View Full Version : GG's Bath Room

Joy Carter
04-23-2007, 01:52 AM
I was reading answers from GGs on a pole to how they felt about MtoF CDs. And of out of about twenty answers, they all said they were not happy about us using the women's rest room.
Interestingly enough about four of them had no problem with us being dressed.

So GGs how do you stand on this issue ?

04-23-2007, 02:00 AM
I'd be shocked, sorta would feel violated..not sure why, thats just the thought that popped into my head. But then again, if the CD went into the mens room dressed like that, in a place other then a LGBT friendly bar or such, there could be problems there as well. So, I'd rather see em in the womens restroom, then possibly get harrassed/assaulted in the mens room.
Strange answer I know, but oh well, at 3am my brain just doesnt function like it does during the day.

Brianna Lovely
04-23-2007, 02:20 AM
Although I'm not a GG, I do have thoughts and feelings about this topic.

Is it that GGs would rather see a TG person raped or beaten, in a men's wash room, rather than have "one of them" in a ladies room?

Or is it that women are just so fearful of "men", that they just lump everyone together, as leachers?

What about the places that have unisex wash rooms, with no locks, suddenly, you're not afraid of men, anymore?

04-23-2007, 03:10 AM
It doesn't bother me, so long as they don't make a bit issue out of it themselves and so long as the Cder is presenting as female ie if they came in wearing girly jeans and top but no forms, makeup etc then I would be uncomfortable with them being in the ladies room because to me that is not presenting fully as female.

Tasha Meredith
04-23-2007, 04:05 AM
Non-GG here. It's not real TGs I worry about.. But we're already loosing sight of the fact that *most* MTFs are still straight; and have larger stature than the most GGs. That situation alone lends itself to some unneeded volatility.

It welcomes any pig wanting a peep show to proclaim themselves TG just long enough for someone to let her guard down while he plays the wolf in sheep clothing. And as a MTF, I really don't feel the need to conquer, invade and infiltrate every aspect of GG life. Just my 2c.

04-23-2007, 04:10 AM
I wopuld probabley feel the same as men would if a GG came in to use their male restroom, a bit shocked, and wonder what the heck if they were not presenting as fully fem, and to be honest would probably challenge them as to why they were there,............ however if they were dressed fully fem (and spotted them)I would more than probably hang around to make sure that they were not clocked and challenged by other GG's ...... in otherwords do me mother hen bit

Kristen Kelly
04-23-2007, 04:15 AM
Non-GG here. It's not real TGs I worry about.. But we're already loosing sight of the fact that *most* MTFs are still straight; and have larger stature than the most GGs. That situation alone lends itself to some unneeded volatility.

It welcomes any pig wanting a peep show to proclaim themselves TG just long enough for someone to let her guard down while he plays the wolf in sheep clothing. And as a MTF, I really don't feel the need to conquer, invade and infiltrate every aspect of GG life. Just my 2c.

I totally disagree as a person who is out often mainstream, I use the ladies room as needed I do what I have to with my feet pointed in the correct direction wash my hands check my make-up and leave, having a choice not really wanting to be there. In NY State they have the gender law, a person presenting themselves as a woman can not be ticketed for using the restroom.

Tasha Meredith
04-23-2007, 04:36 AM
That's true. Like I said it's not the benign TGs I worry about. Though I have to wonder if it being law puts any GGs mind at ease.

Taurus44 GG
04-23-2007, 07:33 AM
As long as the CD is using the facility for the same purpose as I, and not displaying any inappropriate behavior, I don't have a problem with it. If a girl's gotta go, a girl's gotta go.

Rosa (GG)

Kerry Owens
04-23-2007, 07:34 AM
To me it's a scary thought, a wolf in sheeps clothing; that's all we would need

04-23-2007, 07:38 AM

I agree it is not a comfortable situation, but if I am presenting as a woman, I feel I have to use the ladies room. I guess i can only say to the GGs who are reading this that it really is a matter of necessity, and that there's nothing going on in the bathroom that I find tittilating. Often, if I'm sitting there and someone comes in, I wait until they're gone before getting up. And I make sure I know where all the single-occupancy bathrooms are in town!


04-23-2007, 08:01 AM
I have no problem with it and as like Sandra said.....so long as they don't make a bit issue out of it themselves.........................There is no way that I'd ever want Sher to go anywhere else but the ladies room when Sher................EVER. We have never ran into any problem except the time a young lady asked Sher if she had a "Feminine product"...I just answered.for her.....no sorry we don't:rolleyes:

Emily Ann Brown
04-23-2007, 08:40 AM
Let me chime in and add that while I have used the ladies room many times before, I am still nervous that some lady in there will detect me and start a scene.....and I'll wet my panties before I can escape to the mens room to let nature take her course. I am very careful to be in just long enough to do what the room is for and escape in a ladylike manner.

