View Full Version : Planning what to wear

Iniquity Blonde GG
04-27-2007, 12:12 PM
Do you , plan in advance what you want to wear when you c/d ? or is it a spur-of-the-moment type thing ?
For instance, say you knew you had the chance to dress tomorrow, would you plan tonight ( in advance ) what your gonna wear, or would it be more : " il grab whatever i can whilst i have this chance " ?? :rolleyes:
I dont lol, just grab what i can in morning & thats it for the day ( unless its something special ) !! :o
So, is it pre-prepared, or just by chance +? :happy:

04-27-2007, 12:17 PM
I totally plan ahead! I love to think about what makeup I want to use, which outfit would be cute, and of course which shoes will go nicely with it. Usually the anticipation is so great that it's hard to wait a whole night but it's all worth it the when you are finally wearing something cute.

04-27-2007, 12:20 PM
It totally depends! For a special reason like a night out I do plan. Match to the occasion, weather, people out, my mood and if nothing suits buy something new! As for everyday sort of things like shopping and such then I just grab whatever takes my fancy I don't spend too much time worrying about it. Obviously it has to be appropriate! I look to blend in, not stand out! I usually go for the nice fem jeans and tight T-shirt look that is popular. I'm looking forward to vest tops and light skirts that all the girls wear here in the summer!

Gina xx

Shelly Preston
04-27-2007, 12:42 PM
I would say its like most things

Sometimes its is planned and other times its a last miniute thing and a change of mind as well :lol2:

Bonnie D
04-27-2007, 12:48 PM
I plan ahead. Then on that day I put what I planned on then I change something and then something else then I spend some time in it. Then I change again and maybe again. :D Then when my time is up I put it all away.


04-27-2007, 12:50 PM
I have loads of lingere, but I only have two dresses, one skirt, and one top so my planning is easy, it depends on the weather! :heehee:

Staci G
04-27-2007, 12:51 PM
to choose from anyway but I wear what strikes me at the moment

Brianna Lovely
04-27-2007, 01:26 PM
I have several different outfits that I wear for every day type stuff. Several skirts, shorts, capries, tops, shoes and purses are used for shopping, luncheons, dine-outs. I make sure they all go together ahead of time.

When I travel, which is often, that's a whole different story. But I do try to plan what outfits I'll need for casual, and semi-formal occasions and of course at least ten pair of shoes.

Karren H
04-27-2007, 01:53 PM
Always planned, days in advance and organized into my two nylon totes... Based on where I'm going, who will see me, and what the weather will be there... Usually just what I need with sometimes an alternate skirt or top, matching jewelry, the correct makeup and wig... Usuall the primary shoes and one set of backups.. One pair of extra nylons... Toothbrush, tooth whitner, tweezers and razor.... The correct lingerie for the outfit and the correct breast forms for the lingerie... Purse packed with a few extras and femmy sun glasses... Pink umbrella if necessary... Cleanup supplies.... Camera!!!! Lol

All organized and packed in the order I will be donning them..

Its a system and its served me well for my type of "Just-in-time" crossdressing...

I have been accused of over-engineering things before... Hehe


Kate Simmons
04-27-2007, 03:32 PM
Depends on what the occassion is Angie. The club I go to has "theme weekends", i.e. TG/CD weekend, Little girl weekend, Women's weekend, Men's weekend, etc., so I sometimes pick out my outfit in mind for who's gonna be there, what wig and stuff like that. Sometimes though, even with all of that, I almost get ready and feel the look isn't "working" so I start from scratch. Just like a woman, right? Hey, no one ever said it was easy.:heehee:

Rita Knight
04-27-2007, 03:34 PM
I plan ahead, but if I am going to a place I know, I try to dress according to the lighting conditions. Right now, I really like posting photos on my Flickr page. I am getting to the point that for example, at Triangles, I want to dress in light colors because it is so dark there. That way, I pop out more of the photos. In a more neutral, well lit setting, darker colors are better. You also have to pick your wig color relative to your clothing color. Also factor in weather and how hot a place is.

04-27-2007, 03:44 PM
:dance: Planned, always planned. Even down to the undies I'm afraid, I usually figure out which ones the night before. Entirely too uptight I suppose! :happy:

04-27-2007, 04:09 PM
I always prepare the night before, but reserve the right to change based on: 1 - the seemingly unending nasty, nightmarish weather we've been having in New England, and 2. - A woman's prerogartive to change her mind..:)

Fab Karen
04-27-2007, 04:21 PM
Planned ahead. Figure out which, and shoes that go with it. & the right stockings have to go with shoes or you have to change something. Sometimes a back-up is helpful, you try it on to see how you feel about it, and sometimes you think "nah, not this one."

04-27-2007, 04:27 PM
I'm about 50/50. I like planning what to wear during the day, and coming home and dressing up!

04-27-2007, 04:37 PM
I plan if I'm going to church or to a event but if I'm just going shopping or staying around the house after work I'll just gab something cute and some lipstick with eye shadow. When I wasn't dressing everyday I use to plan everything down to the minute so I didn't waste any time trying to find things.

04-27-2007, 04:59 PM
I cant speak from a whole lot of experience, but I just had my first day out last saturday, and I had been planning it for about 2 months, bought a new outfit just for the occasion (see avatar).

Phoebe Reece
04-27-2007, 04:59 PM
For me, getting fully crossdressed is always an occasion worth some planning. However, once I get my makeup done and start to put on what I had planned to wear, I often check the mirror and decide to wear something different. I may try on 3 or 4 different things before I settle on something I will keep on. That's just part of the fun.....

