View Full Version : Fear

Question Mark
04-24-2007, 01:40 AM
I've read some of Jennifer Diane Reitz's writings on transgender issues, and one of the things she touches on is that, if EMTs discover your birth sex, they may very well leave you to die on the operating table. It's sad, because it sounds like a grim reality for those of us who transition. Have any of you had a fear of this while transitioning? It's one of those things that kind of frightens me.

04-24-2007, 02:06 AM
Wow! If EMTs let anyone die when they could have saved them, they should be brought up for murder. There job, just like nurses and doctors is to help save people until someone more qualified can take over. Anything can happen in this world, but I would need a lot of evidence to prove that EMTs do that on a regular or even occasional basis. I haven't read the works you mentioned, but I would not worry about that at all. Maybe others here have some experience with this.

04-24-2007, 02:52 AM
As a nurse let me say that I pray to God that no-one would ever do that!!! I can't imagine that happening. When you get someone in an emergency situation you kind of slip into another mode. This is not a "person" but a "patient". Afterwards I would have no doubt that there are quite a few that may be laughing behind your back and having a good story to tell over coffee later on, but to let someone die I don't think that would happen and I can be as cynical as anyone.

04-24-2007, 04:55 AM
Sorry to dissapoint the optimists here, but yes, this has happened before - at least once.

This case was mentioned in a book I'm reading, I read about it just last night. It's sickening.

Question Mark
04-24-2007, 08:41 AM
Christ, that happened in D.C.? o_O I would've thought it'd be middle-of-nowhere or something. There's no excuse for that level of xenophobia in a major city.

04-24-2007, 09:47 AM
I guess the bottom line is that EMTs, doctors and nurses are people with their own prejudices too. It's sad really. These people need to be educated about us even more than the general population.

The story that scared me most was the one of the transguy who wasn't allowed to get surgery because he was trans and died of ovarian cancer (see the documentary, "Southern Comfort"). :Angry3: I was afraid something like that might happen to me (fortunately I was finally able to get my surgery).

Kate Simmons
04-24-2007, 11:37 AM
I'll never know, I guess. The time I collapsed at the club(en femme) a couple of years ago (later we found out it was the flu) a couple of off duty EMT's who were gay friends of mine were at the club and helped me and summoned the ambulance. It just so happened it was their squad who came and they told them to take good care of me. I was treated very well by both the EMT's and the ER personnel. Maybe I was lucky, I guess?:happy:

Stephenie S
04-24-2007, 03:23 PM
Yes, the incident mentioned above DID happen and the TS or CDer DID die and this IS sickening.

But the media attention that the subsequent trial generated resulted in a LOT of attention being paid to this potential problem. EMTs, and all other medical professionals now get a lot more awareness training than they used to. When I applied for my California license I had to take a 30 credit diversity training course.

This travesty of morality and justice is very unlikely to happen ever again.

And BTW, they did not let their patient die on the operating table, they just let her die in the street.

Also, years ago there was much more fear of AIDS than there is now. Some people used to think you could get AIDS from just touching a homosexual. I was once denied medical attention because the physician thought I must be gay (and therefor might have AIDS). This was in the late 1970s I think, if I remember correctly.


Oops, I just read the above report instead of relying on my memory, and I learned that they DID let her die on the operating table and that it was not just the EMTs who were so bigoted, but the ER staff also. Whew! This story is worse than I remembered it.

Shelly R
04-24-2007, 11:35 PM
Jezzzzz, That's tough. Something I had not thought of, or would even dream of happening. Makes me think twice.
I work with the elderly, 24/7. I expect myself to keep them alive at any cost. I am not professionally trained, but I know enough to put a few doctors on the spot. With todays level of social education I would hardly expect that to happen now in any hospital setting.
Considering the suprise, and lack of knowlege by some PCP's I've gotten about Transgender issues and hormones, I'm not suprised. Probably why I sometimes work with the HCAP (Health Care Access Program) for our county, We would like to promote a Trans specific clinic funded by the county. If we can not get that I have proposed that the county might fund further education to the medical community, their staff, and office personnel about Trans. issues and our specific needs.
Hope I did not get too off topic, just how I feel :o

04-25-2007, 12:12 PM
I think we are making a mistake of painting all of the medical community with the same brush; dangerous in my opinion and certainly prejudicial.

The medical community are caring and sensitive people. They are professionals, highly trained to respond to the situation at hand first and above all. Their prejudices will take a back seat.

Yes there are a few who dont fit that mould but they are few and very far between. I think the risks would be so low as to be not worth counting.


04-26-2007, 12:04 AM
Just to chime in, my father was a EMT (and afterwards a policeman) and he had storys of ts's that he had to take care of, Never did I hear him orANY of his sqaud mates make any jokes or refused to help, Nor did I ever hear any cop (and I know alot) do the same. and I live in REDNECK/Hillbilly BFE WV.

I have heard atleast 50+ cases over the the years. and I can think of only one where a fireman in the next town over Refused to do his job, he is in jail for life w/o porole for it.

yes it happenes and it sucks but just like most things it's super rare for someone in that field to do it and EXPECALY get a way with it. :\

hopes to you all