Emily Ann

04-23-2007, 08:42 AM
It seems in reading the poll, answers here and comments on the CBC interview with Prof. Gilbert, that some GGs take offense about the fact that the CDers are mostly heterosexual and therefore potentially aroused by whatever they see in there. I've also personally noted some negative reaction in that situation. Makes me wonder if lesbians are confronted with the same issue - ah, but then how would you know?

04-23-2007, 08:48 AM
There is no known incident of a tg person or pretender bothering any one in the Women's bathroom. Not one, ever.
There are thousands of incidents of butch looking women getting harassed by other women in the women's rest room and often told to leave. They are just too masculine looking.
There are thousands of incidents of femme looking men getting harassed by other men for looking too feminine.
Bathroom safety is a much larger issue than just concerns us.
Gender variant looking people have all kinds of problems.

Iniquity Blonde GG
04-23-2007, 08:53 AM
I dont have a big issue with it, but ( as have been said ) as long as they came in "dressed" thats fine . & yes GG's would be alittle cautious ( human nature ) .

Kieron Andrew
04-23-2007, 08:59 AM
ive been out with many MTF TS's and TV's over the years, and as long as they are dressed enfemme they have the right to use the female toilets as long as they are not there to cause trouble, i.e go in do the business, come out wash hands and go, ive even witnessed GG's sharing makeup tips and perfume advice with my TV/TS friends :D......i dont see a problem with it.....besides being FTM i use the gents anyway....again going in doing the business and leaving

if a dressed MTF was to go in the gents they are likely to get a bad reception and it could get nasty, so i would fear for their safety

Rachael Turner
04-23-2007, 09:00 AM
I dont have a big issue with it, but ( as have been said ) as long as they came in "dressed" thats fine . & yes GG's would be alittle cautious ( human nature ) .

I had to use the ladies in a very crowded AC casino on a Saturday night around 1 AM. Place was full of women. I went in, used the facilites, washed my hands, checked my makeup and left. No incident, and some even smiled and said hello. Just go in and do what you have to do and leave. There usually wont be an issue.

04-23-2007, 09:33 AM
Our GG's here all are the most understanding on the planet. But we sure have a lot of work to do regarding our image with the rest of the GG world.


GothicAngel GG
04-23-2007, 12:06 PM
As a GG here's my :2c:

In my late teens to very earily 20's I was introduced to the GLBTG scene and have shared many a bathrooms with men. Hell I was married to a strait man who wasn't a C.D. and he took more time in there than most C.D.s I know!lol:D
I honestly would rather share a bathroom with a C.D. than most real GG's that are too flighty. I'm a real femme tomboy I guess and get along with men generally better than I do women. Besides most C.D.'s know all the best places to get really cool platforms(which I love)...:p My current Boifriend is a C.D. and I figure if I can share a bathroom and mirror time with him at home why not any other C.D./T.V. in a public bathroom. If you honestly look at it...you are in there for usually one main purpose......to relieve yourself, not to galk at others.


Kieron Andrew
04-23-2007, 12:12 PM
I honestly would rather share a bathroom with a C.D. than most real GG's that are too flighty.
That that my thinking too.....

04-23-2007, 12:32 PM
I can't really see where else a dressed CD could go, except to the ladies'- she would cause a bit of an uproar in the gents! And most of the time if she kept a low profile, don't think anyone else would bother much. I can see it might be different in a club with a load of drunk ladettes, but I don't frequent those places myself.

04-23-2007, 01:53 PM
Last year at HEF2006, I used the ladies room a few times. One time I had finished and was standing at the mirror re-applying my lipstick when I heard another tolet flush. Next thing I knew this GG was standing beside me, looking at herself in the mirror. She was defienctly a GG, since she had a very low cut dress on. She commented me on my heels and then left. I know she was not a sister, since I did not see her at any of the functions and there was a sign on the door, which said that Tri_Ess members were allowed to use the restroom. If she was a guest, I had to assume that she knew that a CD convention was going on, since we had a big sign and banner in the lobby.
Then one evening after a Tri-Ess meeting a few of us went to the local IHOP and before leaving, some of us used the ladies room. Again nothing was said about or to us while we were in there. We did our businness and left.
As long as you don't draw any attention to yourself and get in and get out, you will normally will not have a problem.