04-27-2007, 05:49 PM
I dont plan... since I met my S/O she plans what I wear which makes it all the more fun...:heehee:

Take Care :hugs:

04-27-2007, 06:02 PM
Nah I don't plan. Though I do deliberate a bit. I'll get dressed and think. uhh.. no this isn't right for today, then try something else. The coolest thing about womens clothes in matching and pairing clothes up. With guy clothes, you can pretty much be thoughtless about what your going to wear. With womens clothes, you can change a shirt or shoes and give your outfit an entirely new look. Man I love the options I get with womens clothes. Of course I dress everyday, though I am guilty of it usually being jeans and t-shirt, so I'm usually pretty casual.

Melanie R
04-27-2007, 06:04 PM
I plan ahead. Tomorrow night I am going to the play, I am My Own Wife. My otfit is a long black dress with a teal color overblouse. If I am going out in public such as to the mall, I dress down very casual.

Alice B
04-27-2007, 06:05 PM
The best part of knowing a date you can dress is in the planning. Thinking about what you want to wear, what make-up you will use, what shoes and accessories make the actual dressing, etc. all the more exciting. I have not had the chance to dress in almost two months and I know that next Thursday I have the whole day to myself. I'm already thinking about what I'll do and can't wait.

Waiting until the last moment makes you feel rushed and in my opinion, you don't do as good a job or get as much satisfaction from the experience. And it is the experience and the feelings that goes with it that drive us to dress.:hugs:

04-27-2007, 06:10 PM
Sometimes I plan and sometimes its spur of the moment. If I planning on doing something then next day, then I'll have to plan what time I'm going to change, what to wear, etc.
If just want do something at the last minute, then I'll just dressup in a flash.

04-27-2007, 06:26 PM
Most days I just wing-it. But on the days that I have my hair done... Well I usually have what I'm going to wear figured out the day before.
I'm sure that for any special occasion, planning would be a good thing. But, I do sometimes change my mind at the last minute. Hey... A girl is allowed to change her mind.

04-27-2007, 06:36 PM
I thinks it's the spur of the moment for me,I spent a fortune on clothes Wednesday:D and i still couldn't decide what to wear when i went out next,On Thursday i went out in my new jeans and new tight brown top and brown boots.
Tonight i had the chance to get out only for 1 hr ( wife was asleep )so i grabbed the same as last night then decided on my new long black skirt,cream boots and cream long sleeve top,i nearly grabbed the black mini skirt in my pic but thought i might stand out a bit much.:devil:
Now next wednesday i will be in the house on my own all afternoon ( so looking forward to this ) and its going to be a makeup and dress up time and hopefully i might be able to get out without the neighbours seeing me for a little walkabout:be:

04-27-2007, 06:39 PM
I plan which pair of panties I'll wear to work tomorrow lol.
I plan my dressing sessions completely.


Kate Simmons
04-27-2007, 06:39 PM
Well, one time when I was very young, I made a nice dress for myself to go to the ball, but then two of my CD sisty uglers came along and got jealous of my pretty dress and my looks and ripped the dress to shreds and cut my wig into a million pieces. Lucky for me, my CD Fairy Godmother came along and whipped me up a beautiful gown in no time flat and a very pretty wig. I went to the ball and had a wonderful time dancing but when the clock struck midnight, I woke up as Rich. Bummer, huh?Real dream though. Anyway, that dream inspired me to always try and look different and never what anyone expects. I even surprise myself sometimes.:happy:

Iniquity Blonde GG
04-28-2007, 04:03 AM
Wow lol !! seems like im abit "slap happy" when it comes to clothes , re: what to wear !!:eek: if its clean ironed and ready that suits me lol :D

04-28-2007, 04:36 AM
i do abit of both, i have a few ideas in my head, and one the day i'll choose the best one for that day

Suzie S.
04-28-2007, 05:47 AM
Angie, I typically just pick something out of the closet that strikes me at the moment. Since I don't leave the house dressed, it doesn't matter too much. :rolleyes:

04-28-2007, 07:07 AM
I definitely enjoy planning ahead. I enjoy the anticipation and excitement of placing a cute outfit on the chair next to my bed and knowing that when I wake in the morning, I will slip into it. I usually lay everything out that night, including the hose, bra, panties and heels. As for makeup, the planning process is not as intricate as I usually stick to a few shades of lipstick, rouge, eyeliner and mascara.

04-28-2007, 07:12 AM
Unless it's a special occasion of some sort, which, for me is rare, I just go with whatever I'm feeling when I get dressed. I'm usually a very casual girl, so for me it's usually a demin mini skirt. over-sized tee and some really cute shoes/sandals. Nice and simple...

04-28-2007, 08:04 AM
planning for first girlie outing in public - weeks in preparation. agonising over what looks good, too plain, too tarty, too vulnerable - researching what the GGs are wearing so i dont stand out. will be more spontaneous when confident. i spend ages getting 'the look' right and accessorizing.

if i was going to an event (not that i have yet) - probably a bit more care cos you want to look your best


04-28-2007, 08:15 AM
Afraid I've got the overplanning bug too Karen! When I get back from my monthly outing with the gurls, I start planning what to where for the next one! If something unexpected comes up, like the wedding a couple months back, I have a "fashion show" the night before and pick out a couple of outfits. I always have 1 or 2 backup outfits packed in case of a wardrobe malfunction or my mood changes or the group decides to go some place different that calls for a different "look". I carry backups of everything. It just makes me more relaxed bacause I don't have to worry. Once everything is checked off on my pack-up list (that comes from years of camping experience) I am ready to go!

04-28-2007, 09:19 AM
Plan ahead - no question!
No way around it, being a male trying to look female, most of us have to devote quite a bit of effort to finding something that we like and that fits and compliments the male body. Most of us have a few muscles that your average female doesn't have, an extra rib, and of course an adams apple. :-(
Spur of the moment and throw something on - uh huh, nope.