me so much of Krystina. Although she may not have set this particular Forum up, visiting such forums just makes me feel she is still around. And y'see i only joined Roses Forum because Krystina asked me to.

Hugz x

Just a thought but maybe you could list some links to the other forums you speak of so the rest of us can check them out too

Are we not serious enough for you?
I can do serious
Ok i can't and don't even know what the word means. Sorry
That is very sad about Krystina. What did she die of? if you don't mind me asking. Were you really close?
Just tell me to keep my nose out if you like :)

02-22-2005, 10:38 PM
Hi all,

I first came over here when Julie M posted on another forum with links to pictures of herself and Jaqui here.

It looked nice, so I signed up and visit here once in a while.


02-22-2005, 11:26 PM
I found this site using a search engine. Several others appeared but this one was definately the one for me.

02-23-2005, 04:11 AM
well number 2 may be admirer.......... :rolleyes:

06-29-2005, 05:17 AM
Accident. I was looking for related topics, obviously ;)

06-29-2005, 05:32 AM
I was surfing either U-R not alone, or Big Closet site once when Crystals Story site was down,,, you know,, late night reading :),, and found the link to here.

I like the lighter side of being CD and enjoy others with a sense of humer,, some forums have more rules than members, this one seems easy going and I have not seen any cat fights or troll trouble,,, (thanks Tristen and others).

I will keep visiting until asked to leave :cool:


06-29-2005, 08:10 AM
I typed in crossdressers in search and i came over loads and this one is the best i seen and you girls are the best, The forums are always clean and there is no sex adds like most of them.
Please keep it up.

Love and kisses Adrianne.

06-29-2005, 10:28 AM
This was the best search engine result I have ever gotten.

06-29-2005, 11:40 AM
Well I couldn't vote as the option how I joined here wasn't there.... My partner ~Tammy~ is a member here and asked me to join, I think it was May 2004.... I was a bit 'shy' about it all at first. But joining here was the best thing I could of possibly done. This forum and all my wonderful friends here have helped me accept Tammy for who she is and I thank you all for that :D

Tamara x

Hey, speaking of Tammy, where's she been? We used to have such great conversations! I miss her! (yeah, it's been a long time coming question)

06-29-2005, 12:05 PM
You know, reading these responses kind of makes me proud. When I joined, there were no moderators, just the Admin who had several irons in the fire and couldn't keep up with the growth here. I saw things that I felt needed attending to and volunteered to moderate. Admin made me a moderator. My goal was to project crossdressing in a positive light. I took my cause to the members. The members responded and helped mould this site into what it is today.

Along the way I hit a 'bump' in the road. Tristen stepped up because she saw I was struggling. At first I gave her my moderator's password but in time encouraged the Admin to make her a moderator also and look what she's done! Talk about a close knit family! How many places on the Internet can you go where someone 'feels' you're struggling and offers help? Tris did this and I'm eternally grateful to her for keeping this forum intact while I dealt with my affairs. While I regret the time I wasn't able to do my job, I'm so happy there was someone who cared enough to take it on herself And believe me, being a sole moderator is no easy task! I look at my 'daughter' today and I'm so proud of her! :love:

In a way, I started to mould this site into what it is today, but most importantly, Tristen and the other moderators work feverishly to keep this ideal and make it the best forum on the Internet. Hats off to them. :clap:

06-29-2005, 12:16 PM
I was just serching for an ansere as to y my breast was getting bigger I was not taking eny thing and wanted to know y and found ref to crossdressers and been permantly atteched ever since

06-29-2005, 12:21 PM
thats agood question!! dont remamber how i found it really!! but im sure glad i did!!!! made a lot of new friends on here !!!!!! :) luv sheiligh

Tristen Cox
06-29-2005, 12:30 PM
I came here as no one really, just looking for clothes online and came across the link to the site. I looked for a few days and posted a rubbish intro in the personals not knowing I should have posted it somewhere else, so I pulled it later on since I guess everyone who saw it thought I was looking to meet someone.

Anyhow I got ignored mostly and had few or no replies to any threads I started. I guess I couldn't blame anyone for not knowing who I was. Took me three months to figure out picture attachments :rolleyes:

Before too long I saw most of the current long term members join and how fast this place started growing(July - September). My first friend here just sent me a PM one time saying how she liked my avatar and in a short time we became real tight. By October I was chatting with some of the more popular posters and really felt like I belonged to something good here. I still do.