Joy Carter
04-23-2007, 05:20 PM
Some really good answers here. Thank you all for your input.

Country Gal, You can be sure If we run into each other in a restroom. I'm giving you a wide path. Cus I know you'll be a packin.:eek:

And Kerry O. I hate wool ! LoL

I'm not ready for the day when I have to go. So I don't drink anything, the whole day before I go out for an evening. I just don't think I'd be prepared to go a few rounds (in heels), with some GG's guy who felt he had to defend her honer.

04-23-2007, 05:26 PM
When in FEM I do as the females do whether it be the Ladies Bathroom or the Ladies Fitting Rooms. So far I have not had an issue. I have even stood in line in both occasions until I was free to go in and still had no issues.

04-23-2007, 05:53 PM
Country Gal, You can be sure If we run into each other in a restroom. I'm giving you a wide path. Cus I know you'll be a packin.:eek:

:heehee: :heehee:
you can count on it!! :devil: :D
But I'm still friendly!! :hugs:


04-23-2007, 06:09 PM
I use the ladies room the stalls have doors and if there are children in there I'll wait till they leave. I sure not looking for anything but relief it takes away time from being out.

Butterfly Bill
04-23-2007, 06:10 PM
I have gone into the men's room in a dress more times than I can count and I have never been beat up or raped. I walk in and head for a stall, then do whatever number I have to do in there. I will not stand at a urinal with hiked up skirt. If I have to use the sink I do it rapidly and then get out of there without hanging around.

I am told that women are sometimes friendly and willing to chat in a ladies' room. I know it is certainly not that way in the men's. Most all of the dudes are paranoid about being approached by a gay man, or being perceived as a gay man hitting on someone. Everybody in the men's room treats each other as strangers (unless someone came in together with a friend or two). It's do your business and leave.

I remember at the Grateful Dead concerts there would be the usual humongous line in front of the women's and they would just come into the men's and go in the stalls, and all the brothers would understand this and accept it and not make any kinds of protest.

04-23-2007, 06:12 PM
Same thing happens at a Stevie Nicks concert 4 to 1 female to male ratio means a lot of women in the men's room.

04-23-2007, 06:14 PM
GG--married to a TS--checking in here.

First, I have no problems sharing a bathroom with lesbians, and being bi myself, I wonder what most straight women would think if they stopped to ponder that issue. It's the same thing really -- gender <> sexual orientation.

If you are dressed seriously like a woman, attempting to pass, then come on in. I'll respect you 100%.

If you are obviously out as "a guy in a dress" as a joke or as a halloween costume, then no. Stay out, find a unisex bathroom, or cooperate with someone to clear the room before you use it. Sorry, but you know what I mean.

I wouldn't tolerate a perv in the bathroom no matter what gender they present as - if you're in my bathroom to cop a look I'll call the police - no matter if you're male or female.

04-23-2007, 07:38 PM
I'd be shocked, sorta would feel violated..not sure why, thats just the thought that popped into my head. But then again, if the CD went into the mens room dressed like that, in a place other then a LGBT friendly bar or such, there could be problems there as well. So, I'd rather see em in the womens restroom, then possibly get harrassed/assaulted in the mens room.
Strange answer I know, but oh well, at 3am my brain just doesnt function like it does during the day.

Ah, but I'd have to guess your response and your feelings are of course affected by the fact that you are married to one of us and so have a better understanding of all of it to include the down side to us using the mens room. I'd take a WAG (That's Wild A$$ed Guess) that your typical woman doesn't care in the least how we would be treated using the mens room, she doesn't want us in HER bathroom! lol By the way, the womens bathroom is something I haven't done - too worried about how ugly that could get.

04-23-2007, 07:40 PM
I wopuld probabley feel the same as men would if a GG came in to use their male restroom, a bit shocked, and wonder what the heck if they were not presenting as fully fem, and to be honest would probably challenge them as to why they were there,............ however if they were dressed fully fem (and spotted them)I would more than probably hang around to make sure that they were not clocked and challenged by other GG's ...... in otherwords do me mother hen bit


Thank you thank you thank you for caring!

((( Jess )))


Fab Karen
04-23-2007, 07:45 PM
That's true. Like I said it's not the benign TGs I worry about.

non-benign TG's? If such a thing exists, they are the closeted ones who never dress up fully & wouldn't ever go out in public in femme mode, much less use a public ladies room.

