View Full Version : Soon to be outed...

04-28-2007, 02:50 PM
I am so nervous at the moment, and i cant sleep. Basically yesterday i was looking up breast forms and a couple others things and i wrote them down on a piece of paper. Anyway i get out the shower and head back into the lounge, my sister and dad are at home and my sister goes to me "whats this for?", and points at the paper. i had accidently left it out.

I quickly put my finger infront of my mouth for her to keep quiet cause my dad was sitting watching tv. And a bit later i sat down by the computer and she asked again quietly, and i said i would tell her later. I think she knows something for sure now, but i might as well tell her this next week. cause then she can by me things and help with my putting my lipstick and everything else on.

But im still so nervous incase she thinks im a complete freak and tells my parents. So wish me luck :happy:


04-28-2007, 03:07 PM
Maybe you should talk to her sooner than later. When you do, you may come completely clean, or just let her know of your interest to learn more about it. That may spark a more open conversation. You can then judge her reaction prior to spilling all the beans. Don't expect her to become your CD GG/sister partner either. She may need her time to adjust to your new side that she has not seen before. Just like with a wife or SO, take it one step at a time and let her come around to it. Good luck.

04-28-2007, 04:51 PM
hi u should tell her if u think she'd b ok i told mine and she was great good luck xx

Shelly Preston
04-28-2007, 04:57 PM
When you do this be prepared to answer to answer lots of questions

Dont expect this to be easy you have a to be careful not to overload her with information

Angie G
04-28-2007, 08:06 PM
WellJess good luce girl :hugs:

04-29-2007, 08:11 AM
thanks your for your tips and support girls, im going to tell her this fri when my parents have left to go to a brithday up the coast for the weekend. I will let everyone know how it goes i promise.


04-29-2007, 08:31 AM
I hope it works out OK Jess between you and your sister. If it does then maybe you gain a resource for advice.

Tamara Croft
04-29-2007, 09:55 AM
I think she knows something for sure now, but i might as well tell her this next week. cause then she can by me things and help with my putting my lipstick and everything else on.Don't you think you're jumping the gun a bit here? What makes you think she's even going to accept it just like that? You need to get back down to earth, you're going to tell her you like to dress like a woman... and you think she is just going to embrace it and help you? Maybe she will, who knows, but you should be ready just incase she freaks out.

04-29-2007, 11:44 PM
I told my sister, well my sister caught me and I told her everything. I was very lucky the my sister was very accepting of it. I know this isn't always the case, I hope it is for you. I know you are looking forward to all the help she will bring but she might not accept it you have to be thinking of that. She might be cool with but want nothing to do with it. I hope everything works out for you.

04-29-2007, 11:58 PM
I hope you are that lucky, But I was thinking along the same line as Tamara. She might not embrace your dre3ssing. And she might broadcast our secret to everyone. Just a thought...BJ
pds...I hope you are luckier.

Leah B
04-30-2007, 01:16 AM
Tamara's right. Your sis may not be as excited about female you as you are. Even if she is, she'd still have a lot of adjusting to do. Expect difficulty.

05-01-2007, 11:46 AM
i thought about it and i think you girls are right. me and my sister have always been close with our secrets hidden fro mom and dad. so that is why i hope she will accept me as a girl. But i will prepare myself for the worst. thanks for your help and concern.


05-01-2007, 11:56 AM
Tamara's right. Your sis may not be as excited about female you as you are. Even if she is, she'd still have a lot of adjusting to do. Expect difficulty.

Sisters and friends tend to be much more accepting of transgendered behavior than wives, lovers, or parents, who, for various reasons, are more likly to "freak out"---I suspect that she will be ok with it. Let us know.

05-01-2007, 12:12 PM
hope it works out 4 u my sis has bin great even luvs that i am a tv fingers crossed 4 u hun xx

Emily Ann Brown
05-01-2007, 01:00 PM
I'm with MsJanessa on this basic principle......women in general seem to be very sympathetic about our dressing UNLESS THEY ARE MARRIED TO US !

Emily Ann

06-07-2007, 10:58 PM
The other day i was washing my panties while nobody was home and went and got in the shower. when i finished i my sister was standing at the door with a weird smile on her face, i said hello and walked to my room and put some clothes on. When i came out of my room she looked at me with playful eyes and says, " so whos panties are those being washed? cause they're not mine or moms." I had been caught, my sister had come home sick and seen them. I told her to not to worry, but she kept chasing me and poking me while laughing. I eventually blurted it out in between laughter. She smiled and told me she had a feeling already. I think she was happy because she has a little brother and sister now. lol or because she has a secret to blackmail me with. either way, she has accepted it and we are just talking about different things for now and taking it slow. but hopefully soon we can go shopping together. but i wont get my hopes up
i am smiling from ear to ear. it feels so good to tell somebody else

Kate Simmons
06-08-2007, 03:17 AM
Just be careful Hon. I told my brother in confidence (I thought) when I first came out 6 years ago. He proceeded to blab it to the whole family behind my back and now they have very little to do with me.:straightface:

06-10-2007, 01:22 PM
Thanks Salandra, i will keep that in mind. But i have a few secrets about her sexual encounters that would make my parents dis-own her. but im not into blackmail or anything. its like a game between me and my sister.

06-10-2007, 01:39 PM
Hey shy, I tend to agree with some of the others. Here's an article you might be interested in...http://www.cdspub.com/cope01.html

Me personally, at this point in my life, I tell who I choose to tell when I choose to tell them. My family members have "caught" me more times than I probably realize. LOL.