Something happened in the early part of this year, I saw this wonderful family breaking up and fighting. Who was I? Nobody. But this nobody knew something on how to fix things if only she was given the chance to do so. Unfortunatily "Momma" was going through some tuff times and needed someone to help out. So nobody stepped in and cleaned up a bit and pulled every resource to make this place thrive again. She was alone for a couple months, but kept in contact with everyone hoping "Momma" was ok and would be happy to see what had been done in her absence.

I picked someone that I just had a good feeling about to help share the work. I knew she had a good head on her shoulders and could help side by side keep things up and running smoothly. She has exceeded that expectation time and time again.

And now a few months have gone by and "Momma" and all her children are back together again, and this place is better than ever.

I couldn't be any more pleased.

Thanks for everyone pulling together to make this forum THE BEST :clap:

06-29-2005, 12:31 PM
You know, reading these responses kind of makes me proud. When I joined, there were no moderators, just the Admin who had several irons in the fire and couldn't keep up with the growth here. I saw things that I felt needed attending to and volunteered to moderate. Admin made me a moderator. My goal was to project crossdressing in a positive light. I took my cause to the members. The members responded and helped mould this site into what it is today.

Along the way I hit a 'bump' in the road. Tristen stepped up because she saw I was struggling. At first I gave her my moderator's password but in time encouraged the Admin to make her a moderator also and look what she's done! Talk about a close knit family! How many places on the Internet can you go where someone 'feels' you're struggling and offers help? Tris did this and I'm eternally grateful to her for keeping this forum intact while I dealt with my affairs. While I regret the time I wasn't able to do my job, I'm so happy there was someone who cared enough to take it on herself And believe me, being a sole moderator is no easy task! I look at my 'daughter' today and I'm so proud of her! :love:

In a way, I started to mould this site into what it is today, but most importantly, Tristen and the other moderators work feverishly to keep this ideal and make it the best forum on the Internet. Hats off to them. :clap:
awww that was great julie tristen and tamara and julie j if im not mistaking are great moderaters you guys did a fantastic job. :thumbsup:

06-29-2005, 12:34 PM
i admit i was looking fo an erotic tv site. im such a perv :D

Tristen Cox
06-29-2005, 12:44 PM
awww that was great julie tristen and tamara and julie j if im not mistaking are great moderaters you guys did a fantastic job. :thumbsup:
....and Sharon, and Dana, and Holly, and Kew, and Tone, and Eddie, and Wendy..... :)

06-29-2005, 12:46 PM
damn is there that many?

06-29-2005, 03:33 PM
I logged onto the internet :rolleyes:


Tamara Croft
06-29-2005, 08:29 PM
Hey, speaking of Tammy, where's she been? We used to have such great conversations! I miss her! (yeah, it's been a long time coming question)
I've locked her in MY closet :lol: She's pretty busy at work after getting promoted to consultant :D Doesn't have much time to spare really, but still checks out the posts here. Oh... and... she's teaching ME how to be a girly :rolleyes: the cheek of it!!

Oh... and... samanthajay Thankyou :hugs: and yes there are a lot of moderators now who all do a fantastic job.

06-29-2005, 10:59 PM
I came upon this site, CDINYC, Femme fever and TRi-Ess all around the same time when doing a search on Google for cross dressing.

I'm so happy I finally found some good resources to learn from.


06-29-2005, 11:11 PM
Well, just for fun, I typed in "crossdressers.com", but I wanted to see if it was an actual site. So I guess it wasn't an accident really.

07-04-2005, 07:04 AM
As my relationship with my wife deteriorated, i began to take more of an interest in crossdressing websites. After she left me, i was very distressed and had no family or close friends to confide in at the time, so although I had come across this forum previously during a web search, I definately knew this was the place to establish some form of communication other my dead marriage woes.

My opening posts were about my dramas, but I quickly got involved in all the ongoing topics in this forum and before i knew it, i was hooked! As long as this website continues, i'll be a member.

BTW, whoever operates this site, you deserve congratulations and our respect. You are doing a great service to the many people - members & guests - who need such a service. I thank you dearly!


Cissy Suzie
07-04-2005, 09:08 AM
I actually can't remember how I stumbled on this site. :rolleyes:

So I guess it was just accidental, I must have cliked a link somewhere that sent me here?! :confused:

07-04-2005, 02:44 PM
I love dressing up and masks of all kinds .I was looking for interesting masks and I typed in ' to change one's idnity' and a web page with the forum on it popped up . Thought "that looks interesting" I started reading my mind started clicking,and I have been here ever since.I have such good friends here,a new wonderful relationship with the sweetest person I have ever met.I have never been as happy as the last two days when Wilma came to visit. I would have never ,ever met me SO without the forum bless all of you.