Also the idea that a pervert could easily "get a peep show" isn't the reality- i.e. even if a lesbian tried to look at other women in some state of undress, they'd be attempting to look inside the stall & and other women would be saying "what the hell are you doing?"

As has been said, we go in to pee &/or touch up make-up, that's it.

04-23-2007, 08:01 PM
There is no question that I will need to use the rest room when out dating, either for lunch or an evening, since I date a lot. I enjoy wine with meals, and coffee after, and at 70 I am on water pills! I only date enfemme, and always use restaurant, theater and club ladies rest rooms. Those water pills are a tremendous motivation for using the facilities. I have chatted with many gg's in various restrooms while repairing makeup with no problems. Several times a year I find myself in one of our city's finest hotel restaurants, and those rest rooms are always filled with gg's when I go in. In deference to those that have yet to clear this hurdle, I did feel the expected butterflies the first few times, but sucked it up and now don't give it a second thought. Just do what you are there for in a business like way, and behave in a ladylike manner, and there shouldn't be any problems. In a semi-reverse situation, gg's presenting as women mix in and use the mens restrooms at some sporting events, and the guys respect their presence and don't even bat an eye. If you gotta go, you gotta go!

Tamara Croft
04-23-2007, 08:06 PM
Doesn't bother me, besides, it's probably safer for a T-Girl to use our rest rooms ;) As long as they put the seat back down :tongueout

Eva Diva
04-23-2007, 08:14 PM
I read an article several years ago - God knows where - that described women who won't use the bathroom in their own apartment when they have a date over for the night. Apparently, in a small flat, they don't want the guy to hear them pee. No wonder they're too sensitive to have a guy dressed as a woman in the bathroom with them - makes sense to me. :D

Women are very strange beings.

Eva Diva
04-23-2007, 08:16 PM
Doesn't bother me, besides, it's probably safer for a T-Girl to use our rest rooms ;) As long as they put the seat back down :tongueout

I assume they would sit down. If they stood facing in, it might be a bit of a give-away. :D

04-23-2007, 08:22 PM
Well, in the town I often visit while in femme mode, the establishments I frequent usually have small "one-holer" restrooms. And when I use a women's restroom I always sit down!

Shelly R
04-23-2007, 08:25 PM
GG--married to a TS--checking in here.

First, I have no problems sharing a bathroom with lesbians, and being bi myself, I wonder what most straight women would think if they stopped to ponder that issue. It's the same thing really -- gender <> sexual orientation.

If you are dressed seriously like a woman, attempting to pass, then come on in. I'll respect you 100%.

If you are obviously out as "a guy in a dress" as a joke or as a halloween costume, then no. Stay out, find a unisex bathroom, or cooperate with someone to clear the room before you use it. Sorry, but you know what I mean.

I wouldn't tolerate a perv in the bathroom no matter what gender they present as - if you're in my bathroom to cop a look I'll call the police - no matter if you're male or female.

To Claireswife, I agree with you all the way.
As a pre-op MTF I have always used the Womens Restrooms without a problem.I don't consider that a cool place to hang out, Too much time off the floor, and away from my friends.
Pervs in the bathroon, No way either, scream!

Tamara Croft
04-23-2007, 08:36 PM
I assume they would sit down. If they stood facing in, it might be a bit of a give-away. :DYes I know... was a bit of a joke :slap:


Tasha Meredith
04-23-2007, 09:09 PM
non-benign TG's?
See claireswife-gg's post. Maybe I'm just jaded, but it seems absurdly easy for a predator to exploit the policy and get in any facility he pleases. We're all acting like only life-long TGs are the ones wanting to get in. Rosy glasses. I think it's the kind of policy only the GGs are qualified to consent to. They're the one's behind the drawbridge we're trying to lower, not us.

I'm not saying I'm 100&#37; opposed to it. It *could* open the door for even more-meaningful equal treatment milestone. But I seriously have mixed feelings.

04-24-2007, 12:13 AM
Whenever possible, try to have a GG go with you. Girlfriends will always agree if you're sincere in what you're doing.

04-24-2007, 02:32 AM
I have gone into the men's room in a dress more times than I can count and I have never been beat up or raped. I walk in and head for a stall, then do whatever number I have to do in there. I will not stand at a urinal with hiked up skirt. If I have to use the sink I do it rapidly and then get out of there without hanging around.

No offense intended Bill, but if you looked like you do in your avatar it's not likely that anyone would tread on you. :hugs: Having suffered more than one peer beat down as a child for being too girly makes me cautious. There is also the knowledge that I may trigger some repressed homophobia because I may look a little too much like the opposite sex and therefore cause a conflict in someone's self image. It's a bit scary over there.

