View Full Version : Yay! I finally went out!!!! It Was A Success!!!!

XDW Nathan-Natasha
04-22-2007, 11:34 PM
Ladies and well, ladies...last night was a momentous occasion for me. I went out in public FULLY ENFEMME!!!!

The evening started with me and my fiance aj_gg going to a Tri-Ess meeting, which was absolutely fabulous. Meeting fellow cross-dressers for the first time, enfemme and unafraid was one of the most incredible experiences for me. But it didn't end there...and little did I know, the night would get even more incredible...

Before leaving, my fiance asks me essentially, 'hey, would you want to go out after this?' And I was like: '...with me enfemme?' And she was like: 'Sure, why not.'

I flipped out with joy! I was like: 'Yeah, lets do this. I can do this. WE can do this!' And so we did.

As we walked down the steps out of the building where the meeting was I looked back over my shoulder at aj and said to her: 'You know, once we walk down these stairs, there's no turning back, you know?' And she said: 'I know.'

We ended up going to Barnes and Noble to get coffee, as aj and Natasha. We walked in behind a group of GGs and their guy friends without incident. None of them noticed me - and if they did, they said nothing.

At the counter the barista...who was a guy (would that make him a baristo?) was all smiles, but in a good way, you know? He either knew I was a guy and found it funny (but I don't think this was the case...he kinda checked me out:heehee: And I know most guy looks, 'cause I've used 'em), thought I was cute (which I kinda think was the case...he seemed all akward and chatty with me...) or just didn't know what to think. Either way, I threw him for a GOOD loop, whether I passed with him or not.

After that we sat down to enjoy our drinks. No one said a thing. If anyone was looking at me, I didn't notice. I mean, I was as nervous as hell but I was okay. I smiled, I relaxed, I tried to keep my cool.

After a while aj and I decided to walk around the bookstore and look about a bit. Again - no one seemd to notice or care that I was a cross-dresser. I was, at least at a glance, just another girl to them.

The big scare and potential 'out-ing' for me occured at the check-out counter. I was standing in line and praying to God that one of the cashier's would say 'Can I help who's next?' or the coveted 'I can help you down here, ma'am.' Well...neither were the case. I had stepped aside to toss my drink cup away and when I get back I hear 'Can I help you, sir? I kept my cool but my heart sank. I would have just stood there, but I was the next in line anyhow, so I went to his register.
My fiance was standing off to the side and there was a man behind me, though...the cashier could have seen him while I moved to toss my garbage - and I hope that was the case...but he probably still outed me. That was depressing. I kept up the facade though (and my femme voice, which was awesome last night) and handed him my book, got the money out of my purse, thanked him, wished him a good night, and left with Aj trailing behind.

In the parking lot I had a minor breakdown which increased in the car...but quickly blew over.
I had done it. I had gone out as a woman for the first time, and the night was nothing but an utter success. As far as I and Aj are concerned, for most people - I PASSED!!!!

I just wanted to share this momentous occassion with you all, girls. I hope every one of you who hasn't gone out yet will have as incredible of a first experience as I did.

04-22-2007, 11:45 PM
Congratulations on your night out. It was a 100% success in a very exposed place like a bookstore and waiting in line to pay. Your fiance is great. Can I borrow her for my first outing? Keep up the good work.

04-22-2007, 11:53 PM
:happy: Congratulations Natasha. You sure move along at the speed of light! I'm glad you have such an awesome partner in aj. :hugs:

Wow, you must still be trying to calm down. hehehe. What an emotional evening. Thanks for sharing your story. :hugs: :love:

Brianna Lovely
04-23-2007, 12:27 AM
How exciting!
I'm so happy to hear that you had such a good time. Make sure to give aj_gg a special hug. I hope you two go out more often.
Again, congradulations.

04-23-2007, 01:19 AM
Congratulations on your night out. It was a 100% success in a very exposed place like a bookstore and waiting in line to pay. Your fiance is great. Can I borrow her for my first outing? Keep up the good work.

If you fly me out to San Francisco with Nathan, I'm sure it could be arranged.

04-23-2007, 01:31 AM
Also, last night was totally about you, I just wanted you to be comfortable and just get a feel for your own skin. I was just glad that I was there.

Leah B
04-23-2007, 01:32 AM
Wooo! Awesome!

XDW Nathan-Natasha
04-23-2007, 01:32 AM
Can I borrow her for my first outing?

Heck, if we're both ever in the 'Frisco area we'd BOTH go with you on your first outing! And I'd go enfemme too! There's strength in numbers, girl! Plus it would be a lot of fun!
There's actually probably a pretty good chance I'll be flying out to California sometime in the next 1 or 2 years, so...hey, if you haven't gone out by then (or even if you have) we can get together and go out. It would be awesome!

Thanks aluchi!

Stephenie S
04-23-2007, 04:52 AM
So Nat,

You figured it out. Most people don't care. They are MUCH too busy with their own problems to be at all concerned with yours. It's no big secret, but some here never figure it out.

Go out. Look as good as you can, dress apropriately, act apropriately, and you can go where you want. Most people will not notice, the few who DO notice, could care less, and the rest be dammed.



04-23-2007, 05:11 AM
Congratulations, Each time you go out you will build confidence, then you will look back and ask yourself, Why was I so scared. :love: :hugs:

04-23-2007, 06:29 AM
C...., Why was I so scared. :love: :hugs:

Right on the dot.... see my entry on my first time out. When I got home that was the question i asked myself.

04-23-2007, 08:48 AM
Why was I so scared. :love: :hugs:

Rejection, fear of someone you know who doesn't know seeing you, judgment and general paranoia.

04-23-2007, 09:37 AM
Congratulations on such great fun and successful first time out.