04-24-2007, 10:34 AM
many cities have laws that state that a person may use the restroom that fits their presentation of gender. Which means if you are presenting yourself as a female, then you have the legal right to use the ladies restroom. Some cities don't. I know Dallas has this law. That does not mean that everyone else around you knows it, so jsut be careful. I have used the ladies restroom while dressed with no problems. As has been said, just go in, do your business, and get out.

Kate Simmons
04-24-2007, 10:39 AM
Doesn't bother me, besides, it's probably safer for a T-Girl to use our rest rooms ;) As long as they put the seat back down :tongueoutWe have unisex rest rooms at the club. I make it a point to put the seat down even if I go in there as Rich. I get a kick out of the quizical expression when a guy comes back out after he saw I was in there.:happy:

kathy gg
04-24-2007, 05:46 PM
it is a no brainer to me...dressed as a ____ use the ____ bathroom. End of story. I don't have a problem or issue or anything. The only people I am cautious of in bathrooms are the ones with camera phones peeking under my stall!:eek:

Kieron Andrew
04-24-2007, 05:54 PM
it is a no brainer to me...dressed as a ____ use the ____ bathroom. End of story. I don't have a problem or issue or anything. The only people I am cautious of in bathrooms are the ones with camera phones peeking under my stall!:eek:
*makes a note to hide the camera phone when ever meeting Kathy*

04-24-2007, 09:06 PM
This website may be of help:

Safe2pee (http://safe2pee.org/beta/)

04-24-2007, 09:45 PM
A bathroom is a bathroom. If you got to go you got to go. I've been in the gents room more then a few times when girls have walked in. Granted its mostly accidently but my point is if you have to go your going to go. If its me and I am dressed I'll use the girls if not then its the guys for me.

Phoebe Reece
04-24-2007, 09:56 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned that one of the big differences between using a "Mens" room and a "Ladies" room are the customs regarding conversations. Guys rarely talk to one another when in the Men's room. Sometimes there might be a greeting if you run into someone you haven't seen in awhile, but rarely a real conversation. In the "Ladies", conversations are not rare at all - even between strangers. I have to say it was a little unnerving when recently the wife of a CD friend engaged me in ordinary conversation in the "Ladies" room as she did her makeup at the mirror and I did my business in a nearby stall (closed and sitting of course).

A GG friend sent my wife the following joke recently which sort of illustrates this:

I was traveling back to my hometown and, responding to Mother Nature, decided to stop at one of those rest areas on the side of the road.
I went into the washroom. The first stall was taken, so I went into the second stall. I had just sat down when I heard a voice from the other stall.
"Hi there, how is it going?"

I am not the type to strike up conversations with strangers while sitting on the john in restrooms on the side of the road. I didn't know what to do, but finally I said, "Not bad."
Then the voice said, "So, what are you doing?"
At this point, I was starting to find the situation a bit weird, but I said, "Well, I'm headed back east."

Then I heard the person, all flustered, say, "Look, I'll call you back. Every time I ask you a question, the idiot in the next stall keeps answering me!!!"

04-24-2007, 11:20 PM
:heehee: :heehee: :heehee:
Thanks for sharing Phoebe, I just about chocked on my drink when I read that, its hilarous!!!

Joy Carter
04-24-2007, 11:26 PM
Doesn't bother me, besides, it's probably safer for a T-Girl to use our rest rooms ;) As long as they put the seat back down :tongueout

Ah the seat thing. What's up with that one GG's ?

04-25-2007, 12:57 AM
the seat dont bother me, heck if I gotta go in the middle of the night here at home, I gotta do the *feel* test and see if the seat is up or not. learnt that real quick after fallin in 3 nights in a row

04-25-2007, 11:02 AM
Kathy gg, had someone use a microscopic camera phone on their shoe, I was in line at the casino cashier, and he dropped a couple of chips, and was really slow about picking them up, so , of course, I beat him to it. I had a kinda short flared skirt on, and thongs, OMG.
I didn't think anything of it, but something in his eyes, and facial expression, I figured it out. Sooooo,

the bathrooms are mostly safe, unless you are at a large TG seminar, you'll have to beat a path to the mirror to freshen your lipstick!:heehee:

Lovely Rita
04-27-2007, 07:32 AM
Good question Joy

I would be very curious to know.

kathy gg
04-27-2007, 02:03 PM
*makes a note to hide the camera phone when ever meeting Kathy*

Hey now....for you.....I'll make an exception! haha!:D